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Thank you for supporting me throughout Spooktober and now the start of November! :3
It's been a really good, fun month thanks to all the Halloweeny things peppered throughout and I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did! A monthly theme always makes things more fun!
I feel like October has been my best month in a while, and hopefully November will be just as good~ Look forward to a very spicy Thanksgiving pic!
Thank you again for your continued support!
Published: 2023-11
Thank you for the continued support throughout November and now at the start of December! 
Covid slowed me down a little bit, but I'm happy to have been able to finish everything in time, and I hope you enjoyed the Thanksgiving Hanako banquet as much as I did, definitely my favourite piece of November :3
For December, I'll be working hard to draw as much as possible before I go on vacation on the 18th and take a couple of weeks off until 2024~ I don't expect to be gone completely though, I'll probably get bored doing nothing and will wanna at least sketch something hehe
Thank you for your continued support and have a wonderful holiday season <3
Published: 2023-12
Thank you for your support in January!
January has been a tough, but I'm very grateful of your continued support and that you've decided to keep supporting for the new month~ All of my continued projects and the future ones I hope to land this year can happen only thanks to your support c: 
Fingers crossed, February will be kinder to us all! I'm excited to keep workings on some fun stuff I hope to bring to you soon~
So thank you for your continued support! <3

Published: 2024-02
Thank you for supporting throughout February and the start of March!
I wanted to give a special thank you now, with all my heart, as I'll be able to take March off from commissions only thanks to your generous support~ It wouldn't be possible without you!
I might be taking a pause from commissions, but I don't intend to stop drawing for the month, of course! Things might be a little lowkey at the start maybe, but they'll pick back up once I've rested a little bit~ Expect all the usual goodness!
Thank you for bearing with me, and I hope you'll enjoy March's drawings~
Published: 2024-03