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Hey everyone,
it's been a very difficult month for me, but I finally finished the new Alpha release of BMO TV. I have already talked about this extensively on Discord while it happened so if you want more regular progress reports please join us there.

Before I explain, get your downloads here (as always):


Update: I’m sorry that there’s an issue with the Mac build. I’m working on a fix but i haven’t found anything about this issue online so far so it‘s difficult.

Update 2: A new version for Mac has been uploaded that should hopefully fix the launch issues.

So what was the issue?

First of all, this patch was a much bigger workload than I had anticipated. All the parts that I mentioned in the progress report may seem like reasonable things to do, but when I got deeper into the programming side of things I realized that they all required extensive reworks or completely new underlying systems to go with them. There were also some new problems popping up. The game couldn't be built anymore because the Resources folder where all the graphics and other media go was just getting too big. So I had to give reworking the whole project to using Addressables instead of Resources which if you've been here a while you may remember me failing at again. This time I succeeded, but it was still a pain because all scripts that load graphics had to be rewritten. That's a lot of them. And this new system also means that I have to tell the engine when the graphics aren't needed anymore, which also meant writing new logic for each of those scripts that load graphics.

Here's the full new changelog for v0.6.1:
Monstergirl Logic & Goo Girl NPC (This is a completely new gameplay loop, you may not see all of it yet)

  • Slime TF (most complex tf we've had yet on a technical level)
  • added Himari Expressions Graphics
  • reworked almost all Himari Dialogs to show fitting Expressions (let me know if some are missing or not working correctly)
  • added sound effects to some Himari Expressions
  • Succubus TF completely reworked with more graphics and player choices
  • completely reworked sex mini game (first iteration, still some features missing, more next patch)
  • added sex mini game to several sex scenes (all would have been too much work)
  • ability to skip and roll a dice to check success for new sex mini game
  • added sex scenes for all NPCs when they have been transformed with DUM+ and/or HEAT+
  • added a caravan to the garden after Abigail gets forced to live in one
  • Second Abigail Room (Caravan) in World and for Ally Night Events
  • finally fixed the Thoughts UI not working correctly
  • new room environment audio system (experimental for now but will get fleshes out over the next few months.)
  • some new background music added in several spots (will also be more over the next few months)
  • doubled number of save slots available
  • Searchfield for Savegames (not very performant but it works)
  • Popularity Gain Difficulty Slider
  • Clothes Popularity Loss Difficulty Slider
  • added the new Femdemic hairstyles in the Ally route
  • fixed Pool Filter Look option missing
  • asking Allies for help with high-up items when the ladder doesn't fit
  • Unity Engine Upgrade
  • tried to implement Unity Cloud Build (but failed so far)
  • switched ALL asset loading to Addressables (I had to rewrite all scripts that load any media, no idea what the optimization effect of this will be but the game is buildable again, which it wasn't before because it needed over 30GB of RAM to do so)

I hope it's clear how big of a workload that was. But it's done. I'm relieved. I'm sure there are going to be lots of bugs with the new way graphics are loaded so let me know on Discord and I'll get to fix them.

Also, please be aware that the new loading screen may seem frozen for a while, but the game is just loading lots of files and it will wake up again. This is not a bug, but I'm looking into ways to improve this behaviour.

Secondly... well... the Femdemic launch has drained me a bit. I've had some rough days and it has become clear to me that I need a vacation. Luckily it is around the corner. I'm going to Mexico for three weeks at the end of October during the Día de Muertos celebrations. I'm so looking forward to taking a few weeks off and having fun with friends and family.
But don't worry, as always I have prepared other content to compensate you for my vacation time. (Although I should probably stop that because I have to realize that I deserve a vacation without working double as hard.)

Anyways... I hope you enjoy what I've done with the new Alpha release and we can talk about in on Discord soon.




I've several problems with this new version. First: When I first start my Norton makes loud protest, the Main Exe would delete or overwrite files. Second: The game does not run smooth as usual. There are often massive lags, or game freezes, mostly in the evening. (Haven't testet out if this comes from the Norton at the beginning) Third: Wheel of Misfortune didn't spin, no matter if you want to use it over the day or in the weekend event.


1. Sorry. I can’t change Norton. It’s known for being difficult and that it sends warnings without actual issues. I recommend switching. 2. Well.. it’s a completely new way to load all assets. It’s expected to take a while to get better. 3. I’m already looking into this but it will probably take until tomorrow to get a new version out.


Quick question, is there any special events for Halloween?


The Halloween event will automatically run in the same way as last year, yes. It should start around a week before Halloween.

Yusuf Kanberi

I found the error: You have to go to the Terminal and type this: chmod +x /Applications/bmotv_0_6_1_a10_alpha__mac-osx.app/Contents/MacOS/*

Yusuf Kanberi

After typing this it works


yes, you always have to restore the file permissions when downloading any app that was built on a Windows machine. here's the official command from my channels and websites: chmod -R 755 [YOUR_PATH_TO_APP].app sudo xattr -d com.apple.quarantine [YOUR_PATH_TO_APP].app


hey i downloaded the windows version but when the loading starts it stuck at 85% and says that there's an asset loading erorr. What can i do to stop that and play the game ?


First, move it to a shorter file path. If that doesn’t work, re-download/re-unpack.