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Hey $5 peeps! 

So I'm gearing up to announce the 2020 edition of the Game Jam. And, like every year, I've gotten bored of the Game Jam logo and so I've made a new one :P

I wanted to get your opinions on it. 

So this new logo is designed to fix a few flaws from previous logos. 

One is that it's very compact, which is good for video thumbnails and for people to use on their games (and, hey, maybe a t-shirt?). It can also contain the year, so the logo can now stay the same each year but with a different date (I'm not happy with the font for the date, so consider that placeholder). And most importantly, it can crunch down to a really small logo (bottom right) which is great for the brand.

Anyway, just wanted to get your thoughts. Is there a version you like best? Do you just hate it entirely? Where do babies come from? 

Whatever gets picked, I'll still work on it - these are just rough drafts (4 has some weirdness around the two "a"s, for example, that'd need to be cleaned)

Cheers! Appreciate your feedback and help, as always



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