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Chad caught up to David and the others at an area near one of the stages. He glanced back at Victoria and the others to ensure they were still there. The last thing any of them needed was their ride leaving without them. "Dude, check this out!" Joey exclaimed as he opened a small trunk, "They've got extras!"

"Man, we don't know where those have been," Henry said as Joey pulled out a couple of masks.

"I'm still trying to wrap my head around where we are," Trevor said, "I knew that strip joints were a thing for guys and gals, but this is surreal."

"Yeah, and it's a chance for us to have some fun," Joey smirked, twirling one of the masks, "We slip these on, mingle a little bit, and David gets some skin-to-skin contact and maybe some strange. It's a win-win all around."

"Do you hear yourself?" Chad asked as Joey put one of the masks on, "Did you not see the guy get grabbed? This is dangerous, man."

"Lighten up, Chad," David said, "Places like this have to have some kind of policy in place to keep people like us safe."

"Workers, maybe, but we don't work here!" Chad exclaimed, "David, this is a bad idea."

"Don't be a spoiled sport, Chad," Joey scoffed, unbuttoning his shirt, "The girls are having their fun, so why shouldn't we?"

"What do we have to lose?" Trevor asked, stepping up to take one of the masks, "As long as we're careful and watch the ladies, we should be alright."

"Our lives, for one," Chad pointed out as Trevor donned his mask.

"Chad, buddy, it'll be fine," David grinned as he grabbed a mask from the trunk, "Come on, let's live a little. Do this for me, man, yeah?"

"Henry, are you on board with this?" Chad asked as Henry approached Joey.

"I'm a little nervous, but as long as we're careful, we should be okay," Henry shrugged, "How bad could it be?"

"Stay back if you're not up for it, Chad," Joey said, his smile dropping as he turned serious, "No judgment from us if you can't, man. We can take care of ourselves."

Chad sighed as he marched up and grabbed a mask from the trunk, "I'm not letting you idiots get yourselves killed. I'm in, but I want it on record that I think this is a stupid idea."

“Noted,” Joey said as he unbuttoned his shirt, “Alright, so here’s what I’m thinking, guys. We head backstage, check out the lineup, and see if we can slip out at the next opportunity.”

“That’s your plan?” Chad frowned.

“You got a better one, Mr. Hesitation?” Joey asked.

“If we’re doing this, then we need to be smart,” Chad sighed, looking around, “The women here seem to be allowed to do whatever they want. Judging by what we’ve already seen, management doesn’t seem to care either. We need to watch ourselves. The smarter play would be for us to head backstage, gauge the scenery and vibe, and make a move once we know-”

As Chad was trying to pitch his idea, a hand reached down to grab Trevor, who had just taken his shirt off. Surprised, He cried out as an unknown woman lifted him up into the air. Chad, Henry, Stewart, David, and Joey watched as a brunette in a tight red dress carried him off to her group in the corner. Whatever plans they had quickly went out the window in the face of whatever madness was unfolding. Chad was brought back to his moments at the gym months ago. The difference was that the women here were more aware of their presence than the patrons at the gym.

“Shit,” Chad sighed, “New plan; we need to find a way to get Trevor out of whatever hell he’s about to be stuck in.”

“Are you kidding?” Joey asked, “Trev is probably about to have the time of his life, Chad. Do you really want to take that away from him?”

“You want to take the chance of him getting abused and hurt, Joey?” Chad countered, “Is that something you’re okay having on your conscience? Is that how you want David’s night to go?”

Joey looked away at Chad’s question. He knew that Joey wasn’t malicious and that the last thing he wanted was for one of their friends to get hurt. “Alright, alright,” David said, “Look, let’s take a minute and calm down. Maybe there’s a way that we can get the best of both worlds—Chad’s right. We don’t need to risk Trevor getting hurt. That said, nothing is stopping us from being able to see a few sights along the way. We already blend in, and we can kill two birds with one stone here.”

“Not exactly what I meant, but I guess this is as good as it’s gonna get,” Chad shook his head, “Come on, let’s move before someone else decides to take one of us for a spin. The last thing we need is to get separated before we even know what’s going on.”

“Yeah, alright,” Joey held his hands up, “I’m with you guys. I still don’t think that it’s too much to worry about, but there’s no point in us getting split up if we can help it. Lead the way, best man.”

“Don’t be a dick, man,” Henry defended Chad, “This is the kind of thing that can get out of hand quickly if we aren’t careful. I’d rather us all make it back in one piece.”

Their plan decided, Chad took the lead to try to get them across the linoleum floors toward the table that had taken Trevor for their fun. The music changed but remained thunderous and booming above them. They neared the table where Heather and the others were sitting, and Chad felt a wave of nerves crash over him. A place like this was designed to bring out the worst in people. Morales and values were meant to be checked at the door, and he already knew what Pam could do when her inhibitions were down. He hoped that he was just being paranoid, but somewhere deep down, he knew he was right to be worried. Their greatest hope was to remain undetected for as long as possible.

Of course, the problem wasn’t Chad, Stewart, or even Henry or David. The variable in question was Joey and his curiosities. To an extent, Chad could understand, but curiosity and lust were a dangerous and deadly combination. However, Chad couldn’t help noticing that their wildcard companion was keeping close. It didn’t take away the potential for things to take a turn, but at least it didn’t amplify the chances of something going wrong. It was maddening and nerve-wracking with each step they took. Chad tried not to look at the monitors, but he couldn’t ignore the hooting and hollering from the women in the club.

They inched their way closer to the table where the women were sitting. None of them had noticed them, and they seemed engrossed in the show happening around them. Each man took in the sights of the women from the bottom up. Seeing them from a table, or a nightstand, was one thing, but seeing them from the floor was truly daunting. Their well-manicured toes, some painted to match their outfits, reflected the lights from the stage and monitors. The subtle and smooth curve of each of their legs was mesmerizing and frightening at the same time. Supple skin that begged to be caressed, but also threatened to spell doom should they get too close. Those legs gave way to the dresses, or jeans in Victoria's case, that concealed their most intimate and dangerous bits. It was as though they were looking up at living, breathing buildings that could snuff out their lives without a second thought and walk away unaware of the damage they'd done. Each of them knew this to be true in their own way, and each man had experienced the terror in some form or fashion in the past. Still, there was something almost hypnotic about seeing these titans of beauty from such an angle.

They were nearly under the table where the women were when one of the dancers ran up and crashed into them. “Please, please,” he said, looking around, “I-I need to get out of here. I can’t do this-no-no-no!”

Chad and the others watched as one of the women from the table above reached down to grab the little man. He was hauled up and taken to the table. The hand in question belonged to none other than Rose. Chad knew those rings anywhere, but he hadn’t expected to see his mother take advantage of someone tonight. Then again, he hadn’t been expecting anything that had happened this evening. He held his arms out to stop the rest of the group, but they all looked up to see what was happening. It was a harrowing and eye-opening moment for them as they watched the giantess begin her fun. Perhaps it was most harrowing for Chad as he was brought face-to-face with the woman his mother often hid from him.

Rose and the other women had been enjoying the show so far. Since arriving, they'd joked, laughed, and sipped on a fair amount of wine and mixed drinks. The scenes on the monitors were almost comical in nature. The little men danced and dodged bills that were over double their size. The girls laughed at their expense, but they all agreed it was in good fun. After all, these men had signed up for this line of work. Their job was to entertain and delight, and they were certainly doing a fantastic job of the prior. Rose had already seen a few women manhandle the dancers, and she noted that no one had stopped them. The rules of the club were lax at best, and she found herself growing more and more curious as the minutes ticked by. After seeing another woman walk up and grab someone from the floor, she decided to indulge herself.

A little one had been walking across the floor near their table. Perhaps he was on break or maybe preparing for his next routine, but Rose took him for herself. She mistook his struggles for part of the show and excitement, and she felt a rush as she held him in her hand. Ideas of what she could do and get away with began running through her head. There was a sense of hesitation, but between the atmosphere and alcohol, it was faint and waning. The way her prey wiggled and beat against her hand only heightened her desires. If he was this motivated just being held, how much more invigorated would he be somewhere more intimate?

Victoria's voice brought her out of the small tantalizing haze for a moment, "Gran, what are you doing?"

Before she could reply, Tracy was answering for her, "I think she's about to have a little fun, Victoria. You know, see everything this place has to offer."

"What do you mean?" Victoria asked, visibly nervous and hesitant as she watched her grandmother.

"She's going to take the little guy for a ride, and hopefully, she will share once she's done," Angelia clarified as she sipped her margarita.

"These men are here for our amusement, dear," Rose explained, trying to rationalize as calmly as she could, "It's part of their job, and it's part of the experience here. Trust me, it's nothing they're not used to or prepared for."

"It just seems wrong," Victoria admitted, although she noticed the slight wicked glint in her grandmother's eyes.

"This is a line of work that he chose, dear," Rose defended as she brought her little playmate to her chest and dropped him down her shirt, "There's always a risk with any job, and these little fellas know what they're getting into. Relax and try to enjoy yourself, Victoria. Oh! He is a feisty little thing!"

"You're just going to give him a tit tour, Rose?", Tracy asked.

"Start them slowly and see how they do." Rose replied, shivering as her boy toy bounced and thrashed in her bra, "Hmm, I think he and I may be very well acquainted by the time tonight is over. Would you like that, little man? How does an opportunity to please an absolute Goddess sound to you, hmm?"

"Rose, I've never seen this side of you," Pam laughed as she took a drink of her Cosmo.

"Try it yourself and tell me you don't love the feeling," Rose smirked, "There has to be something that you've always wanted to experience with Chad or Victoria with Stewart that you've been hesitant about. Tonight is about taking that risk with a stranger, ladies. Have your fun, get your kicks, and whatever happens, stays between us."

"You are devious," Heather grinned, relishing the scene as it played out and becoming more intrigued.

"Just find one and take them," Rose shivered as her little captive brushed against her nipple, "Oh, this one is a naughty little thing. Hmm, I think he's trying to get on my good side."

"Holy shit," Joey breathed as he watched Rose begin to press her breasts together and practically smother the dancer.

A small part of him had been just as nervous as Chad and the others, but his bravado wouldn't let him admit it. Tonight was supposed to be about giving David something to remember, but the terror in that stranger's voice couldn't be unheard. His doubts and second thoughts were beginning to grow, and they were amplified by seeing a woman he knew partake in such a callus act. Trevor was with a stranger, but there was no telling what he was going through. He and the others could faintly hear the women speaking, and there was no concern or remorse in their voices. All there was was curiosity, desire, and amusement. Joey couldn't take his eyes off of the scene unfolding before him, and he never saw the shadow descending on him until it was too late.

"Ah, wait a minute!" Joey exclaimed as soft fingers wrapped around him and lifted him up.

His upper body was exposed, and Chad was running to try to grab his hand. "Joey, hold on!" Chad shouted as he tried to reach him, but it was too late.

Confidence and bravery fell to the wayside in the face of happenstance and anxiety as Joey was raised higher into the air. Jumping would only result in his death, and he was at the mercy of whoever had grabbed him. The fact that it was the same women from the wedding did nothing to ease his worries. The mask he wore meant he was just another faceless, nameless object in a club. A toy that only existed for the amusement of women, at least by the standards of this place. His friends couldn't help him, and his fate was in the hands of a woman with a buzz and an unknown itch to scratch. His body trembled in nervous anticipation for whatever was about to happen.

Much to his dismay, Heather had been the one to grab him. He'd always thought her gorgeous, but his loyalty to his friend kept him from acting on any impulses. It may have been a dream come true to some, but Joey felt nothing but fear and trepidation as Heather smiled down at him. "Hello, little man," Heather cooed in an unsettling manner, "Tonight is your lucky night."

"Looks like the bride-to-be has found hers," Tracy chuckled as she sipped her drink.

"Here's the thing, little guy," Heather continued, tightening her grip in a display of dominance, "I'm getting married, and tonight is my last night of fun. My fiance and I have been dying to have some fun, but I've been a little nervous about that. You, my horny little plaything, are going to help me get over that. You're going to help me indulge a few things I've been wanting to try, and you're going to thank me for it afterward."

Joey couldn't believe what he was hearing. Never before had he imagined such a side to someone as sweet as Heather could exist. Her grip was like an iron vice, squeezing him tighter by the second. What was she going to do to him? He didn't have to wait long for her to reveal the answer. His lack of reply didn't seem to bother her, and his worldview shifted as she brought him to her mouth. He couldn't fight the scream of sheer terror as she tossed him into her maw. Of all things to happen, this was easily the last thing Joey expected. The damp darkness surrounding him was horrifying enough, but knowing his life could be over within seconds made it much worse.

The entirety of the time Joey had been this size, he'd never experienced anything like this. Feeling someone's tongue beneath him was disgusting and surreal. The slick feeling under him was strange, but then Heather's tongue began to roll. Joey was thrown to the side of her cheek, and his heart stopped when he felt her teeth clamp down beside him. Thankfully, she hadn't bitten him, but it didn't diminish the fact that he was this close to something so deadly. What was she even doing? The wall of teeth rose, and her tongue snaked its way over and pressed him against her cheek. It was degrading, revolting, and utterly terrifying as time seemed to slow down. Her tongue pulled him back to the center of her mouth, and it was all Joey could do to keep from panicking. All he could think was what would happen if he slipped backward and fell down her throat. Would she even care? He didn't want to find out.

"Heather, what are you doing?" Victoria asked.

Heather held up a finger as she pushed her dripping boy toy around her mouth again. "She's getting him nice and wet," Rose explained with a devilish grin, "I'd say his night is about to take a pleasant turn."

Victoria frowned as she watched Heather finish and spit the little man out into her hand. He was absolutely soaked by this point, and Victoria swore she saw him shaking. It could have been that he was cold, given the contrast in the air, but somehow Victoria doubted that. However, without being able to see him up close, she couldn't say for certain. She could imagine the fear that he might have felt, but she reminded herself of what Rose had said. These guys had willingly signed up for this job; by the look of things, none of this was out of the ordinary. She'd already seen women take others and slip them into various compromising and embarrassing places. It was still strange to think such things were so widely accepted, and it didn't sit well with her.

"Lighten up, Victoria," Pam piped up, sensing the apprehension rolling off of her stepdaughter, "This is all in good fun, I promise. None of us are actually trying to hurt anyone, okay?"

"Accidents happen all the time, though," Victoria muttered, "What if she had accidentally swallowed him? What if Gran smothers that little guy?"

"Then he'll probably die a happy man," Tracy joked but added when Victoria's face didn't crack, "Hon, relax, we're not bad people here. If it gets to be too much, then we'll stop with them. Until then, why not try to have a little fun?"

"It's worth it, Victoria," Heather said as she lowered her little captive towards her seat and slipped him into her panties, "We can feel if they stop moving, and we'll make sure they survive. They're getting a story out of this too, you know."

Joey was barely registering the conversation happening. His heart was beating out of his chest as he was suddenly launched out of the hell of Heather's mouth. He was terrified beyond belief and didn't have time to reason with the woman before Heather moved him again. When he realized what was happening, it was already too late again. Heather was nonchalantly inching him closer to her panties; her legs spread to reveal the pink cotton hidden beneath her dress. She peeled them to the side with one hand, rolled his slick body over, and pressed him into a new prison. One made of lust and longing that should have been the envy of many but was nothing but dread and horror for Joey.

The smell of her flower and the lingering arousal radiating and mingling with the heat was overpowering. He wasn't a scientist, but he guessed that there must have been at least a ten-degree difference in the temperature. He struggled as best he could, but again, there was nowhere for him to go. A fall from this height would be his undoing, but he was fast approaching a fleshy tomb. Worse, it was the very place that should have been David's. Another first for the man who hid behind ego and bravado. Joey hadn't been this close to a woman, not on this level, since he'd caught the virus months ago. It certainly wasn't how he envisioned his first time going, either. The wall of Heather's panties pressed him against her giant pussy, and Joey was left with nothing but tainted air and struggles.

The first of many horrifying realizations began to dawn on him. He'd already learned just how powerless and meaningless he was in the face of the wants of a giantess, but this was something different. As he struggled, the lips of her pussy tried to draw him inward. He could be devoured if he wasn't careful, and that fate seemed equally as harrowing as being swallowed alive. His arm sank into the flesh, and things were only made worse when he felt Heather's fingertips brush against his back. She was pushing him closer to herself, and that meant he was completely trapped. It was something of a saving grace that she wasn't forceful, but even the light rubbing and massaging was driving him closer and deeper to a fate he'd never considered. If he hadn't already been regretting his decision, he was now. A round of cards and a few drinks seemed to be a far better alternative to the terror that threatened now surrounded him.

Below the table, Chad and the others hadn't been able to move. They'd watched in shock and awe as the women they knew took advantage of their friend. Sure, the ladies didn't know it was him, but that didn't change their actions. This was something unheard of to any of them, and not one of them had ever imagined seeing this. Not only were they condoning and defending it, they were encouraging it in such a callous way. Were these thoughts that lay dormant in their minds, or was this the result of the debauchery of such an establishment? Whatever the case, it was harrowing to witness. The fact that Rose, Chad's mother, seemed to be leading this thinking was most alarming. He knew his mother had been active, but was this the type of person she was?

"Chad," Stewart broke through his train of thought, "We can't just stand here, man. If we do, then one of us will be next. Whether it's one of the girls or a stranger, someone is going to take us unless we get moving."

"We can't leave Joey," Henry shook his head, "Heather is-"

"That's my wife," David cut him off, his tone one of shock and disbelief, "My wife is using another man for her own…"

"Don't," Chad shook his head, regaining some of his senses, "David, she doesn't know that it's Joey, and they think this is normal. Do yourself a favor, and don't get stuck on this, man. We cannot afford this right now, and we need to focus on helping our friends while simultaneously keeping ourselves out of trouble. We can't help them if we're caught."

"What are you thinking?" Stewart asked, trying to focus on Chad rather than give in to the tension blanketing their group.

"I hate it, but we're going to have to split up," Chad sighed, trying to formulate a plan on the fly, "Two of us can stay here and try to help Joey, but another two are going to have to try to get to Trevor. There's not much we can do at this size outside of making sure that they're okay once the ladies are done having their fun. I just don't know how we're supposed to do this."

"Henry and I can-" Stewart started before a voice cut them off.

"Hey, hombres, over here!" one of the dancers called from what looked like a mouse hole by the stage, "Get your asses over here unless you want to wind up like your friend, cabrons!"

"Who the hell is this?" David asked, staring at the man wearing a tiger mask.

"Doesn't matter," Chad replied, "He's offering us a safe place, and we need time to think and regroup. We take it while we can and come back with a plan, David."

"What about Joey?" Henry asked, looking back as Heather lightly toyed with their friend and herself.

"We're not leaving him, Henry," Chad assured him, "Nobody is getting abandoned tonight, and all of us are going to make it back home. I'm not letting anyone suffer more than they have to, but right now, we need a plan. Come on before one of them grabs you, too."

"He's right," Stewart sighed, "There's nothing we can do unless we play this smart. Our size is a disadvantage, man, but we can still think our way out of this mess if we work together. Let's go."

"Hey, move your asses, idiotas!" the man in the tiger mask shouted, "You want to end up a stain on a woman's panties, her chair, or their fucking shoe?! No? Then get over here before they spot you!"

Chad looked at David and shrugged, "What choice do we have?"

"Alright," David nodded and followed his friend, "Let's just get this over with."

"Now you're sounding like me," Chad rolled his eyes as they hurried to the shelter from the stranger.

The four remaining members of David's party made it to the hole in the stage as another song came to an abrupt end. The small alcove wasn't much to look at, but it was dimly lit with tea lights that had been smuggled in. A handful of other men wearing masks sat around on makeshift pieces of furniture. Most of them looked tired or frightened, but one man stood out in the back. Chad saw him first, and he immediately wished he hadn't. His arm was crushed and mangled, and another man sat beside him, trying to tend to the wound. What was happening here?

"Hey, eyes front, hombre," the man in the tiger mask said, spotting Chad staring, "He's not your problem. My name is Miguel, and none of you are one of us. You want to tell me exactly why you'd come to such a shitty corner of the new world?"

"Is he okay?" Stewart asked, looking past Miguel at the injured man, "Is he going to live?"

"Not your problem, kid," Miguel sighed, "Answer my question, and do it quick before I throw you all back to the wolves."

"We're here because we're idiots," Chad sighed, glancing at Henry and David, "Our friend here is getting married, and his fiancé is here for her Bachelorette party. We were staying in, but he was worried she'd meet somebody and change her mind."

"Ah, so stupid because of love, eh?" Miguel shook his head, "Stupid all the same, but at least there's a cause for it. You shouldn't have come, but more importantly, you shouldn't have put those masks on."

"Why not?" David asked, "I get that it puts us at risk, but is this place really that dangerous?"

"My friend, you have no idea the hell you've just walked into," Miguel replied, "I saw you all by the chest, and I saw your friends get taken. They're at the mercy of the beasts, and I'd caution you from doing anything else foolish. Those masks mark you as fair game for the women here, and the higher-ups won't stop anyone from having their fun. All we are is entertainment for the paying customers, and as long as you wear those, that's all you are as well. The minute you put those on, you stop being a person. Take them off, get out of here, and go back the way you came. Your friends are gone."

"We're not leaving them behind," Chad said, stepping forward, "Damn the risks, I'm not letting anyone get hurt if I can help it."

"You're either brave or dumber than you look," Miguel scoffed, "There is nothing here for you. No hope, no salvation, and nobody who gives a damn if you live or die. As long as you wear those, your lives amount to nothing but profit for the owners."

"You're telling me you'd leave your friends to die?" Chad asked, refusing to back down, "I'm not abandoning anyone, and you can't tell me that you'd do the same thing. If it's so dangerous here, then help us to understand. The guys we came here with are innocent, and they don't deserve whatever is going to happen to them. None of you do, but they're counting on us to help them."

Miguel stared at Chad for a moment before shaking his head, "Loyalty is something I can respect. It's rare these days, but I know it when I see it. Answer me this, cabron. Are you willing to put your life on the line for theirs?"

Stewart, Henry, and David looked at Chad, wondering what he'd say. Chad took another step forward and replied with earnest conviction in his voice, "If it means there's a chance I can save them, then I am. I can't speak for the others, but I'll do this on my own if I have to. If they want to run, then I won't blame them. As for me, I'm staying, and I'll do whatever I have to."

"I'm not leaving them," Stewart agreed, despite his knees shaking.

"This is my fault," David shook his head, "I won't abandon them either."

"We're already in the fire," Henry sighed, "It wouldn't be right for us to let them keep suffering."

"You four are loco, but I can see there's no talking you out of this," Miguel finally said after a long moment of tense silence, "Very well, but you need to know what you're getting into. Sit down, and I'll tell you what really happens here. If you're going to do this, then you need to know what you're getting into, what to watch out for, and just how dangerous this place is…"


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