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Half blood prince, can’t wait!! 🤩


So fckin excited for half blood prince

Jason O'Rear

Excited to see what you guys think of HPB! Fun fact: it's the only Potter film to be nominated for Best Cinematography at the Oscars. The DP, Bruno Delbonnel, used a lot of soft focus and stylized colors. Looks incredible IMO, and very distinct from the others.

Carter Rowe

Finally arrived at my personal favorite HP movie. Can’t wait for the reaction and hope you all enjoy!


Once again the excitement is high. I love how invested yall got in the last one. I really enjoy the final movies of this franchise. Though I'm way biased, I love everything about Harry potter, I was one of those lucky ones that was 11 when the first book came out and so it grew with me. Not to mention being adopted I sort of felt like I too didn't know my family and was waiting for something special to happen and then I found this book and found my place. Can' wait for this next reaction. Keep it up guys, you rock!


My favorite HP movie ! It gives a lot of backstory for major characters and it sets up the events of the following 2 movies. I know a lot of people don't like this one compared to the book but it is really a unique addition to the series. Can't wait !

Morgan Blaney

My favorite Harry Potter movie.


recording day yayyyy


Not sure if this is something that would interest you, or if it would benefit you, but some other channels have even higher tiers (maybe charge $10/month) and they can watch some of the bigger movies live with you on zoom. It’s a good way to interact with some of your followers. Talk for a little before and after the movie. Mute everyone except yourselves while the movie plays. The channel “Duo Reacts” only had about 20 people watching return of the king with them but almost 100 people watch End Game live with them.


I am so looking forward to this :D


Btw, this is completely unrelated to anything at all, but have you considered watching any other movies that, at first, may appear outside of your usual choices? It appears audiences tend to appreciate that; I know for sure I would love it haha!! I would totally recommend the 2005 'Pride and Prejudice', directed by Joe Wright. It's safe to say it's one of my favourite movies. Watching your reaction to that one would be so much fun!


Rumor has it they're gonna watch Twilight. 😂


My father was a huge bodybuilder in his day… a real “manly man”. His favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice and it is my favorite book, and I love that movie, too. I would hope they watch it!


omg!!! i'm so excited for HBP!! It's one of my favorite HP movies and books, it's one I cried in the most.


That's so nice Ashley! It turns out a lot of people has this one as a favourite! And yes the book is epic too :)


What's next on pipeline after HP ??

Badd Medicine

We did promise the Hobbit movies after Potter. Then we will have a poll for Patreon to decide what's after that. 🤙


Also for series I suggest Reacher if you guys haven't seen it yet. Solid & short series.


Yay! I’m excited to now be on your Patreon! It’s time for me to go back and annoy with my long af comments with the full reactions to the Harry Potter series that has been posted and then the future ones! So I apologize I’m advance when my name appears in a notification 🤣 if I get too annoying don’t be afraid to lemme know, it won’t hurt my feelings I promise! 😜


Just want to know if we will get the full reaction to the 6th movie today as expected ? Excited to see your reactions !


I was going to ask the same thing hehe 🙈😃 Sorry guys, we don't give you a break... 😇

Badd Medicine

Oh yes. Dropping today. Just started rendering. The render and upload will take a good few hours. Just an FYI🤙🤙🤙😁😁😁


Niiiiice, I hope it’ll be up before I go to bed ahah Thanks guys 👌🏽


I love these moment when we all gather and wait for Harry Potter.

Culper (Lukas)

It’s like waiting for the movie theater to open for the premiere, lol. I was into Harry Potter enough when I was around 10 years old and so before the 7th movie came out, my mom bought me all of the HP movies go binge watch before the premiere of Deathly Hallows. The premiere was awesome and was a great experience. What I love about reactions is that you get to watch the movie or tv show with the reactor and not only see their reaction (usually for the first time) but join in with their reaction. As if you have that theater experience over and over again.


Agreed, it has given me all those same feelings I had going to each premiere. I think I went to each movies on the premiere night. Although I was working at the movie theater for Order of the Phoenix and before they can show the movie to the public they have to do a screening to make sure there is nothing wrong so like the day or day before it's release the employees got to go to the Imax practice screening and watch it, the 3D ending was way cool but all together it was a great experience.