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The golden queen is here! I didn't know much on her (thank you Kelvin for providing a lot of details for me to chew on!), but drawing such a soft mommy bod made me quickly fall for her~ I hope I didn't mess anything up :>

I went a little overboard with the alts again, even more than last month! 63 this time! All the parts were very mixable~ I might have to downscale the amount a little bit for next month tho, I don't think I can keep pace with the last two ;w; We'll see!

Here's the download link for the full art pack (it expires in a week from posting, make sure to contact me directly for a download)! https://we.tl/t-Mpw0wgfIi1

Kulve Taroth was the winner of April's monthly pin-up poll! Thank you all for participating~



Kelvin Frost

Holy moly you overdone yourself this time Lyo! I'm glad you let me help out. I love what you done with our Golden queen _3


I'm quite speechless over the amount of alts, so many and all drop dead gorgeous and super pretty with great outfits and hot sex .3 Nothing is left out! Great work Lyo! x333


Hehe all the outfit pieces were quite mixable and made for many, many combinations! Thank you :3