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Hey guys!! I hope that you’re all great. heres something quite different than the usual!

I was approached a week or two ago by a skin care company to design their latest containers for their newest product! They gave me some colour palettes to work from and i was getting a feel for shapes and exploring how the colours could fit together. The patterns are inspired by the movement of applying a cream/ product to one’s face hence the marble swirl movements, the middle pattern is inspired by the movement and shapes made when you apply a skin product with a sponge.

still a long way to go! but we settled for the first colour scheme and i will be exploring that further!

the third image is a sketch that I made on the train with a friend from the community that I know IRL called Fluddie_ on Instagram. I drew my character and she drew hers. She is a really talented warrior cats artist and animator - check out her Instagram and YouTube channel which are @ Fluddie_



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