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So, if you didn't know, your Patreon support gives you access to the GMTK Discord, where likeminded individuals chat about game design, game dev, cat memes, and Detective Pikachu spoilers. 

We (that's me and the mods) want it to be the best possible place to hang out, so uber mod SlamBamActionMan (I know, I know) has made a survey. It's got a handful of questions about the Discord with the aim of improving the entire experience.

If you've got a few minutes, please take the survey and help us out





Where is this Discord server ? Where is the link ?


Hey! To get on the Discord, you need to connect your Discord account to your Patreon account, in the settings here on Patreon. Once you do that, the room will open in Discord. (Some people have found that they need to disconnect, then reconnect, to get it to work). Any problems, let me know!