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Here it finally is! I've been teasing that this is going to happen for some months, but finally, I found an artist to actually take on the project just two weeks ago and today I got the glorious result. (Just to clarify, there are only new player character graphics so far.)

I'm already working hard at implementing the new graphics, although there are still some layers missing, that I'll need to commission in the next few days. Also, there are some parts that need a little bit of different programming so it might still take about two weeks or so before I can give you an actual playable version.

Until then, tell me how you like the new art style. Me personally, I couldn't be happier with it.

Quick update: the new character visuals script works like a charm. I'm now only waiting for some additional images that I forgot to commission (e.g. the hair and faces for the Asian transformation). When I get them I will be able to upload the new version fairly quickly.


Terra Blade

Looks good ^.^