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First watch: Oak & Mason Quinn

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Avatar the Last Airbender B2 ep 7 & 8 FULL REACTION


Amber Reed

Azula does do bad things because she likes to do them. Don't get me wrong! She absolutely was influenced heavily by her father. His parenting is highly questionable at best. He's ruthless and rewarded her for being the same. But her father gravitated to her because she demonstrated similar personality traits to his, even as a young child. Azula was a pretty naturally evil kid already. She was already smart, cunning and a child prodigy from the beginning. Her father didn't tell her to treat her brother or friends like crap when they were kids. She did it because she liked it. The mother even asks, "What is wrong with that child?" She wasn't just talking about at that particular moment. Azula had a way about her that worried her mom and made her think she was a monster. Those same traits resonated with her dad and he rewarded her for it.

Dio Legrand

Hey! it's always an interesting convo about nature vs nurture regarding her. I don't agree that she's just born evil tbh. Kids generally do questionable things & it's adults' job to teach them it's wrong. They act impulsively & test limits. Here we see Zuko hit the duck as Azula does & their mother scolds him about it. True, we don't know if her father told her to exert power over her friends/brother, but it's learned behavior (probably saw him do it to his subordinates). Ozai doesn't like weakness so he'd think Zuko deserved it. He shows obvious disdain for him which Azula mirrors. I agree he rewards her cruelty, I also think he breeds it in her. (She's still a bi*** tho, as the Answer would say hahaha)


The Oak is amazing in that he was able to pick up on the signs with Azula. I wont give spoilers but the creators did make very clear comments on what they had planned for her, and there are comics after the show ends that kind of delves into the firenation royal family dynamics. its so interesting and i love the game of throne comparisons.


ngl i almost cried like that was such a good reaction


could you tell me where I could find these creators comments?


The show definitely give hints about this being the case, too. They're just sparse and so overshadowed by her mean side that not everyone notices.


Yesss, Avatar is my favorite time of the week!

Ivan Rasmussen

The Oak brought up a great point of Azula almost taking the first son role for Firelord Ozai. I never thought of it that way but that would really explain why their relationship is so strong and why she is so much like her father. Great as usual guys!


It would be nice if you could tell us the pause point before you hit play. So if I skip my intro and hit pause, it may say I am at 01:23 into the show. If you told us what your pause point is before hitting play, I could pause mine at the same time for better syncing. Just a suggestion. 🙂


I love the last thing Zuko's mom said to him ''Never forget who you are'' There are a lot of references to Zuko being ''lost'' in the episodes, often said by his uncle who's seen him grow and change. Zuko's arc is so interesting to me because even if we know he's an antagonist, we still, as viewers, find ourselves rooting for him and hoping for a redemption. For example when there's a fight vs Azula or vs tugs, or when he's defending/protecting the weak. His mistakes, his struggles, his fears, his hopes, makes him very human, which is why we can't help but grow fond of him in a way. And then there's Azula. As the youngest sibling in my family, my other sibling being my big brother, I can definitely relate to that sort of competition there is between siblings. My personality is completely different from Azula, but I can't help but recognize I've also felt a bit at competition with my brother when I was younger. I was more studious and calm than him, while he was a bit more of a troublemaker, didn't do well in school, got into fights, and many other things, etc. My parents were very disapproving of his behavior, and as a younger child, I noticed it. I liked being what my parents expected me to be. It felt rewarding and fulfilled me in a way. My brother and I are now 27 and 29, and we've only had a conversation not too long ago at how he's always thought I was 'perfect' and he was envious. That statement from him made me cry, because I knew it wasn't true. I told him I only really did things that I knew were right by seeing how my parents reacted to my brother 'doing wrong'. In a sense, it was a bit of a façade on my part, to 'look perfect', but on the other side, I was also envious of my brother for so many other things. And I told him that. He was more outgoing, more selfless, had more friends, while I became very solitary, anxious around people, sheltering myself. He didn't necessarily have that pressure to do things perfectly, and it was okay, he had more freedom, etc. And to this day, I think he's the best brother one could ever wish for. He's doing great. He learned from his mistakes, I learned from his mistakes. He grew from them, and I just wontedly shaped myself in what I believed I should look like. I'm just empty lol. In a way, I think Azula is a bit of the same. Obviously, I think she's extremely mean but she probably learned that from her father, and noticed that he approved when she acted like that. It made him like Azula more than Zuko, who was supposed to be his heir, and she continued on that path. Anyway, long comment and slightly personal but I thought the comparison might be interesting to share. Can't wait for the next episodes!! ^^


To sync it, I usually put the video on my side right at the first frame after the white title/name of the episode disappears. And I press play when I see the same frame on their side. Usually have no issues doing that.


One of my favorite episodes of my favorite character. I love how hooked you guys are and the pure excitement is contagious haha glad to be doing a re-watch of this series with y’all 🔥 A biggie for me growing up haha

Oulianor Timothee

tiny detail here but when Zuko states who he is when fighting the earth kingdom guy he states his mother before his father, a nod to him connecting himself more to his mother than father.

Badd Medicine

You'll notice Answer say: "23:10" and then he'll do a count down. We also have the timer there to help with the sync. We can add something in the description for a start marker too.


I’m just wondering are you guys not making YT cuts of Avatar anymore??

Badd Medicine

We are. We usually get those out a week or so before releasing to YouTube. We will probably have a cut next week.

Dio Legrand

I think a lot of people misread Azula's character. She doesn't do bad things because she likes them. She's ruthless because it's what her father and grandfather (literally named after him) have always expected from her. Like Oak said she was raised closely by their father, because she does have naturally great talents. She knows if she ever fails, she'll get the same treatment Zuko was subject to, and the treatment Ozai got from his father Azulan.


Yes! Wow, all great points! It’s also interesting to note that Azula is the second born, much like Ozai himself. So, I’m sure he saw more of himself in her and her character as the 2nd born as well. Lots of parallels between Zuko and Iroh, Azula and Ozai.

Badd Medicine

Yeah, being that close to her father, its almost expected to be like him in that regard.