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The golden queen is here! I didn't know much on her (thank you Kelvin for providing a lot of details for me to chew on!), but drawing such a soft mommy bod made me quickly fall for her~ I hope I didn't mess anything up :>

Kulve Taroth was the winner of April's monthly pin-up poll! Thank you all for participating~



Kelvin Frost

She is gorgeous Lyo! Spectacular job~


She looks absolutely gorgeous and lovely 😍. Very nicely done 🥰❤️


Kulve looks absolutely marvelous and stunning! You did her perfect, haven't seen a rendition closer to perfection than yours I think x3 Awesome work Lyo!


I honestly wouldnt know whats hotter, looking at her beauty or being on the receiving end of a big ol' hug from her


I'm glad I managed to make something good out of a subject I wasn't really familiar with~ Thank you!