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One of the film's greatest strengths is its ability to balance light-hearted humor with genuine emotional weight. The bond between Hiro and Baymax is the heart and soul of the story, providing both heartfelt moments and hilarious antics. The film delves into themes of loss, grief, and the power of friendship, weaving them seamlessly into a superhero narrative that never feels forced or clichéd.

Visually, Big Hero 6 is a marvel to behold. The city of San Fransokyo is a stunning fusion of traditional Japanese architecture and futuristic technology, creating a vibrant and immersive world. The animation is top-notch, with breathtaking action sequences that will have viewers on the edge of their seats. From soaring through the cityscape on Hiro's microbots to the thrilling showdowns with the film's antagonist, the visuals are a feast for the eyes.

The characters in Big Hero 6 are a fun and endearing bunch, each bringing their unique skills and personalities to the team. Hiro is a relatable and dynamic protagonist, grappling with grief while learning the true meaning of heroism. Baymax steals the show with his gentle and lovable nature, providing both comic relief and poignant moments of emotional support. The supporting characters, such as the fearless GoGo, the lovable Fred, the intelligent Wasabi, and the empathetic Honey Lemon, all have their shining moments, making for a well-rounded ensemble. Just overall another well done animated film!

What was your reaction to the film? What did we miss?

Format: Watch along (Have your copy to sync)

**Copyright laws. We do not own this movie property nor can we afford rights to distribute**

First watch: Mason Quinn and Oak

Watched on: Disney Plus

Big Hero 6 Watch options 

Hope you enjoy!




Sam Harris

only 144p quality? am i just too eager to watch with you guys?

Badd Medicine

YouTube isn't being friendly at all today. HD is still processing. It has been like this for 2 hours. Hopefully soon it will be hd ready.


change the quality to 1080 instead of auto and it will help


When I just first started the video the quality was automatically 144, but i was able to manually switch it to 1080 and it seems to be working for now!


Yay! This was the only movie for May I felt excited about. Can’t wait to watch it again with your reactions! 😀


I love love LOVE baymax and I was looking for an excuse to watch this movie again. You guys just gave me one

Zen Reacts

I absolutely adore this movie. That first flight scene really takes me back to that first flight scene in Ironman. I feel like its sits in that perfect spot of a movie that doesnt really need a sequel

Josh B.

Such a great movie and was fun watching it again with you guys, there technically is a sequel but it takes place in the video game Kingdom Hearts 3, which is a friendship is power themed video game series that this movie perfectly fits in, there is also an animated series but I haven't seen it so I don't know if its as good.


Its funny how we all see these films differently. I would rate this film higher than UP and How to train your dragon. Even though those films are really good in their own way, i dont enjoy them as much as i do this film. UP = good story with lessons but i would give it a 6,5 out of 10. HTTYD = Very good story and lessons, 8 out of 10 Big hero 6 = 9,5 out of 10 Tangled = 9,5 out of 10 Even though films are solid, emotional and good, doesnt mean they touch something in you. UP didnt do that to me, its not a film i like to rewatch. Not because its not good, but besides the first 5 minuts and the story between Carl, his wife and the little guy, i dont find it that entertaining (there are probably a lot of people who disagree with me haha). The relationship between Tadashi, Hiro, Aunt Cass and the friends touch me deeply. I think its very well written and has a great balance in comedy and emotional moments. Not complaining about your Answers! I just find it funny how we all see, enjoy and experience things differently. Very respectable scores :). Also, i just thought about this: Can we give some love to Aunt Cass? She lost her sibling and their partner, took in their children, raised them without knowing how to raise children, loses one of the children, probably feeling guilt not being able to have protected them as a guardian and in every situation she tried her best to be the adult and be the rock of the family. She has also suffered huge losses and ( i assume ) made alot of sacrifices. Anyways, very much enjoyed your reactions! Im happy you all really liked this film! Cant wait for Inside Out next month.

Badd Medicine

Not that you mention Aunt Cass, she really didn't much shine at all in this. Which I get the focus is on the kids, but yeah, maybe they should've given more towards her just a little bit about her loss. Either way still a fantastic film

Chatlie Moore

Yay!!!!!! I can’t wait to dive into this one.


Great reactions guys loved this one what a fun way to start the week


Oh yay. I needed a movie to cry over today.


Im glad the scoring is kept real, I felt the same as Oak and Mason Quinn pretty good movie!

Josh B.

People thirst over her on the internet lol she gets a lot of love outside the movie.


Yes indeed! I also just realized yesterday after having seen this film many times🙈


@Josh, people thirst over her sexually, i have never seen anyone do that out of respect for the person she is. Maybe i just missed that haha


Great reaction! This is another emotional movie but so good. Thanks, guys! :)


ive been waiting for this one 😽 i love u guysss


I agree with you about Up, love the beginning and the relationships, but personally it falls off for me once you get to the forest. although I do appreciate the dog lol, the villians are just too silly. For me my faves here would be Tangled, HTTYD, Big Hero 6, and then Up. I do enjoy Big Hero 6 but it's just my 3rd time rewatching, I reach for the other two first.


My dudes, a funfact a lot of people actually don't know about the MCU, in the movie 'Age of Ultron' jarves obviously gets put into 'vision' and tony needs a new AI to manage his stuff.. you see him going through a few disks and eventually picks 'Friday' but one of the disks he goes through is also Hero's brothers disk, it says tadashi hamada :-)

Alex Boatman

Probably one of my favorite Marvel movies, being loosely based on the comics

Alanna Meyers

As someone who recommended this, I'm so happy you guys watched it and enjoyed it. It's such a fun and heartwarming movie. As someone with high-functioning autism, I relate to Baymax a lot. He takes things literally and doesn't understand double meaning or things like sarcasm. Another really good Disney movie that is fun and also deals with grief is Onward starring Chris Pratt and Tom Holland. Highly recommend.

Ryan Chan

Love this reaction. One of my favorite movies. This and UP are such good animated movies in how to deal with grief.


This was my first time watching and I cried like 5 times😭😭😭😭 what an emotional ride holy shit. Glad I got to watch with u guys!