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Number 2 in the Harry Potter series and we are looking forward to number 3 already. Definitely a step up from the first movie. 


Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets FULL REACTION



Just watched the full reaction for Sorcerer's Stone last night. Watching this one now. I already watched all the YouTube edits but I never watched the full reactions so this is fun to start after the Pirates series!


its so funny watching this because im assuming the oak becomes the biggest harry potter fan out of all of them by the end of this journey LMAO

Eric Wallace

Dobby promised to never save harrys life again. Next time he saves his life, well... life debts are a strong magic in this world.

Andrew Hansen

Hey, love your reactions. One suggestion, while you obviously can't show the whole video, most show a semi-blurred (no sound) mini screen within your reaction, where you can get a sense of what's going on to keep synced, without violating copyright. I can send a short several second clip of how others do it for their full length reactions

Badd Medicine

Hey Andrew. We do have a few spots in the begging of each one. Please send over what you got. We just want to make sure everyone gets a great experience. 🤙🤘

Badd Medicine

Good feedback. 🤙 We appreciate it.


I agree, we need some sort of visual cue on screen in case we have to re-sync the video. It's cool that you guys take a piss break sometimes (I don't blame you) but thats when things can really get messed up. I wasn't able to finish Chamber of Secrets because when you stopped the movie to take a break I didn't know exactly when you paused so when you came back I didn't know where you left off. Just having the time doesn't always help. I wasn't able to finish the last hour of Return of the King either because of a syncing issue. You did it right with Fellowship and Two Towers...no big deal it's an easy fix. Excited for the next one!

Badd Medicine

That was my fault for not having the correct copy. That is being updated as we speak. We apologize and we will be making those suggestions to help with sync.

Mike Dispo

Regarding trusting adults, remember that Harry was locked in an abusive home for 11 years and that does something to your decision making. Harry would be experiencing the effects of this abuse until well into his adulthood.

Melanie P

every time harry grabs that sword by the blade, I can't help but imagine it slicing through his palm and him losing most of his hand... every time


hello! Ive just found you through your HP reactions. I watched the first one on YT and then came here for chamber. I am looking forward to more! Im wondering, how the conversation went between you three to actually watch these for your channel... was it a unanimous decision or did someone need convincing? lol- either way, im glad you accepted the task. cheers!

Badd Medicine

Hello! And thank you for joining our Patreon. We appreciate it 🤙 We did a poll on here and Harry Potter beat out the Hobbit movies. We had a lot of people reaching out during the LOTRs reaction. So we put it to a poll. 😁


When the books and movies were starting to come out, a lot of us were just getting into highschool. I had a lot of friends who loved these and many adults loved these stories too. My dad being one of them. For every book release people would dress up like the characters, and they would transform the whole street to look like Diagon alley. The characters grew up with the audience. So, the books and movies also get more mature as we aged. 16 wasn't too old. I was also born in 1985.

Badd Medicine

That's great to see the impact it has had. And you might notice some new gear on the fellas on number 5. They bought some Potter stuff today. 😁👍

Kunzite Blossom

So theres a series on youtube by the Super Carlin Brothers called "Dumbledores Plan" which goes over each book/movie and explains a lot of things. For this one they do mention why Lockheart was hired. It really does make sense when you see that video. Although at the same time sucks for every student to be given a horrible teacher. Fun fact, when Lucius says that he "hopes Mr. Potter will always be around to save the day." the actor who plays Harry, Danielle actually ad-libbed the reply of "don't worry, I will be." I'm glad they kept that line. To follow up, when Lucius went to attack Harry, Issac (Lucius) actually goes to say the wrong spell. Then in the Great Hall when we see Crabbe stand up and Draco pulls him back down was also not in the script. The actor for Crabbe didn't realize he wasn't supposed to stand. Tom (Draco) didn't want the scene to get ruined but it actually made it all the better. Im a person who can't read a book after seeing the movie, but a few years ago i did get the audio books, and let me tell you something. You miss a lot. So many changes, and things that just truly get left out.


YAY! This movie is iconic to me because growing up, I didn’t have any family there for me and I worked so I could take care of myself. At the same time, I wasn’t allowed to do anything and I couldn’t go to the movies so I had to figure out how to watch this movie. The only way was to save money and find the bootleg version at the “flea market” (I’m use to saying the Spanish version lol) when I saved enough money, I went to the man who sold the vhs tapes and I asked about it, got it and it was labeled “Harry Potter and The Secret Chamber” so it always makes me smile seeing this movie. 💛 I just thought it was interesting to share.. but I’ll get to some commentary upon your commentary and a little taste of bts or answer any questions or share differences of book vs movie that can help fill in any gaps (there’s too much missing information to tell all the differences) I’ll also share parts of the movies to keep in mind so it’ll make sense in the end… (also I hope I don’t repeat information as I write as I watch lol) A few things to always remember: 1. School lessons/magic related lessons relate to either what’s needed for them to learn for an important event in the future. 2. Multiple plot twists on plot twists on plot twists. Nothing really is as ever as it seems, nothing is black and white so whatever we think we know.. we don’t know it all even Hermoine lol 3. Characters &/or items especially new ones have a purpose and are important to the overall plot. Nothing is accidental. Also keep an eye out for lingering shots. 4. Dumbledore knows everything (; keep that in mind and remember it as it will come in handy always.. everything is for a reason. Time for my annoyance: 1. In the book, it starts on Harry’s birthday again even having Dudley saying how he knows it’s Harry’s birthday and no one cared to write him. We learn that the tension & fights got worse after Harry returned. All his magical items were locked in Harry’s old room (cupboard under the stairs) and Hedwig was not allowed out of his cage. Harry was even banned from saying the word magic. 2. I made a comment on the last video that during the first movie, they didn’t add they moved Harry up to Dudley’s second room so this movie he comes back to that room. 3. The scene is cut where the Ministry sends a letter to reprimand Harry for violating the use of underage magic which made the Dursleys aware of the fact Harry couldn’t use magic. That cut out left questions as to why Vernon said Harry would never return to Hogwarts and is important for later films and how they use it to their advantage in a way. 4. The Weasleys to save the day 🥰 In the book they took a lot of my favorite details of Harry’s escape out such as Harry's trunk was locked in Harry’s old room (cupboard under the stairs) soooo Fred and George sneak in the house and pick the lock of both Harry's room and the cupboard. When Harry was escaping from the Dursleys, the Dursleys alll tried to prevent him from escaping, only to end up hanging from the window. Plus he almost forgot Hedwig and got him at the last minute. 5. The reference of fast & the furious added in comment! Awesome! 6. In the book, Mr. Weasley was the one who repaired Harry's glasses in Diagon Alley not Hermoine as in the movie. I wished they kept that the same tbh as it shows more of his fatherly instincts towards Harry starting. 7. The scene of Harry meeting Lucius comes after having he had heard Lucius and Draco Malfoy's business with Borgin in the shady part of Diagon Alley earlier that day. If you liked the tense words exchanged between Lucius and Arthur, the book actually had a fight between the two of them. Also, Lucius’ motive for slipping the book into her cauldron becomes more into play later on in the films. 8. It’s never explained in the books (I’m going off memory in all this) but it’s believed that magic involved so it’s not noticeable which is why the conduct guy thought Harry was pranking him. It’s also believed that “muggles” are too wrapped in their own world to fully pay attention to those around them and if they do, magic is used on them which we hear about in a few scenes later. 9. It’s also not shown in the film how Harry stayed with The Weasleys for the few weeks before school starts and Mr. Weasley installed an invisibility booster into the car to make it invisible. But the car scene after the train scene is one scene I’m glad they put in because the only problem they had was the invisibility booster was faulty for a moment before it worked again. In the book basically it was boring lol 10. In the book, it’s Ron who explains (during throwing up slugs) to Hermoine and Harry what a mud blood is which is why he got so angry. Ron’s just as knowledgeable as Hermoine with magic but they have Hermoine be the smart one of the trio in the movies. 11. In the book, there is this whole extra part of Nearly Headless Nick and Harry where Harry was saved by Nick after getting in trouble with Filch walking back from cancelled Quidditch practice. He is then invited to a “deathday party” to take place on Halloween where the trio spends the night instead of just Harry being in detention. It’s on the way to the dining hall when Harry hears the voice and starts to follow it. (Ron was complaining about being hungry lol) it may have been changed to Harry in detention so there is a alibi for all 3. ((Potter is bilingual 😂 he speaks English and Parsel-Tongue. (We will learn more about that ability in the end of the series.)) 12. In the book, Harry’s arm gets broken by the bludger. Fred and George had attempted to protect Harry from the rogue bludger but when trying to fix Harry’s broken arm, the two of them were able to place it back in its case while restraining it. Hermoine would’ve gotten in trouble for “destroying Hogwarts property” if she had used a spell to get rid of it. 13. Poor Colin. He deserved better… & Moaning Myrtle has every right to be angry especially after we learn what happened to her. 14. The scene of the snake (Harry talking to the snake & removal) will come into play towards the end of the movie as well. Now, I think they got scared of him because know he’s talking to snakes and he got “rid” of one of the darkest wizards in history who killed so many people. 15. Fawkes who’s loyalty was with Dumbledore 🥰 The Phoenix 🤍 16. Who wouldn’t eat floating cupcakes? I would. They counted on them to not question the floating cupcakes for sure. Btw they stole the items needed for the polyjuice potion from Snape’s office. 17. It’s not mentioned but it’s believed that the Malfoy don’t like The Weasleys is because they are also a part of “The Sacred 28” because they felt The Weasleys didn’t act like it. The “organization” was that of families of pure bloods which had once had families like The Malfoys, The Weasley’s, The Longbottom’s, The Gaunt’s, and more. 18. The whole interaction between Tom (diary version) & Harry is longer with more questions and answers before he is sucked into the book to be shown what he wants him to see. The scene after Harry is sucked into the book is a little different with an added moment. Harry enters through the Headmasters office where a professor was reading a letter from Tom (the letter has to do with Hogwarts being shut down & Tom’s home life) but they changed it to where he enters below the staircase to show (Harry &) Tom Riddle seeing Myrtle's dead body (unknown to Harry) wrapped up in a sheet with her right arm sticking out and being carried away by several unidentified wizards. So of course the scene of Dumbledore & Tom wasn’t there. 19. I’m still mad they sent Hagrid to Azkaban for something he didn’t do! 20. In the book, after Hagrid mentions that if they were looking for answers, all they'd have to do was follow the spiders, Harry and Ron didn't see any spiders until one day in Herbology when Harry points them out to Ron. They noticed the path the spiders were taking which was right into the Forbidden Forest, and didn't follow them until everyone had gone to sleep in their dormitory. Ron was then was reluctant to go into the forest but when he entered; he became brave. Harry, Ron and Fang are taken by the spiders to Aragog's lair but in the film they make their own way there then the conversation of Aragog and Harry/Ron begins. 21. After they volunteer Lockhart to be the one to save Ginny; the teachers' comments make it clear that they know he is incapable and were simply getting him out of the way. 22. When Harry and Ron realise that Lockhart is a fraud, they subdue him by performing the disarming charm before throwing his wands out the window which is why he tries to use Ron’s. Also what happened to Lockhart can be looked as karma because in the book it’s explained that not only did Lockhard steal their work and published it as his own but he wiped their memories to make sure it didn’t come out. 23. Harry walks for a longer period through the tunnel to find the Chamber after being separated from Ron and Lockhart. The actual entrance into the chamber isn’t used/seen until another film later in the series so keep that in mind when you get to the final film. 24. Harry has to be the one to defeat him and only him. That’d becomes clearer as the movie progresses. The scene of Harry Vs The Basilisk is more moving around than it is in the movie with Tom more calm only repeatedly yelling at the Basilisk to smell Harry when it is repeatedly missing Harry. (Not hear like in the movie) Also when he is claiming that Harry Potter's parseltongue abilities are of no use against the Basilisk, as it was specifically trained to only obey him was 1. something that was not in the book & 2. false because what we later learn as well. 25. The diary is more important that it is made to believe in this film and it’s stabbed after Harry was healed with three “stabs.” 26. Harry's conversation with Dumbledore after the defeat of the basilisk is set in McGonagall's office. We also have Arthur, Molly, and McGonagall present at the start. Harry also accused Lucius of deliberately supplying the diary to Ginny Weasley at Diagon Alley while they were still in Dumbledore's office with Dumbledore also giving a veiled threat to Lucius in response to this as well as his forcing the board of directors to fire Dumbledore. **Lucius Malfoy's sarcastic statement about Harry and Harry's response was improv from the actors.** 27. An important scene to remember for future reference is the talk with Dumbledore especially how Dumbledore said he transferred some of his powers to Harry, it’s important for the overall plot and ending. 28. Also important to remember, The Gryffindor sword is a lot more important than mentioned now and is something worth fighting for. 29. Snape has a RMF (resting mean face!) 30. Finally Hagrid was given justice and freed from the lies of him opening up the chamber 50 years prior which caused him to lose a lot more than mentioned. Hagrid would have been expelled from Hogwarts in his 3rd year before The Ministry or Magic forbade Hagrid from practising magic, destroying his wands. However Dumbledore (the transfiguration teacher at that time) was convinced Hagrid was innocent and convinced the then headmaster to have Hagrid train for the job of gamekeeper to allow him (he was an orphan) to remain a resident of the school. There is soooooo much information I can give about the differences; background stories of characters and etc. I’m too nerdy and like to research too much for my own good lol.