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Hey everyone,
As promised, here's something that you haven't expected while I'm away on vacation. I've said many times before on Discord that this previously unannounced project is something completely different and may not be what you're into. It contains no sexual content and is not very graphical, either. But don't worry, it's just a small gear in the grand scheme for a sex-positive games brand that I have planned. BMO TV remains the main focus, and in fact, most of the work on this new project was done quite a while ago. There will be a bit more work in the coming months, but a friend does a lot of it.

Chromatopia is an arthouse indie game about finding one's own identity. It is heavily inspired by other media like "Thomas Was Alone", "The Witness", and the movie "Soul". You play as the cube Jaime, who has left home to choose their color in Chromatopia, where you can be any color you want. However, the city turns out to be not what they were expecting.
Chromatopia is a small side project that is being developed in partnership with my former business partner at my former indie games company.

Get your downloads: www.rel.pink

Move through the map, leaving behind a trail in your character's color while meeting several different characters with different abilities, but make sure that everyone can still reach their exit.

Solve puzzles where you only have limited space to reach the exit. Use your characters' abilities as efficiently as possible.

And go up against shadow monsters that will attack any cube they see. Trap them by cutting off the path with your trail.

And, of course, experience the story of how Jaime finds their true color.

This is the initial v0.1 release that introduces the first levels and the concept, but it does not contain the complete story yet. My plan with this project is to add some more story levels as well as a grand finale, get all dialog lines voice-acted, and then submit it to some indie game award events next year. This is a strategic move to get the brand more recognized, but I don't expect the game to make back its production costs. Don't get me wrong, though. This is a game that I've really wanted to make. I love stealth and puzzle games, and in a way, this is a nod to my roots as a game developer since these are the kinds of games I made almost ten years ago.

While I know that this is not what you came here for, I hope you can still enjoy this little side project, and I'll get you the progress report for the new BMO TV content as soon as I'm back from vacation. 

There's also one more thing cooking for me to post before I come back, but I haven't received the final version yet, so I hope I can give it to you next week. It's unfortunately out of my power, though.



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