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No breaks during this one lol. Here we are on number 3 of the Harry Potter movies. And this one was REALLY, REALLY, good! We liked the tone that was set in this one. We are looking forward to number 4!

We have added a few more spots where they are unblurred and let the audio run about 7-10 seconds so you can make sure it is synced. Please keep the feedback coming on how we can make this a better experience for you all. 


Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban FULL REACTION



It's 3am and I'm totally starting this one right now 🤣 It's so fun watching these!


I had to stop the video and come look at the comments because of this. Talked right over the explanation and then demanded answers. Listening helps guys lol


Also I know I’m super late to the game & just now joining & watching these videos y’all did over 2 years ago but in case someone hasn’t already explained this but a lot of people are confused why Harry keeps going back to the Dursley’s even though they suck & are 100% should be in jail for child neglect & abuse & it’s because Petunia Dursley was in contact with Dumbledore & he explained that there is a magical protection surrounding their house until he turns 17 because it was the place where someone who was blood related to Harry’s mom (her sister aunt petunia) lived & Lily’s love sacrifice gave him protection so much as long as he lived under the same roof as someone with blood relation to her & petunia was the only living relative of Lily. This is clarified in the books but I hope this gives some clarity if you didn’t already know! :)


I recently watched your reactions to these films on YouTube and knew I had to join as a Patreon contributor to watch the full-length cuts haha. You all are honestly a joy to watch. Great chemistry and fun, insightful commentary. Great stuff!

Andrew Hansen

Watching this in bed now! Dear Lord, I need a life and to find a gf if my idea of a nice evening is curling up in bed with you guys doing a reaction video lol. This movie in my opinion I'd the best of the movies hands down, same for the books

Badd Medicine

😂😂😂😂 we appreciate the support and someday you'll have your lady. Number 3 was great! Hopefully, it keeps this pace. If you have any other suggestions to make the experience better, please let us know. 🤙

Kristin Carter

I hope Oak does read the books - there is *so much* that is cut out for the movies

Andrew Hansen

Okay so having watched your reaction a few things. They changed a lot of things to add action excitment. In the books the Dementors didn't attack harry till the end with Sirius. The dementors just affect everyone and make them relieve horrible memories from their past and suck all happiness out of you. Though at the end they do try to suck the soul out of harry, but its even worse, because they have to literally kiss you to suck out your soul by kissing you on the lips. Quiditch is done a huge disservice compared to the books. It's not as crazy, there's rules and penalties and stuff that they don't explain in the movies. You'll meet a character in the next movie that plays decent role in this book that really gives context to the next movie. So the other thing is that the movie doesn't make it clear but The Maurader's Map, it was made my Lupin, Sirius, James Potter and Peter Pettigrew. They are the marauders. All of them became Animaguses when they found out that Lupin was a werewolf so they could keep him company while he's transformed. You can't become a werewolf if you're an animagus and transformed into your animal when bitten and scratched. James Potter was a stag, the deer shape of Harry's Patronus. Patronuses always take the shape of an animal, that shield form you see in the movie doesn't really exist in the books.

TinCan Cosmanaut

I’m in my mid 30’s so I’m loving all the references. Metallica, die hard, back to the future. Looking forward to the next one.

Chapter Eight

"I need answers" about why the dementors are attracted to Harry, when Lupin had just given the answer but you were talking over him instead of listening lol! Unlike all the other students (and most professors for that matter), Harry has actually experienced something truly horrible/traumatic in watching his mother be murdered. That means the dementors are attracted to him (because they feed on negative emotions), and Harry is more affected by them than his classmates because they're forcing him to remember. He hears his mother being murdered. I'm glad you enjoyed this one more than the others--the tone gets darker with each movie, and the subject matter generally gets more serious. The books and the movies grew with their audience.

Badd Medicine

Thank you for dropping this comment. Really looking forward to the rest of them if this tone gets darker. 🤘🤘🤘

Mike Dispo

"Only thing we have to fear is fear itself" was by FDR, not Winston Churchill.


It is so much fun to see Oak being the least interested person ever, to him cheering Harry on when he cast his patronus at the end. He got really invested in this one.

Carter Rowe

welcome to where harry potter goes from kids movies to dark AF. Enjoy the rest, your in for a great ride!


when your goblet of fire movie gonna upload??

Badd Medicine

We meet weekly. We just did the Batman. Which will drop today then most likely next Wednesday for goblet.


So ironic of y’all to watch The Batman before Goblet of Fire 👀😂 you’ll see


You'll be seeing an interesting face in goblet


Y'all really talked through the whole scene explaining why the dementors attack Harry and then said "why do they go after him I need answers!!!"


Don't sweat this stuff too much. You lads are new to something, it doesn't mean you're gonna get it right straight away!

Badd Medicine

That's is awesome and we really appreciate you joining! Feel free to leave any feedback for potential improvements to help have a better experience here. Enjoy the reaction! 😁🤙👍

Jain Thorne

Me too! I'm lounging around on Saturday and thought "I don't want to wait." I'm really enjoying the reactions. Some of the best I've seen.

Badd Medicine

Haha... That's awesome! Thank you! We appreciate it! 🤙 Feel free to leave us feedback if you think something could be improved for a better experience 🤘

Jain Thorne

Just a bit of trivia---Emma Thompson who plays Sybill Trelawney used to be married in real life to Kenneth Branagh who played Gilderoy Lockhart in the Chamber of Secrets. The actor who originally played Dumbledore was Richard Harris and he died so they had to replace him.Also, about you waiting for the adults to step in....remember that the adults were also trying to figure things out, too. A lot of the wizards at this point didn't want to believe that Voldemort could be back so there was some heavy denial. Dumbledore was often busy working on an adult level and think back to when you were kids. How often do kids this age sort of live in their own world. Harry and his friends were trying to figure things out themselves and often kept things from the adults.

Kymberlee Shakoor-Asadi Preston

Lupin is a werewolf and Sirius is an animagus. Sirius, Peter, and James when they were in school all decided to become an animagus to keep Lupin company during the full moons. The map was also created by the 4 of them which is why Lupin knew how the map worked.


The books definitely touches on the whole wealth disparity thing between Harry and Ron. Harry offers to buy things for Ron or cover for him in instances where Ron had wanted to buy things and ended up not having enough, and Harry genuinely wants to help his friend out plus the fact that he's lived "humbly" (deprived and neglected by his aunt and uncle) all his life) makes him want to share what he's got since it's so much compared to what he's used to. However Ron pretty much turns him down every time. It's touched on a lot more in the books, but Ron is very self conscious about being poor and thus has an aversion to accepting money from Harry, or what would be considered as "hand outs" for lack of better words


And animagi are mostly still themselves when they change at will into/from their animal forms, like Professor McGonagall turning as a cat in the first film.


You seem to have meandered around to what was going on after the shack scene, but to put it in one place and fill out some book-based tidbits from the rest of the film in general: -Harry had a flashlight (torch) in the books under the covers, he doesn't use magic until he inflates his "Aunt" Marge and then he just doubles down while he's escaping. -The Weasley's won a small lottery, purchased Ron a new wand, and went on vacation to Egypt to visit the eldest child, Bill, who works there as a cursebreaker for of the wizard bank - Scabbers/Pettigrew was in the puff piece picture in the paper. Harry was at the Leaky Cauldron/Diagon Ally for weeks before Ron and Hermione show up for their pre-school shopping trip, Minister Fudge arranging for Mr. Weasley to organize a government escort to the train the next day. -Dementors don't specifically target Harry, but suck the joy and happiness out of people. At the prison this leaves criminals forced to face the atrocities they've committed, and often go a little insane. Harry who has infantile memories of his parents being killed, and being the target of a failed murder himself is more severely affected by dementor-induced despair and was prone to passing out, but is not specifically targeted until he's trying to defend Black at the end. -Chocolate after exposure to dementors hastens recovery from their effects, which is why Lupin is pushing it throughout. Madam Pomfrey, the school nurse, starts trying to make Harry eat some when he gets to school after the train, but is pleased to hear that Lupin had already taken care of it, for the train in general, not just the core characters. -3rd years get to select some electives. Harry and Ron added Divination (which they mostly bs their way through) and Care of Magical Creatures taught by the Groundskeeper Hagrid, newly able to take a teaching position after being exonerated the year before. Hermione signed up for those, Ancient Runes, Arithmancy, and Muggle Studies - getting a special allowance to use highly regulated time magic due to her immaculate grades. She drops Divination because she despises the subject and teacher as well as Muggle Studies because she had spent 11 years as a muggle and as interesting as it was to see the wizarding perspective it was ultimately not worth stretching her schedule, and she no longer has the time turner going forward. -Fred and George find the Marauder's Map confiscated in Filch's office early in their school career, when he and his cat were off dealing with a troublemaking character not shown in the films. They became master tricksters in their own right and opted to give Harry the map so he could go on the field trips to Hogsmeade. All but two tunnels out of the castle grounds are either collapsed or known to Filch, the Whomping Willow is planted over one, and the final one is the one Harry uses to sneak out to town. -Minister Fudge in the discussion at the pub mentions going to Azkaban for an inspection a few days before Black's escape. He noted that Black was unusually undisturbed by the long term effects of the dementors (we found out later this is because he is relatively innocent, and they affect him less when he is transformed into a dog). Black asked for the copy of the newspaper Fudge had brought with him. The same issue that had Ron holding rat-form Pettigrew, missing a finger pictured in it. -The dementors attack the quidditch match because they don't have food sources at their posts and the general air of the joyous sporting event is like a buffet to the creatures that feed by draining the happiness out of people. Sirius who had gone to the match as a dog, and spooked Harry who thought he was the grim omen, sent the new broom right away - but it had been confiscated to be thoroughly examined for curses. Harry didn't get to use it for months. -There is a knot at the bottom of the Whomping Willow that when pressed 'turns off' the tree for a bit. It can be pressed with a very long stick, by a small animal such as rat-form Pettigrew or Hermione's cat (who Harry see's chilling with dog-form Sirius at some point), or there are of course spells that can be used. The tree was planted there the year werewolf child Remus Lupin arrived at Hogwarts, Lupin was escorted to the tunnel under the tree every month by Madam Pomfrey to spend his transformed nights in the isolation of the Shrieking Shack. The tree and the rumors of the building being haunted were set in place to prevent people from inadvertently stumbling upon Lupin. A potion has since been developed to allow him to retain his mind through the transformation, so Dumbledore was able to hire him provided he took the Snape-brewed potion at the full moon. -Mooney (werewolf - Remus), Wormtail (animagus rat - Peter), Padfoot (animagus dog- Sirius), and Prongs (stag/buck/deer - James) created the map to aid in the latter three sneaking out to keep the transformed Remus company in their immune-to-lycanthropy states and get up to other mischief besides. -The magic the Potters had used to go into hiding requires one person to know and see the secret location and additional knowledge holders can be given the information and access at that individual's discretion. Black, being James' best friend and godfather to their child, was the obvious choice. Knowing he would be, Black made the folly of suggesting they use Pettigrew as the trusted individual so he himself could act as a red herring to Voldemort and his servants. I am not even sure if Dumbledore, who had suggested the tactic, was aware of the change from Black to Pettigrew. Lupin certainly was not. -After the Potters died, he met Hagrid at the scene and after hearing Hagrid's purpose there lent him the flying motorcycle from the first book/movie to expediate Harry getting safely to Dumbledore and the Dursley's while he (Black) went looking for Pettigrew. Being a hothead, Black attacked Pettigrew in front of muggle witnesses, Pettigrew faked his own death, and Black was arrested. -Harry tells Lupin that Pettigrew was alive. Lupin takes to observing the map, but doesn't typically see Pettigrew as the map ends before the forest where the rat had escaped into hiding from Crookshanks and Black. Lupin was looking out for the kids on the map on the evening of Buckbeak's execution, and saw Sirius Black pulling Ron Weasley and Peter Pettigrew down his own tunnel. Lupin rushes off to help, forgetting to wait for his potion or turn off the map. A few minutes later, Snape arrives with the potion and sees Lupin going down the tunnel. Lupin poked the knot with a stick, Snape casts a spell. Everyone ends up at the shack. Crookshanks presses the knot on their way out. -Harry despite not getting a broom from Sirius at the end of the year, does get word from him while on the train back home. The owl who carried the letter being a gift to Ron to replace Scabbers as a pet, unfortunately only ever appears in promotional stills for the movies. I probably got carried away, but this film is the best adaptation (not necessarily best film) from the series. If you are going to get an idea of how the books fill out a more robust picture then this is the one to do it on.


I had to join Patreon lmao absolutely could not wait for YouTube😂 now I’m going to watch y’all’s GoF


lmao, "Parents should be more like Dumbledore!" I am loving this series from you guys, ill have to check out what else you have on your channel. I told myself i would save #4 for tomorrow... but i cant help myself im going to watch it now. Please hurry with the rest, im catching up, LOL!


i bought patreon out cause i could wait for the yt too but there is only full lenght reaction here, ister cut up reaction or is it only full on here?

Badd Medicine

Hello! Currently, just full reaction. We might start dropping the YouTube cut a day before releasing it on YouTube.

Badd Medicine

😂 thank you! We meet every Tuesday for recording. Number 5 will be recorded tomorrow night and dropped Wednesday after it's uploaded. 😁👍

Amanda Sottani

Keep in mind that political and more serious things happen behind the story, that's why sometimes Dumbledore may prefer not to interfere personally, him being so important how he is, like when the minister of magic went to kill the pet... in the next movies you will realize this... another thing to consider is that the books are not for children so much, imagine a child of the age you are imagining reading several books of 200, 300 pages, etc... the movies may have started with this intention, but the story was already made to mature over time. I hope you understood what I tried to say, English is not my native language hahaha


lol i have finals to study for but i’m too impatient! these are so fun and you guys are really enjoyable to watch and get your thoughts since i can’t even remember how i felt as a kid the first time. I will say - although this film is everyone’s favorite, it honestly gives me so much frustration with the lack of (in my opinion) extremely extremely important things .. or the omissions just make things confusing for longer than they need to. (the comments probably cleared them up already so i don’t need to torture you guys w all that lololol). but yeah the movies kinda drive me slightly nuts because they’re lowkey made for the readers but it’s a huge downfall for movie goers as far as details and confusing plots go. The 5th and 6th movie adaptations REALLYYYYYY struggle with that for me. great movies tho - if you haven’t read the books of course! haha

Badd Medicine

Hahaha you'll crush those finals! We appreciate you joining here🤘 thank you for the insight👍

Morgan Blaney

Lol you guys were talking over the scene where you got the answer on the dementors 🤣


#3 is the best rewatch


This was my favorite book but least favorite movie. You guys paused during the reaction and restarted the video. If it’s possible, it would be really nice if that happens again if you could un-blur the video during that time so it’s easier to see and catch my watching of the movie with your timing. It took me a bit with your blurred video to figure out where my video needed to be to align with your reaction.


At about 01:31 on the time on the screen, The Answer says he’s going to refresh it. 01:32:40 on the time showing on the bottom of the screen for me.


My favorite comment about this film is the comments regarding bad weather during the quidditch match, yeah here in the U.K. bad weather never stops outdoor sports at school. If it did we'd never get any sports played LOL.