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Hello! I'm back after a nice big break. I got married, had a holiday, and played some video games. As promised, Patrons weren't charged for August - part of my guarantee that you'll only pay me when I release content.

I also started production on my new GMTK series: Developing*. And this evening I'm releasing a quick update video to announce it to the world. You can check it out now

Basically, it's a series about me making my own game. Each episode will be one step in the journey - episode one will be about learning Unity, episode two will be about prototyping mechanics, episode three will be... well, I don't know! I haven't got that far yet!

As I say in the video, this is all super new for me. And so I'll need to adjust how I work to compensate. Currently I'm thinking that I'll work on the game for 3 days a week and work on videos for the other 2. Let's see how that goes!

Also, other videos are coming. An episode of On the Level featuring one of my favourite games of 2021 should be out next week - it was a mammoth 2 hour interview again, so getting it down to a pithy 25 minute watch has been challenging! I'm almost certainly doing a Boss Keys on Metroid Dread. Plus, classic GMTK episodes are coming soon, too. Other projects, like the Design Icons podcast, are probably 2022 affairs.

Busy busy!

For now, I wanted to give a huge thank you for sticking around. This has been a strange year for me - I've struggled with motivation, purpose, and identity with my channel. But this feels like the right direction. 



*Thanks to GMTK Patron Eir on the Discord for the name idea!


What's next for GMTK?

A new series begins Support GMTK at https://www.patreon.com/GameMakersToolkit /// Music By: LAKEY INSPIRED @ https://soundcloud.com/lakeyinspired License for commercial use: Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported "Share Alike" (CC BY-SA 3.0) License.



Exciting stuff! I'm looking forward to everything, but just wanted to say I already can't wait for the Metroid Dread video... although I might have to wait watching it until I've scoured the game top to bottom myself, haha!


Can't wait to follow along. After decades on the publishing side of games i'm trying to learn Unity to eventually make my own.


Best of luck to you! I'm excited to see the ups and downs of this journey

Aadit Doshi

Super excited about this Mark! your gonna kill it!


Looking forward to it Mark! Feels like an age since the last video, but it's only been the month. I also got married last month, here's to summer weddings!


Nice! Congratulations on the marriage. Feel free to ping me if I can be of any assistance with Unity.


Thank you Mark for doing this... I've been a web developer and gamer for my entire life, but never been able to use my development skills to make games. It's a side project I've always wanted. No pressure, but I feel like you'll be able to make some amazing guides. Can't wait!


Really excited to see where this takes you, Yahtzee Croshaw over at the escapist does Dev Diary, which touches on similar threads but as a longtime solo indie developer and critic, so the perspective I expect from you will certainly be different and valuable! Best of luck


A new journey begins! <3

Mark M

Excited for this, curious to see what type of game you'll make!

Adam Millard - The Architect of Games

Very excited to see the game maker's toolkit being put to use on an actual game - good luck with this new project Mark!


Excited to see you on this journey! It'll definitely help me as I go through the same as well! Looking forward to it!

Daniel Floyd

This is a great idea and I look forward to seeing it!


I, for one, am PUMPED for this new series. Cheers!


Can't wait for the new series!


I thought you should know that I go back and reference your previous videos often while I'm working on various game designs - they are an invaluable resource, and thank you for making them! I say that to imply that even though I've never tasted your cooking, your recipes are top notch. I'm looking forward to your next evolution in game design advice, but my only concerns is that you might find game dev takes up way more of your video-making time than anticipated. I know I'm still stuck on several of my "just a quick project"s. That aside, I still encourage you to do this 100%!


Let's goooooooooooooooooooo


Sounds great. Look forward to it, man.


Looking forward to the new series Mark! Glad you had a good time off


This couldn’t have come at a better time for me, as I’m currently experimenting with using the Ink narrative design tool to develop interactive fiction games. Looking forward to hearing about your experiences and learning from the insights gained.

Oliver Villar

Good luck on this new journey! :D


Your research, insights, and presentation has provided so much for the game development space. I am so excited to see you exercise all of that on a new project!