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Hello party people! A wild Reading List appears. As always, I hope you dig this collection of articles and videos. And I’ll see you next month for more!

The Design of Games

[Read] What The Heck Is A 'MetroidBrainia'? - “The exciting bit isn't the fact that you can bypass the whole game from the beginning, though; it's in finding out that the answer was literally right in front of you the whole time”

[Watch | CC | 28 mins] How DOOM Eternal Redesigned Push Forward Combat - AI and Games presents a balanced and thoughtful look at how DOOM Eternal’s biggest strength is also its biggest weakness.

[Read] Disco Elysium Breaks The Looms Of RPGs - “In the promotional materials, Disco Elysium promises unprecedented freedom of choice. Somehow, they deliver. How did they manage to do this?”

[Watch | 55 mins] Innovating the Detective Genre in Narrative Games - I joined the likes of Lucas Pope and Tim Sheinman to talk about detective games for LudoNarraCon 2022.

[Read] Tunic developer explains how one of its best puzzles was made - “Tunic is crammed with delightful little moments – but there’s one in particular that stands out, for anyone with a sharp ear.”

[Watch | 40 mins] Revisiting the first year of dev on Satisfactory - Coffee Stain does great design-led dev diaries for Satisfactory. Check out this guided tour of the game’s earliest prototype builds.

[Read] Dark Souls’ Awful Basilisks Taught Me How To Play The Game - “They were crafty, but uncovering how to deal with them made me feel more committed and passionate about video games overall.”

The Business of Games

[Read] The worst trend in gaming is more boring than you think - “At the heart of monopolization is homogeneity.”

[Read] The Hopeful Beginning and Abrupt Shuttering of Funomena - “How the indie developer behind Wattam fell apart after years of apparent mismanagement.”

[Read] From outsourcing to storytelling: the emergence of Indonesian indies - “Perhaps less known to Western audiences, is the impact of the industry in Indonesia - despite it being the fourth most populous country in the world”.

The Development of Games

[Watch | CC | 46 mins] Minecraft World Generation Explained - Alan Zucconi breaks down the algorithms that drive Minecraft’s infinitely massive worlds.

[Read] How We Made... Art's Dream - A dev diary breakdown of Dreams’ built-in showcase of the game’s tech.

[Read] Make Your Dreams Accessible! - Media Molecule provides some handy accessibility tips for making Dreams games. Though, the advice is pretty universal.

[Watch | CC | 12 mins] Why They Broke Gran Turismo 7 - Writing on Games explores the seedy side of Sony’s new driving sim.

The Playing of Games

[Watch | CC | 27 mins] How Call of Duty turned war into a circus - Call of Duty started life as an unflinching depiction of World War 2. Now, Godzilla’s just been added to the Warzone. Polygon asks ‘how did we get here?’.

[Read] Shenmue's harbour is everything that makes the game so special - Eurogamer’s done a whole week of articles on video game cities. Matthew decided to tackle New Yokosuka Harbour, and its infamous forklift job.

[Watch | 19 mins] Why does everyone love Unreal Tournament's weirdest map? - Danny from Noclip travels back to 1999 to tell the story of Unreal Tournament's most iconic map.

[Watch | CC | 18 mins] When Should A Game End? - “In this video, I try to work through the muddy waters of if it is better for developers to make sure players experience the best content in a game or be willing to let them miss things.”

[Watch | CC | 9 mins] No, YOU’RE saying “Mario” wrong - “For years, people have told me I say the word "Mario" wrong. So today, I've asked an expert linguist to tell me - what is the "correct" way to say Mario, really?”

The Art of Games

[Read] The Witcher 3 Is The Perfect Allegory For Otherness - “None of the characters in The Witcher 3 are autistic, but that’s not the point I’m trying to make. In Geralt and the other witchers I found kindred spirits.”

[Watch | CC | 11 mins] The Appealing Animation in Kirby Games - Dan Root looks at the pink puffball’s history of animation, for Kirby’s 30th birthday.

The History of Games

[Watch | CC | 1 hour, 20 mins] Wii Retrospective - A chunky history of Nintendo’s most popular, and most bizarre home console.

[Read] How PlayStation’s The Getaway managed to outdo, yet fail against, GTA 3 - The story of Team Soho’s ambitious London-based gangster game.

\[Watch | CC | 1 hour] This is "Ravenholm" - Arkane was working on a Half-Life spin-off, before Valve cancelled it. Noclip’s got an hour of gameplay footage from this mysterious, canned game.

[Read] How to have the best Deus Ex-perience in 2022 - “Our definitive step-by-step guide to setting up and playing one of the all-time great PC games.”

Beyond Games

[Watch | CC | 14 mins] Segmented Displays - A surprisingly interesting video about how you can segment lights to show all 10 numbers.




Found myself fascinated by the articles in the "Business of games" section this time around, and looking forward to sitting down to watch the detective genre video! Also I had no idea what segmented displays was referring to but was charmed nonetheless. Thanks as always for putting together such a wide-ranging and truly interesting list every month!


Posy is such a great channel! Videos about everything and nothing :)