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Hey everyone just an announcement here to let you know that I, Reinbach....am sick.  Just incapacitated sick off my ass.  Have been all weekend.  As you can imagine this has negatively affected my workflow. The Monday pin up is still on the way, but it will be quite a bit later in the night.  And if you've sent me an email or private message and I haven't responded please bear with me,  I collected quite a mountain of messages as I spent 90% of my time asleep these last couple days.  Sorry for the hold up and I'll see you soon with the new Courtney pic. 



I hope you feel better soon, man.


You just rest up and get better man. We can survive if you're late with stuff :)


Why not upload a sketch?

Bob Fink

No worries, we've all been there, just take care and get better we'll be here when you're well.


Dude, don't worry, first things first, get well and rest. Hope you feel better soon.


Ew. Being sick always sucks. Take it easy, dude.


Get well soon, mate. No rush


If it was going to be say, a full day late, I totally would have. I usually save a finished commission for these occasions when i find I have nothing to post during the 8-9 PM window on Mondays. But as it happened I didn't have one ready in this case.


Take it easy buddy. Rest well and hope you have a speedy recovery.