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Well, Patreon supporters saw this one coming! 

How do you move through an open world? Well, just follow the little dotted line on your mini map of course! 

But maybe that's not always the best idea. Let's look at some alternatives... 


Game Maker's Toolkit - Following the Little Dotted Line

Getting around non-linear games and open worlds is easy: just follow the little dotted line. But is that always the best way to encourage exploration and investigation? Let's look at some games and ideas - old and new - that offer more involving ways to navigate a landscape.



While playing Tomb Raider I liked that I could just choose to NOT push the detective vision button, but the game kept pestering me to push it, like a nosey sibling who wants to play. "Oh I know what to do here! Let me do it! Lemme play!" Although, I'd be much happier to pass the controller off to a friend, rather than the game itself.


Turned out great Mark!


You "get It," Mark. Thanks for speaking so eloquently about these topics and taking an enormous amount of time to craft these videos.