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Hello super special super supporters!

At one point I didn't think I'd get this out for January - my computer died, for one thing, which was A BIT of a set back - but here I am, with one of my favourite episodes yet. 

In this video we take a look at why Doom is awesome - and also why the game still holds lessons for designers 20 years on. And we get to dig into juicy terms like "orthogonal unit differentiation" and "possibility space" through the lens of a shooter practically everyone has played. 

If the vid' has you hankering for Doom, it's available on Steam for PC. Or if you're rocking a Mac you can get the shareware demo and I heartily recommend the program "Boxer" which is a bloody brilliant DosBox wrapper.

Anyway, lemme know what you think. And especially if I made any awful errors - this early access set-up means I can always fix and re-upload videos before they go to the public ;)


Game Maker's Toolkit - What we can Learn from Doom

Description to come


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