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The upload only gave 30 some minutes and the actual run time is 2 hours 44 minutes. For some reason when we made the file smaller to load faster, it somehow cut the footage. We are working to get that up right now. In the meantime... we can keep the error one up. We apologize for the tech not working as expected.

Apologies all and the FULL Round table should be up shortly.



It's ok i was just very confused as I'm sure other people were too 🤣🤣

Andrew Hansen

Unsubscribing this is an unforgivable offense


I was wondering how you will cover everything in the last 10 Minuten 😂😂😂


Good opportunity form me to make my grocery shopping before the store ist closed 😂😂😂❤️


Did someone imperio you guys to not praise HP? I'm just kidding we are happy to wait for the full thing. :) and yeah, you guys are part of the Potter Family now. Welcome!

Jason O'Rear

2 hours and 44 min.. Ooo boy.. Gonna be good.

Badd Medicine

Haha someone did! I'll use that as the excuse. 🤣🤘 Thank you. You Potter heads have just been outstanding. 🤙

Badd Medicine

And that's just part 1. Part 2 has them reacting to deleted scenes & taking the quiz.


I was wondering how y'all were gonna squeeze in eight movies in thirty minutes alone and then it got to the 20 minute mark and I was like they really Gilderoy Lockharted us! They talked about themselves for thirty minutes in a Harry Potter round table and I wasn't even mad lol

Badd Medicine

Lol.... Oh yeah, there is plenty more. They go over all 8 movies and favorite moments and more.

Meghan Renee

No worries I'm just so excited to hear! I knew 30 minutes wasn't going to cut it I was super skeptical lol


As soon as someone said the name Anakin, it pooped out. I was like, It's a curse! Hahahah!