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Hello, kittens! It's time for the very last couple in this pack of sketches. Honestly, I'm relieved. I didn't think you'd like this flow of black and white sketches. But you didn't let me down, you surprised me and with your support you made me very happy! Now I seriously think that sketching out sketches and posting them here is not such a bad idea :) If you don't mind, I'll continue to share similar sketches with you in the future 

And now our girls! Two sisters, daughters of a woman of amazing beauty. They are different in character, but being sisters, they should be similar in appearance. I hope I was able to convey this sisterly resemblance ;) And, since they share the same mother, they must both be equally beautiful. 

Chloe! Too bad you never jumped out of the "rich bitch" image. You lacked a mother's love, hence your complexes. According to the canon of the show, it's hard to find positive traits in you. But I can't accept it, and my sympathy is on your side. You look remarkably like Adrian Agrest, like the reflection of a mirror. You are both nightingales in a golden cage. But Adrian stays locked up, and you are set free. You broke out into the sky, which you were waiting for, but found nothing interesting in it. And now you're taking revenge on the world for not being what it could have been. Adrian, thanks to Noir's ring, was able to break free on his own, and is now comprehending the world. It will be interesting to see if we end up with another Chloe, or something else? 

I think you, Chloe, have an enormous amount of unspent love in you. Honestly, I admit to a blasphemous thought: I think you and Adrian are just made for each other. Adrian doesn't have a mother, and you almost don't have one. Adrian's father is a soulless tyrant. And your father just wants to buy off gifts from raising you. As I wrote before, you are remarkably alike. 

I don't think the younger Agrest would benefit from your company right now. You have to learn to live with your mistakes by doing it apart. Eventually, as you get older mentally, you could very well become very close. Other than you, no woman on the show can give what Adrian needs. 

Look at what Adrian is looking for in Ladybug: he is looking for someone smarter and stronger than himself. That is, he is now looking for a replacement for his own mother. If he gets his way, it will be CATastrophe. He won't get a mother, and Marinette won't get a reliable partner. These two need to grow up, too. And you, Chloe, unable to replace his mother, could very well be an "equal" partner. If, of course, you learn not to show off your beautiful nose in front of everyone. In fact, it's high time the screenwriters "grounded" you so that you could be a better person. And also, of course, you have to learn to see yourself in Adrian, it's a must. 

In the meantime, you're just a horrible person. But you're so seductively beautiful, I just love drawing you. I'm mesmerized by the cold beauty of bitchy women with a hurt child quietly crying in their hearts. Yes, I'm a very strange artist. 

Now it's your turn, Zoey! Your name itself kind of hints that you're a reflection of Chloe. But you know what? I don't find that. We don't know much about your past. Well, except that you've had to pretend. Pretending to be what? Pretending what? I can't find any answers to those questions. 

Maybe you are what Chloe could have been.  And you, like Chloe, remind me of Adrian in some way. It's a terrible shame that we haven't seen any scenes where the two of you are together to see if chemistry is possible between you. No, you just ignore each other. It's like the writers are scared shitless that this couple will be on the minds of the fans, too. 

In fact... it's hard to say anything specific about you, Zoe. But for some reason, you're incredibly hot! It's inexplicable, but you have a lot of potential and I just love drawing you. And, of course, I love pimping you out to Chloe as a joke, too. Taking sisterly love to the NSFW level. 

I really hope you get less murky in the future and we get Zoedrian in our heads. 

There you go, kittens! It turned out to be a lot of text, plus I'm on pathos today - please excuse me! I really hope these girls will cheer you up: it was a pleasure for me to think about how they should look, including without clothes 😁 

My next work will no longer be a sketch, but quite a normal drawing. Oh-ho-ho, and it will be very naughty! So get ready - I'm almost done working on it. 

Oh, and one more thing: in the time I've been posting these sketches, I've gotten to know many of you. You've written many kind words both below the postings and in personal messages. Those words warm my heart. I am glad that you are with me! ❤❤❤

With love, and gratitude for your support, Tiana Lynx 

P.S. Meowmeow, I remember my promise, and I think about it all the time. Almost as often as France 🤣 




So, anybody we miss?


Well, I drew specific characters to order :) Everyone here is what the customer ordered. At the moment, the girls from the side stories are missing, and the girls from the secondary storylines (like the weather girl). And, of course, it would be nice to draw adult characters :) I'll get back to that later, but for now I have some full drawings to work on :)


Them too? Like Aurora the weather girl? The adults too? I don’t want to know. Sound like more work.


Ideally there should be all of them, but I can't promise anything, it will all depend on whether or not I have time to draw everything I have planned. In any case, I can draw these sketches in my spare time from other drawings :)