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Hey! Thanks again for your GameClub support - it really inspired me to make this episode. We'll do another GameClub soon. I'll look into a Discord server for that, so we can chat in real time. And I have a great list of potential games - just gotta wait for the new releases to die down. Anyone else playing Persona 5? 

I've been working hard at the Dead Space episode. I've finished 1, am closing in on the ending of 2, and have purchased 3. I have reams and reams of notes, and absolutely no idea how to turn them into a concise episode. But that's all part of the fun!

It might end up being a tad longer than a usual episode, but that's kinda exciting. I like experimenting.

Anyhoo. Since the last paid post I shared some Zelda stuff, did a newsletter, did an episode of boss keys,  did a playlist, put together a reading list, and made a bonus Zelda video. (Set your Patreon notification settings to paid posts only if you wish to reduce email spam).


What Made Psychonauts Special | Game Maker's Toolkit

Let's look at how Double Fine weaved characterisation into level design, in the 2005 cult classic Psychonauts.



I saw this episode earlier. I hadn't thought about the reasons why The Milkman Conspiracy stands out after all these years (in a good way), but you made some excellent points. I look forward to the next game club game! To answer your question, I haven't started Persona 5 yet, but I'm eagerly looking forward to diving into it once the semester is over! I'm a big fan of the previous two entries in the series.


I'm only about 5hrs in to persona 5, but i really like it so far. you can definitely see the improvements that this game has over the others in the series, expecially with the battle system - the button to auto select the power that the foe is week against if known is super useful, as well as the autorecover button. I also love that they made me care about the story so much already, even though I'm only a few hours in, as opposed to something like persona 3, where while i love the characters, i don't really care as much for the story, despite being a 1/4 of the way in to the game. tl:dr, best game in the series, so many improvements that are noticeable early in.

Rich Stoehr

I can't wait to hear your thoughts on Dead Space, Mark. I loved the first one and the second one surprised me by being pretty good, too... And Extraction has some really cool elements. They've done some world building there outside of the games, too - animated short films, comics, even books. Might be interesting there to explore how they've expanded on the mythology if the games (and whether or not they needed to - it's debatable how valuable those extras are, I'd say). Anyway, looking forward to it! My daughter (a complete Zelda fan) loved both your recent videos about Breath of the Wild, by the way. She even used one to help her figure out where to find something she'd been looking for in the game!


I'm really digging Persona 5. The amount of polish in this game far exceeds just about any other title on the market. Even the transition screens are super stylized. Combat seems more streamlined and dungeon exploring is much more engaging than previous titles. Narrative also hooks you in a lot faster. I don't really have any major complaints yet other than some unfair battles where I got one shot. Fortunately save points are also more frequent so I didn't really lose much time. This feels like a really massive game and I've only barely dented it. I usually shy away from big timesuck titles like this these days but Persona has me excited to comeback to it every evening!


Dunno if this is the thing you care to be corrected about but he was a male cheerleader, not a football player, wasn't he?