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REALLY THAT GOOD is taking a special one-episode break from positivity to cover one of the worst films of the decade. This is why the decision was made, and a preview of what to expect from the finished episode.


In Bob We Trust Special Preview - REALLY THAT BAD: WHY "BATMAN V SUPERMAN?"

https://www.patreon.com/moviebob1 MovieBob's REALLY THAT GOOD video series will set it's positive mission-statement aside for a single installment investigating one of the worst major films of the decade. Find out why it's happening, and why the subject in question was chosen. REALLY THAT GOOD PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SpQRgG87H48&list=PL1WoYVvJ35Xqeh6JGw1GPMB_HvxB8mSFe IN BOB WE TRUST: New episodes, new look, new topics. Subscribe to this channel for more each week! MOVIEBOB REVIEWS: https://www.geek.com/author/bchipman/ BLOG: https://moviebobcentral.com/ MUSIC: "Heroic Reception", "Night on the Docks - Trumpet", "Reformat","Zap Beat", "Eighties Action, Black Vortex, Full On, Lightless Dawn, Americana", "Marty Gots A Plan" Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Some Footage/FX by FOOTAGE ISLAND: www.youtube.com/user/footageisland



I almost skipped this because its just a preview, but its actually one of your best written videos. Amazing job!


Going to need a large bucket of popcorn


Synchronisitically, I just started watching Mz. Ellis' excellent work, including said series, yesterday! Good luck on this video, man -- and thank you for putting this together!

5099 5618

Uh oh.

Peter McDevitt

I am reminded yet again of the Anton Ego speech from "Ratatouille"- people (critics and viewers alike) seem to thrive on negative criticism because it is fun to read AND write.


Hey Bob, real excited to see your analysis of this movie but I have one piece of criticism. I know talking fast is your thing, and it could be that my hearing is getting worse, but I could not make out what you were saying during this video. Everything just kind of flowed together and I couldn't pick it apart.


There's no news, like bad news. :-D


I still remain deeply unconvinced by this project, and I feel that you are working quite hard to convince yourself. I will give it a fair shot when it gets here, but even based on your musing on the purpose of Really that Good this would make more sense if it served the same counterpoint in a Wonderwoman RtG as the later Matrix films. How do the aesthetic, quasi-mythic, elements that have so pervaded the project and are so tonally at odds with the source material, nearly (but not quite) derail what is two-thirds of a brilliant superhero film.

Matthew Weber

One thing I was always curious about, which you've answered here, is whether you'd ever go through the process of "Really That Good" and ultimately conclude, "No, this movie was actually overrated, now that I've given it a serious examination." At least, you'd never set out to do an episode of Really That Good where you thought that was likely to be the case. What if you got into the process and ultimately realized that something really wasn't that good. Would you say so or would you just decide not to publish that episode?


Are there any movies out there that were critically & publicly rebuked/praised at the time, but opinions changed as time went on?


That's a fair motivation, thanks for the explanation!