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Greetings Conquerors!

I've decided I'm going to make these progress reports a weekly occurrence on Fridays so that you all have an idea of how the mod is coming along!

For the first report I'll be going over the things that I've finished so far in the update!


By far one of the most requested features is the ability to choose which races and genders your troops are. Well now it's possible! All you need to do is head to your General and let them know that you want to adjust your troops allowed races and genders.

You will then see a menu that allows you to customize which races and genders are allowed into your army. These are the default settings that you're all used to by now:

Now let's randomly decide to make the army only consist of female orcs and khajiits:

Once we hit "Done" our troops will automatically reset to fulfill our requirements:

And there we go! The "No Boys Allowed Khajiit-Orc Army" has been formed!

The important thing about this feature is that it adds a ton of roleplay options! Want to unite the Dark Elves and Argonians of Windhelm and take the city? Maybe you want to roleplay as a High-Elf Thalmor sympathizer and recruit all the high elves of Skyrim to take it over? The possibilities are endless!

Custom Government Outfits

Another change that Version 0.3 will bring is how the outfits your Jarls and Government officials wear will be chosen. In previous versions, they just automatically wore an outfit for their position. Now, once you appoint them, you will be able to choose what outfit they can wear!


As I stated in a previous post, mages will also be recruitable in the new update. So far I've finished the two types of mages that are more for support roles in combat: Restoration and Alteration mages.

Sadly Skyrim does not have support roles built into NPC AI so I've had to add it in myself. 

For Alteration mages, their primary purpose is to buff the rest of your troops with the "flesh" buffs that increase their armor rating. They will do this every time your troops enter combat.

Mages will have increasing levels that your court mage can research if you fetch them the appropriate research material. For the Alteration mage it is fairly straightforward:

Level 1: Casts Oakflesh (+40 pts armor rating)

Level 2: Casts Stoneflesh (+60 pts armor rating)

Level 3: Casts Ironflesh (+80 pts armor rating)

Level 4: Casts Ebonyflesh (+100 pts armor rating)

Level 5: Casts Dragonhide (ignores 80% of all physical damage)

For Restoration mages, as you may have guessed, their primary purpose is to heal your troops as they take damage.

Their levels are as follows:

Level 1: Can heal one troop at a time with an 8 second cooldown

Level 2: Can heal two troops at a time with a 6 second cooldown

Level 3: Can heal three troops at a time with a 4 second cooldown

Level 4: Can heal four troops at a time with a 2 second cooldown

Level 5: Can heal all damaged troops at a time with no cooldown

Obviously level 5 could get a bit OP but I'm going to try and set up a system where the player will have to work hard to get to that point. Also in the future I'll add healers to the enemy factions as well for balance.

And that's pretty much everything so far! This update is going to add a bunch of stuff that aims to allow you to fine tune your experience more to your tastes! I can't wait till it's done and I can release it to all of you!



Hooooo boy, this update is looking very exciting! Since this update has some focus for the troops as well, I was wondering if we'll get full customization of the names. Like, changing the names of the types, like "Soldier", "Archer", etc. to whatever we wanted to name them. I think that would open a lot of room for roleplaying options, especially since mage and magic troops are being implemented as well, so there's even more room for roleplaying!


I'd like to see special troops like Dwemer automata for instance. Maybe associating them with high Smithing requirements and/or certain cities or ruins perhaps, i.e. requiring Markarth or Dwemer ruins for automata for example. Also the enabling or disabling certain races in the game would fit; i.e. enabling mainly Bretons and disabling Nords for a Forsworn-themed army for example. It'd all depend on what races my characters would prefer to ally with or befriend over the course of a campaign.


Agreed. For instance, I might have "crossbowman" type troops that use rifles rather than crossbows. So I'd probably want to rename them to a more appropriate title. Renaming troops from certain armies after historical types of soldier for instance.


Oooh I love that idea, a robot army, sounds cool and super scary at the same time. Call Will Smith and Arnold ASAP! Automation troops would be cool like the dwarven robots with spears, the Dwarven centurions and spiders. Yeah Forsworn playthrough would definitely be possible now with the race option. For the Dwarven Idea, maybe have an archeologist mage or actually maybe just the court wizard in your government could study them so you can have these as an option, and you could find dwarven parts for them to study. Could be really interesting and Markarth could be required to have them, and Dwarven Ruins maybe could be conquered, then enemy spawns would no longer happen for dangerous Dwarven places, maybe automation troops for these places. It's a cool idea, very unique.