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Just a quick warning that I have suddenly come down with the bubonic plague or something and I am seriously out of action for the time being - which is gonna delay an already delayed video!

I'll do my best to get everything out in February but obviously I don't want to rush a second episode just because of an arbitrary schedule. I'm certain you care more more quality than quantity.

And hey -  this is exactly why I went per video on Patreon! If I only do one video, you only pay for one.

We'll see how I get on, but this is an early heads up in case you're wondering where the heck I am. I am in hell. 




Feel better Mark!


Take it easy. Heal up =).


The heads up is appreciated but you take care and we'll wait patiently!

Le Mirador

Get better Mark!


Melhoras! :)


Hope you feel better, Mark.