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Gold has taken on many trials and tribulations throughout his time working with the Diamond agency. Some are harder than others. Some are less significant than others. Yet, this next challenge, unbeknownst to him, would be his most important battle to date. Gold was beckoned to a city in which its population was rallying behind a very specific individual, with rather threatening views on certain topics. Gold was set in motion to target this main individual, strangely enough, they have a lot more in common than he would have first guessed.

Gold watched from a distance at first, perching atop a sky scraper, his eyes, fixated on the target far below. Though he was over 50 stories above the individual, he could see them as clear as day, down to every small detail on their body. To be honest, it wasnt that hard to see them, given their large stature. It was a woman, clad in a tight fitting outfit, with a body formed of muscles so defined, you could see feathering in her shoulders as she moved. Each twist and turn she made, showing different parts of muscles most didnt even know to exist. Her stomach, though tecnically flat to most people, had rigid bumps, each the size of a small beer barrel, each one being a singular one of her abdominals. Clearly this being is in a class of her own. Not only was she extremly muscluar, but she was massive, ginormous in fact. She towered over everyone below her like a statue, she must have been at least 12ft tall.

At this point Gold's mind was made clear. He had to get closer, he needed to check her out up close, to see who he was dealing with. He scaled down the back side of the building and snuck around the crowd. As he moved ever closer, he could feel a weird presence. It was dark...and hot, as if the air itself was turning to steam. Every step he took got a little heavier, as if he was a magnet walking towards the same poll, ever being pushed back and down, but he kept moving forward. Moving ever closer, he could hear her voice as she preached to the masses. Clearly these people in the crowd were of some religous group, of which he was unsure. But from the way she was speaking, she was talking of gospel he had never heard of. As he came closer, he came to notice 2 large horns pertruding from her head. He was curious if other people could see them, or if it was only something spirit seers could see.

As she was talking, something caught her attention, like a stench in her nose, it started to twitch. She had taken notice, she can smell him, feel him, somewhere in the crowd. At this point Gold was unsure of his targets abilities and decided it was time to back off and rethink his stratagey. Unfortunatly for him, at that very instant, a large thud sounded behind him and the ground shook. A deathly silence laid across the crowd, as a large shadow lay over Gold. From the mouth of this behemouth "Well, well, well, so you finally came. The man of the stars, come to greet me." Gold, still with his back turned, though he knew very much she was there. She grinned as she raised her fist, "Very well...Let me show you how I, Beryl, show proper greetings to such as you!"



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