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Thank you to the new and continued patrons who have subscribed for access to our clustered LiveKit server for use with the LiveKit AVClient for FoundryVTT.

This month we have continued to update the Tavern cluster and Foundry Module to support the latest releases from the LiveKit team. We also made temporary updates to support the latest development version of Foundry VTT (v10).

Due to some UI changes introduced in this new version, a few module features are not yet available when using the development build, but we will be working to get those implemented before the official release of the new version. I recommend checking out some screenshots or video of the new version's A/V UI and provide feedback on Discord while it is still in development.

I hope everyone has a great month and enjoys their games!

July 2022 Access (valid until 2022-09-01)

LiveKit Server: At the Tavern Patreon

LiveKit API Key: API202207iWYHPG

LiveKit Secret Key: t0kw67rik4qKIB3MtCs9FWWnxEJovUUYul4zGJuICGE


Jeremy Gardner

I'm having video issues. camera works for other things like zoom and discord, but not for foundry vtt atm. anyone have suggestions on troubleshooting the issue?

At the Tavern

Does your camera work with any other in-browser services? The most likely cause is that the page has not been given permission to use your camera. With Chrome, you can check this by clicking the lock icon to the left of the URL bar and making sure that the camera permission is allowed. You can also join the support Discord server by linking your Patreon account to discord - this will automatically join you to the At The Tavern server and there are support channels available. Hope this helps!