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Is this where I talk to Patreon people? This site is quite confusing and they keep changing it. Hopefully this is fine. Just don't SLIP AND ACCIDENTALLY PRESS THE BUTTON THAT CHARGES EVERYONE! 

That'd be embarrassing.

Anyway. One - wow! Thank you so much for your pledges. It is super humbling and is just a tremendous amount of support - financial and moral.

But two - I don't have any rewards on my Patreon. That's not because I'm a terrible jerk (well, a little bit) but mostly because I don't know what anyone would want!

I don't really want to do the obvious stuff - get episodes early or get unique episodes - because the first won't let people share videos when they want and the latter just isn't how I want this to work.

So yeah, if you have any ideas for things that might be interesting rewards then let me know. It's not about getting more Patreons - more about feeling guilty for not taking proper care of the ones I already have.

Anyway, I'll stop going on. Hopefully this thing actually has a comments box - if not, please tweet me at @britishgaming

Thanks again. You're genuinely the best.



Hey Matt, I've seen a number of similar ideas utilized across many different pages. There are the popular but hard to maintain promises where you interact heavily with the public, such as "I'll add you on Skype" or "We'll have a monthly google hangout" or even "I'll send you a once-a-week update videos," all of which aren't ideal for many people who would rather get actual work done instead of tending to patreon rewards. The most common one being a slightly higher tier of "You can vote on the next video idea via strawpoll," the genius of that being that it lets people SUGGEST ideas without necessarily committing you to take their advice, letting their suggestions be the representative ones, and it barely requires any effort on your part. I think 1-dollar rewards works great for people like Jim Sterling who don't want to bother with too many distractions, so while it's a good model, adding a few more tiers isn't a bad idea! Good luck, dude.


Any of the following would be cool: * The ability to vote on a future video topic * Scripts / teaser information of your videos either a day or two before, or with the video release * Periodic "behind the scenes" of your process and how you work * A weekly list of all the games you've been playing and quick thoughts about them * Periodic private streams of you playing a game or demonstrating something cool which could be recorded and uploaded to YouTube later.


I'm paying you because your videos are good and I would like to see more of them. If you really have to reward me for it then please just make more videos.


I obviously can't speak for everyone, but personally I chuck in a few quid because I enjoy the videos and want them to exist. Just continue doing that, really!


I wouldn't worry about the rewards or higher tiers. Like others have said, I'm supporting you because I like the videos. Great work so far :)

David Rodríguez Madriñán

Well, some thoughts on games you are currently playing or don't get to talk about in your videos, or maybe some examples of games using the design choices you mention in the right way... I don't know, I guess I want to know about good games I missed or will miss, and also to read interesting stuff from you. Keep up the good work!


I'm really not bothered about any special rewards. As long as you continue making videos I'll be happy.


Thanks guys, good to know. I'll see about doing a sort of "what I've been playing" type wrap up for anyone who's interested, and think about how a voting system could work!


I know you don't like to release the videos early, but what about a tease? (Like the thumbnail or something)