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POLL WINNER: Midsommar follows the story of Dani (Florence Pugh), a grieving young woman who joins her boyfriend Christian (Jack Reynor) and his friends on a trip to a remote Swedish village to partake in a mysterious midsummer festival. What begins as an innocuous exploration of a unique cultural tradition soon spirals into a chilling descent into madness.

Florence Pugh's performance is exceptional. Her portrayal of Dani's emotional journey is raw and captivating. As the unraveling festivities expose the sinister underbelly of the community, Pugh's transformation from grief-stricken to an eerie sense of belonging is a testament to her acting prowess. The supporting cast did well, bringing their characters to life with palpable authenticity. The eerie rituals and customs of the cult provide a nightmarish backdrop, leaving some in a state of perpetual unease.

Nonetheless, Midsommar is not universally appealing. The film grapples with a deliberate and at times sluggish pace that may leave some viewers yearning for a quicker narrative. The extended runtime raises questions about its necessity, making it feel somewhat overextended. Additionally, certain characters appear to exhibit lapses in logical thinking at various points in the story, which, while potentially intentional for the horror genre, might leave some scratching their heads. For some, the film's resolution might feel lacking or underwhelming, leading to questions about whether the narrative ultimately delivers a satisfying payoff.

If you appreciate horror films that linger in your memory (good or badd) and challenge the conventional boundaries of the genre, it's worth giving Midsommar a single viewing.

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: All

Watched on: Paramount+

Midsommar watch options here 

Thank you and hope you enjoy!





Oh God. Here we go. 🤣 Not a favorite of mine but another one I enjoy seeing reactions to! Lol It was good for a one time watch for me but not something I've ever rewatched, except now. 😆


im guessing people have sugguested hereditary lol but it actually be worried for oak in that reaction XD

Marco Gutierrez

It's been like a year or so since I saw this movie for the first time but yeah I think my reaction as pretty similar to ya'lls. I'm a little familiar with a few different pagan rituals and customs so some of this stuff didn't take me by surprise like the cliff suicide, but overall the movie is absolutely a very bizarre one. Not in a bad way, just bizarre. I know Oak is a little more sensitive about it all but I have absolutely no problem insulting someone's culture and customs fo they're bad. Not all cultures and ideologies are made the same, and I don't think that the fact that you grew up on them and are used to them makes it any better. My ancestors carved people's hearts out while they were still beating and tossed their heads down the stairs of pyramids, and I'm perfectly fine saying that they were savage animals.


I think you’d all like Hereditary more, from what was discussed. This movie definitely was more disturbing than horror. Whereas hereditary was a good mix of both. But I’ll also throw in Talk to me.


I haven't watched your reaction yet but back when this released, I remember people that didn't like this that much love Hereditary and people (me lol) that likes this more, doesn't like Hereditary as much. still both are really good and interesting. i'm glad you checked it out! it's one of my favorite recent films and surprisingly i've found it re-watchable.


So, this also happened with Gravity. In my country, Midsommar is not available on Paramount+, it's on Amazon Prime instead. And the Amazon Prime version seems to be very slightly sped up in comparison with the one you're watching or something. Every 10s or so your video starts lagging behind mine. I tried adjusting the playback speed on youtube to 1.05x but then your video gets slightly faster the mine and I can't get them to stay synched. I'm assuming it's a Paramount+ vs Amazon Prime thing because no one else seems to complain about this, so it can't be an issue on your end. I don't think there's anything you can do about, but it's just a bit frustrating. I don't think I'll be able to watch along with this one and it's one of my favorites :(((

Alex Boatman

Best part of the movie was when Dani picked Christian as the sacrifice, that wet lump of nothingness of a boyfriend was the reason Dani was trying to control her grief, in order to keep him in the relationship. You can see how she was set free at the end when he went up in flames by the huge smile on her face. I will say, like a lot of people have already mentioned, Hereditary is probably the more popular movie of these two; it has a much more solid story you can follow along with, which I think is what throws people off so much about Midsommar and the confusion it brings.


I ended up watching the director's cut and just pausing your video when we got out of sync. Lol I know The Answer thought the movie was long enough but the director's version had an extra 22 minutes and a couple entire scenes that were cut, one I was shocked by because it delves into another ritual that Florence stops, and another argument between the main couple. I do feel like what was cut helps give more context to certain scenes so if ever ya'll feel like revisiting, on your own time I presume, it might be worth checking out.

Lani Meneses

You guys should do all A24 horror movies! Would love if you guys watched Talk To Me and Hereditary!


Wow! This was a first time watch for me. Up until Dani won may queen, I was like this isn’t so bad. A little weird and unsettling. But man the last 45 minutes or so was very disturbing . I’m glad I didn’t have to watch a bear burn alive. Christian might have been a little weasel, but I wouldn’t wish his fate on anyone, except the worst of the worst. I don’t think I’ll be taking any trips to anyones once in a blue ceremony in a small village.