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Greetings Conquerors!

This will be my last post before releasing the update to you in a few days and I wanted to go over some of the stuff I didn't cover in previous posts! 

I'll start with the quicker stuff:


You will now have the option of setting tax rates for each of your cities and villages. A higher tax rate will cause the city's loyalty to go down but if you spend their gold on upgrades for their city you can make that up.

On the other side, if you lower the tax rate your people's loyalty will go up but you will have less(or none) income from the city.


As you know, the mod potentially had the issue of making it impossible to get the vanilla houses and housecarls after you conquer a city. Well now that is no more! After you conquer a city, you will be able to talk to your appointed steward in that city and request to purchase property in the city. The steward will then offer to transfer it to you for free (since the entire city already belongs to you) and provide you a housecarl to watch your property.

This will then give you the key(like in vanilla) and spawn the housecarl at your new house.

And there we go! The mod is now more compatible with the base game and we are one step closer to full compatibility!


But now you've conquered every city in Skyrim, so what now? Now it's time for you to officially become the person you were always meant to! It is now time to convene the Moot!


Your Steward will now have a new dialogue option: the ability to summon all of the Jarls to your capital for a meeting.

Your Jarls will then arrive the next day in the meeting room at the palace.

After you take your seat, your Jarls will do the same. You will then be able to let them know you wish to convene the Moot.

You will then be nominated by one of the Jarls that approve of your leadership, or you'll have to self-nominate.

However, be warned that the outcome of the Moot may not always end in your favor. The Jarls still need to vote for you and the only way they'll do that is if they either believe you are the right choice to be High King or they have a good relationship with you. Jarls of holds that are disloyal to you will not be afraid to vote no on your bid to become High King:

However, Jarls of holds that are loyal to you will back your bid for the throne:

If you manage to get at least half of the votes, you will be named High King of Skyrim and your coronation will take place in your capital palace the next day!


On your coronation day, your citizens will gather inside the palace, awaiting your arrival. I don't really want to spoil anything here about it as I want you to see it for yourselves when you get to this point in your playthrough but I'll leave a few pictures:

I pretty much have all the mechanics done and I just need to fix a few bugs before I release it. Unfortunately, you'll have to start it on a new game that you haven't installed the mod on yet because this update adds a lot and it changes a lot of things that were in the original mod. 

This updates primary focus is on city management, and it will change the way you play the mod. Instead of being able to just breeze through conquering every city, you will now have to stabilize your cities after you conquer them or suffer the consequences of your citizens rebelling against you. For example, after you conquer a city you must make sure your citizen's needs of food and protection are met, which means you need to hire guards, import food to the city directly, and leave an army or two to keep watch over the city. You can also to see to your citizens' petitions in court and punish criminals that your guards arrest and upgrade your buildings to provide more jobs to your citizens and grow your city's population and bolster the morale of your people with a military parade! There really is a lot this update adds. 

Again, thank you all for your support! It's really helped me through the long hours of coding and debugging this update and it really would not be the same without all of you!


Josh Toma

Just a quick question, in the territories you conquer, are the chests there safe to store items in without them despawning?


Sadly no I haven't figured out how to keep the cell from resetting the chests yet. I'll take a closer look at it at some point in the future.

Josh Toma

Sorry, follow up question, it seems like I'm unable to claim certain areas added in by mods, like playerhomes, just wondering if you have to use vanilla locations for territory bases