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It’s about time that I addressed this.

so, some people have asked what’s happening with this comic! Basically, I haven’t worked on it in a while because I have had to prioritise commissions and I wanted to develop my art style before returning to the comic to make it that little bit better.

i am also considering changes to the story and even developing my own ocean liner design!

I think that I want to build on the story more too. I want to develop the world of Southhampton in 1910, which is where another story came to mind that takes place in the Captain’s Dog universe called One Last Letter.

One Last Letter is very different from Captains Dog but introduces more characters, sets the scene for Captains Dog. One Last Letter will be a story about a rivalry amongst stray dogs in southampton, with strict rules and laws. Daniel from Captains dog will be an important part as he offers to sneak helpless dogs on board ships and ocean liners in need of escaping.

the most interesting part of this concept that I want to develop is the idea of a “mail dog” that wears a red satchel and carries an old quill and paper (In the U.K., the colour associated to mail is red!). please bear with me - it sounds so random!! but The mail dog has an important job. when a stray dog dies, they have a chance to write one last letter to any alive dog where they can reveal their deepest feelings, regrets or darkest secrets. The mail dog will deliver the message in that dogs dreams.…

the letter can be delivered to only one dog at any point in their life. 

if you’ve read this far - thank you! I’d love to hear feedback ☠❤️❤️


Hazel (Bren)

The mail dog is such a cool concept!! It sounds like one of those writing prompts you could make an entire novel out of 🥺🥺


Thank you, that sort of what I was wanting to go for. I felt that there was a lot of scope and opportunity to set the scene and create a world and dynamics.!!