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(Sorry for the double post. Technical issues!)

So, some of the game devs on Discord were chatting about a game jam. And now - thanks to the hard work of Patron Aaron - it looks like we'll be running one!

Watch the video about it, here. 

A game jam, if you don’t know, is where you try and make a game that fits some kind of theme, and make it in a super short period of time.

For the GMTK jam, that theme will be one of my videos - giving you a chance to play around with the ideas that were discussed in the episode. Which episode, you ask? Well you’ll have to wait and see! The theme gets announced when the jam starts.

Which is at 6PM on Friday July 14th, until 6PM on Sunday July 16th. That’s for whatever time zone you’re in.

The jam will be public, so not just for Patrons (simply so we get as many entries as possible! As such, this post is also made public)

I’ll be one of the judges, and as long as like more than one person enters, I’ll do a video down the line to look at some of the best games that come out of the jam.

This will be for people of all skill levels, from veteran game developers to someone who has never made a game before. I’m going to be opening a channel on the Discord where you’ll be able to chat with fellow jammers and other helpful people to get advice.

if you’re interested, click on over to itch.io and register your interest.




Whaaaat?! That's sooo cool! Will definitely take part on it :D


Who are the other judges?


How is the GMTK Discord, then the open game jam Discord joined? I'd like to join both.


If you check the Patreon post for the new GameClub you’ll find a couple links to get in. You can also connect your discord and your Patreon account. Message me on here if you’re still stuck


Ah dang, bad weekend for me. I've never done a game jam, but it is something I've been wanting to do for awhile. Maybe I'll do it for fun the following weekend.


How cool! Any rules regarding team size/composition?


Hey hi, Patron Aaron here! I just posted an FAQ to the jam description on itch.io. Hopefully that clears up any confusion!


Hi, :) I'm new here, sorry if this is super obvious somewhere but where can I get the discord link?


Ok I found it :)


I woke up from a dream Friday morning with a game concept on the tip of my brain, and on my way to work I came up with a way to implement a variation of it — on paper. Not sure I can make it fit the theme, though.


Hi Mark, given the fact that this is the Game Maker's Toolkit, and you've got this great Game Jam going, I wonder if there's any scope for a series of videos looking at the different methods of making a game, from a tools point of view? I myself am trying to find a method that suits me, but haven't yet settled on one. I've tried Unity, Monogame, GameMaker, and the lovely little Pico-8. I like how some of the Game Jam entries give a list of the tools they've used, which is a good start for going off to explore the various options. I just thought some carefully considered videos with your excellent level of analysis would be cool.


The usual answer is that the tools don't matter much as long as you don't pick something horribly unsuitable, so stop using the multiplicity of game engines as a procrastination technique and start making things! :)There's a lot of similarity, and the more comfortable you get with programming in general, the easier it will be to switch. Unity is a good default starting point for going in a lot of different directions, but if you want to make something more suited to, say RPG Maker, then go with that.


good videos _+