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Hello Patrons! I've got a few updates for you.

The Game Jam

At some point today I will be announcing the date of the next GMTK Game Jam. This one kicks off on July 7th, 2023, and the video announcement is above. The jam rules are pretty much the same as before, but this time I had to make a decision about how to handle these new generative AI tools.

(I have decided to change the rules, based on feedback. Original message can be found below:)

Thanks so much for your comments and votes on the poll earlier this week. All of that info (plus responses on YT and Twitter) helped me come to my final decision - AI is allowed for code and for brainstorming, but it shouldn't be used to create assets like art or music.

I really deliberated over this - with serious questions about fairness, practicality, and ethics. And I ultimately decided that it's really about what the jam / GTMK stands for, and given the unanswered questions about how AI tools are trained and used in creative industries, I wanted to make a rule that shows support and celebration of human artists.

I initially made a much longer and more in-depth version of this video - you can watch the rough cut here if you like - but I decided that I was giving the whole thing a bit too much air time and it was taking away the spotlight from the jam itself! So, I cut it down to a minute and change.

Anyway. Register your interest at Itch (this link might not work if you're super early - I've got a few more things to do before I properly announce) and I'll see you in July.

Adverts on YouTube

If you've been a Patron for a while, you may have seen me go back and forth about having adverts on my videos. It's been a big internal struggle. But I've decided that GMTK videos will have YouTube adverts, from now on.

These will only be skippable video adverts at the start of videos - no mid-rolls, no unskippable ads, no in-video sponsorship segments.

Part of the reason is that my Patreon income has dipped. Not a huge amount, and I'm still making a silly amount of money, but the direction of the graph is a little concerning for me and YT ads neatly make up the shortfall.

There's also the fact that there is now, thanks to Nebula, a very easy way to watch GMTK videos ad free! So if that's what you want to do (and don't want to pay for YT Premium), Nebula's your place. I will endeavour to release videos on Nebula at the same time (or before) they release on YouTube.

If your support on Patreon was because GMTK did not using advertising, and this makes you want to leave, then I totally understand and thank you for the support over the years! It is hugely appreciated.

Upcoming videos and projects

I'm currently working on a fun video about how Valve does playtesting. So, that should be fun. Should be out in May. I'm also going to start playing Tears of the Kingdom today, which will almost certainly inspire... something!

And I've also got some other projects on the go. I'm off to Belgium next week to do a lecture. And I'm working with two different game studios to do design consulting, which is really exciting! It's so flattering to be asked to step in and help out with games.

Anyway. That's me. If you have any questions, concerns, or requests - please drop them in the comments and I'll do my best to answer



The GMTK Game Jam Returns in July 2023

Register your interest - https://itch.io/jam/gmtk-2023 Music provided by Epidemic Sound - https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/vtdu5y (Referral Link)



A little disappointing. Maybe it'll be allowed next time though. (every AI art still has a human artist behind it)


you've summed up my feelings about the whole discussion exactly. even down to thinking about counter points. in the end I voted for banning it all because 1) I feel like this discussion is still a bit too hot right now, and a blanket ban is the safe option. and 2) as an artist I thought I might be a bit biased when my feeling told me to only ban art.

OSW Review

thanks for your tranparency! by the way u could have your cake and eat it to re: adverts - if you have ads off when you post it to patreon early, then turn it on right before u go live publicly.


I think the problem is that not all patreon tiers get early access.


Very disappointing that you've fallen on this line - essentially saying that coding isn't a creative endeavour and the humans behind it aren't important.

Colin Bellino

While I understand the reasoning behind the ban only on the generated assets, i would argue that most arguments also apply to code AI. Especially for the AI openly ignoring creators copyright and permission, which is why a lot of devs are running away from Github/Microsoft and open source as a whole for example. While I'm not personally touched by this, i see a lot of more junior programmers scared by things like ChatGPT for their future in programming jobs. I've seen a lot of "why bother if people will just use AI" reactions and i don't think this is a great thing for a game jam. But what is done is done, and i should probably have formulated this in the previous patreon poll instead of here, but that's on me. Anyways, i'm still looking forward to the jam and i don't see the chosen path affecting the jam entries very much (because code AI is trash atm) but hopefully it's not too far to course correct for next year :)

Emil Johansen

"No-one really minds about this stuff getting rolled into an AI's dataset". wat :D I'm sorry, but to chain on your "this isn't really about practicality" bit: This doesn't really come across as about the overall consideration presented by AI as much as which profession happened to shout the loudest in your personal network. Regardless of how one might feel about AI, the stance of "this is unethical, we should take a stand to protect the involved professions... but only _some_ of them" might just be the worst & weirdest one possible to take :D "We need to fight crunch. Well, at least for programmers."? :P


I don't think AI will be replacing people (artists or coders). There is enough room on the internet for everyone, and the art we make both with AI and by hand will still have a chance to find an audience. All you need is an idea and time to build a community. Anyway, I'll likely participate, if the "prompt" (theme) gives me an inspiration this time~


As a coder, I'm fine with my work being harvested for ai; it's different to art assets (which involves much more of the individual and feels more like stealing when you train on it). Good code is usually a group effort to start off with (even if you're soloing)

OSW Review

Before I start, I think you're phenomenal Mark; your work is incredible from a research, presentation and production level! re: Patreon dipping, it might be as a larger % of your vids are now about making your own game, which has less appeal than discussing established properties. Like it's a very cool thing you're doing and a great insight/grounding that'll help future videos! But it's not as much fun side project for viewers as say, breaking down Zelda Dungeons. I have a similar ebb and flow of Patreons depending on how heavily we cover our main product. Anyway, making the patreon more attractive with compelling side projects would bump it up. Having that extra exclusive thing makes signing up/staying here a no-brainer 🙂


Just to add my 2c - I feel quite strongly about creators 'double dipping' on both Patreon as well as sponsorships. I have YouTube pro anyway so I won't see those ads, but just registering in advance that I would remove my Patreon membership if there were in-video sponsorships. Maybe it would be the right thing for you to do financially though and I wouldn't blame you for it - I just wouldn't see a need to support here.


Man, the creativity behind coding still exists even with AI tools


Thanks for making the rough cut available! I appreciate to see your reasoning as well as the finer nuances.


I think that's the ethical issue he was mentioning. AI generative art is based on someone(s) else's work, but they get no credit or compensation for their work being utilized. Yes, there are human artists behind it, but they are not appropriately acknowledged.


Maybe allow Patreon users to watch ad free by uploading here? I think that already happens with the early access?


This is what I came here to say. My own code was used against its licensing as part of training Github Copilot, and Copilot and similar tools are still part of the "unanswered questions about how AI tools are trained". My code is just as much my work as the output of visual artists, so drawing the line between code and art doesn't make sense to me with the rationale you've given. I love that you want to celebrate and support the work of human artists - but I'm not sure why the need to be artists to be celebrated and supported.


Mateus, you've completely misunderstood my point. From the statement: "I really deliberated over this - with serious questions about fairness, practicality, and ethics. And I ultimately decided that it's really about what the jam / GTMK stands for, and given the unanswered questions about how AI tools are trained and used in creative industries, I wanted to make a rule that shows support and celebration of human artists." So - no AI art because it's creative, but AI code because..?


I support you on Patreon because I admire and respect your work, not to get ad-free YouTube videos. So I have no issue with your adding ads back. I hope your success continues! No judgment here.


I really like your explanation of the controversies surrounding AI; you really hit the nail on the head.


So excited for the Game Jam :) The community would see how AI models can make games and game jams more accessible to a wider audience of players and developers. Without a doubt - AI will be used extensively this year, and it's going to be great :)

Dominik Bartsch

After watching both versions of the announcement I just wanted to drop by to say that I like that you decided for the shorter version. While the long one is a good video, as usual, I agree that it deviates too long. The short one is on point!

Alexandr Vakhitov

Although I'm a composer and a musician, I wouldn't mind people using AI assets. I think that those developers, who are using or willing to get help of other creatives such as musicians or painters, would still do the same. From the other hand, quality of games from people who're relying on themselves or don't wish to have a graphic/musician on their team, may suffer from that, and we'll miss those attempts


Why should they be? The output of the model is transformative, and it is not illegal to train models on data like that.

Mickaël Godard

I am neither an artist or a programmer, but the way to have a different approach towards AI depending on this criteria is a bit saddening. It feels really like a lack of consideration towards the craft, like if art is obviously better / more interesting / more worthy of protection than programming. It's also quite unfair towards people who can code but can't make art compared to the other way around. That looks like a strong bias. But, it shouldn't prevent anyone to have fun with the game jam.