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"Ante up, boys," Chad said as he dealt another hand to his friends.

Chad sat on a table in the hotel room with David, Stewart, and the rest of the wedding party. The women were getting ready in the next room, but the men were sitting and playing poker. "Chad, this isn't exactly what I had in mind for my bachelor party," David sighed as he threw in a couple of chips.

"Cut me some slack, man, it was last minute," Chad smiled, "It's not my fault Chris got sick. Besides, do you have any idea how difficult it is to get cards our size, let alone chips and glassware?"

"How did you get a bottle of tequila and glasses?" Henry, one of the groomsmen with shaggy brown hair and pale skin, asked.

"There's a market for this stuff now," Stewart shrugged as he looked at his hand, "It's becoming more common the longer things stay like this, man."

"Yeah, but the tequila?" Henry asked again.

"I have my ways," Chad smirked as he looked his hand over.

"He had Pam funnel some into the bottle," Stewart clarified, "It took her five tries to get it in."

"I'm good with a few drinks and some cards," Trevor, another groomsman with blonde hair and a crew cut, shrugged, "Little comforts like this are pretty rare these days. I don't get to enjoy stuff like this very often."

"See, it's not all bad, David," Chad said, "Trevor is right. We don't get creature comforts like this anymore. When was the last time anyone here sat down and did anything that felt close to normal?"

"Before I caught this damn virus," Henry scoffed, "Since then, it's been surviving day to day. He's right, man. We should enjoy this while we can. Yeah, our families care about us, want the best for us, and try to help, but fate's always a back-and-forth. Isn't it better to take the moment of reprieve while we've got it?"

"I don't know, Henry, I'm kind of with Davey on this one," Joey, the last groomsman with long black hair hanging just past his shoulders, spoke up, "No offense, Chad, but this isn't exactly my idea of excitement. Davey boy is about to tie the knot, and we're sitting around playing cards and catching a mild buzz."

"What exactly do you propose, Joey?" Chad asked, "Last I checked, none of us can dial a phone, walk a block, or drive. It's not like we can call a cab or arrange any kind of entertainment for tonight."

"Tch, you don't gotta remind me," Joey sighed, running a hand through his hair, "I didn't mean any disrespect, man. I get it, but this is pretty PG compared to what the women are probably getting ready to do."

"Dinner and some wine, yeah, that's real adventurous," Chad chuckled, "Are you guys gonna play, or am I taking this hand too?"

As Chad and the other men continued their game, the women were in the other room getting ready for their evening out. Heather, David's soon-to-be wife, was excited about their little outing. Rose, Victoria, Pam, Tracy, and Angelia were all equally excited and curious. None of them had told their significant others about the plan, but it was probably better that way. There was no sense in alarming them when they were simply planning to have some fun for Heather's last night of freedom as a single woman. Rose had found a small place for them to enjoy some more risqué and adult entertainment for a change. Pepinillo Loca was a small establishment that was privately owned and operated in the oceanside city. It promised fun and delight for all women walking through the doors and a night that one wouldn't soon forget.

Heather brushed the wrinkles out of her short cocktail dress. A deep shade of navy blue that hugged her figure and accentuated her curves. It was strapless and left little to the imagination. Pam had also brought out one of her favorite dresses; black and white polka dots covered the rather revealing ensemble. Both her and Heather's hair was down and recently straightened. Rose had donned a shorter red skirt that stopped just above her knees and a sleeveless black top with the top two buttons undone. Her hair was lightly feathered, and her makeup was done to perfection. Tracy, Heather's maid of honor, had on a royal purple dress that was somewhat more modest than the other women, but the cut on the side showed a fair amount of her olive skin. Angelina's fiery red hair was feathered and hanging down past her shoulders. She wore a cocktail dress as black as the night sky and a pair of fishnet stockings that clung to her thicker thighs. Victoria was the only one who'd opted for something more casual and relaxed—a simple pair of dark-washed jeans and a forest green top that was both modest and form-fitting.

"So, is this place legit?" Tracy asked as she finished her eyeliner.

"Oh, it is, I promise you," Rose smiled, "I make sure to do my homework, ladies, and this is the place to go for a good time."

"I don't know about this," Victoria said, feeling more apprehensive than the others, "Is this really a good idea?"

"It's my last night single, hon," Heather replied, "I want to have some fun before I settle down. Trust me, these guys know what they're signing up for."

"Maybe, but I'm not sure I'm comfortable with this," Victoria admitted, "I-I don't mean to be a downer on your night, Heather, but-"

"Hey, it's fine, Tori," Heather assured her, "You can hang back if you want. I don't want to make you do anything you're not okay with."

"Victoria, it'll be fine," Pam piped up, "We need a chance to unwind, and that's all tonight is for us. Well, it's also a celebration for the bride-to-be."

"Stop," Heather laughed, "I still can't believe I'm getting married."

"I can't believe you're marrying a tiny," Tracy said, "No judgment, but how is this going to work between you two sexually?"

"That's part of what tonight is about," Heather shrugged, "Pushing some boundaries, getting comfortable, and trying new things that David and I might both enjoy. If I happen to get a little wild tonight, at least my soon-to-be husband won't be the one paying the price for it."

"I guess that's fair," Tracy nodded, "You ladies ready?"

"I thought you'd never ask," Angelia grinned, grabbing her bag.

"Born ready," Rose smirked, "I've been waiting on you all. I've been itching to have some fun since we got here."

"Let's get going then," Heather said as she headed towards the door, "We can tell the boys good night and get ours started properly."

Chad and the others were finishing up their hand and a drink when the door opened to the other room. He and the others couldn't stop themselves from staring at the five Goddesses that entered the room. He hadn't seen Pam dressed like this in quite some time, and he felt his heart skip a beat as he marveled at her appearance. David, Joey, Trevor, Henry, and Stewart all looked on in a similar speechless manner. Their jaws were left hanging, and David spilled his tequila as he watched Heather walk in.

"Take a picture, boys; it'll last longer," Heather joked as she walked over to see her fiance.

"Wh-what, uhm, what are you gals getting into tonight?" David stuttered as he felt like a fool.

"Oh, just a bit of fun for us girls," Heather purred and ran a finger along David's head, "Nothing any of you would be interested in, I assure you."

"I thought you were going out to dinner," Chad said as Pam walked over.

"We're going to eat, yes, but that's not all we're doing tonight," Pam smiled at him, "We've got a right to have some fun as much as the rest of you. Enjoy your card game, boys. We'll be back soon enough."

Chad studied Pam and the other women carefully as they grabbed their things. Something was off, but he wasn't going to voice it. He glanced at Stewart, who gave him a knowing look but kept his mouth shut. Pam kissed her fingertip and pressed it to Chad's head before following Rose out the door. Chad couldn't help noticing the way Victoria shifted uncomfortably before they left. Whatever was going on, his daughter was nervous about it. So much so that she had forgotten her purse on the table they'd been sitting on. Maybe he had underestimated their plans for tonight.

"What the hell was that about?" David asked, his tone having a distinctive edge to it.

"What's that?" Chad asked, looking back from the doorway the women had just exited.

"They're up to something," David sighed and shook his head, "Something they don't want us to know about."

"It's a little early in your marriage to be getting paranoid, pal," Henry shrugged, "They're going out. We should let them have it."

"I don't like it," David said, "I know how I sound, but I don't like the idea of Heather being out doing God knows what with God knows who."

"David, buddy, you need to breathe," Chad said, "Marriage is about trust, more so when you're our size. She's marrying you, man."

"Chad, I just-" David started, "I need to know where she's going. Besides, maybe it'll be better than sitting around playing cards."

"I'm not so sure this is smart," Stewart said, "It's safer here, and we should really let them have their night."

"Who asked you, string-bean?" Joey scoffed, "I'm not saying that Davey is right about the whole paranoia thing, but an adventure sounds a hell of a lot better than sitting around here."

Chad was reminded of his adventure in the gym as Joey spoke up. He stood up and tried to reason with the group, "Look, we don't know what they're doing, but I know that whatever it is could be dangerous for us. Trust me, it's better if we just stay here. I'll make it up to you guys, I swear."

"I don't know, man, I've lost the last five hands," Trevor sighed, "I'm not usually one to jump on the bandwagon, but it could be fun. We just need to be careful, that's all."

"Being careful would be staying here," Chad pointed out, "The smarter play is for us to leave this alone."

"Chad, come on," David sighed, "This is my night, brother, remember? Let's do this. Remember all the crazy stuff we used to get into? This is nothing compared to that!"

"David, you're talking about our lives here," Chad sighed, "You really want this to be your last night?"

"It's only my last night as a single man, Chad," David smiled reassuringly, "Let's make it a night to remember, buddy."

Chad didn't like it but couldn't bring himself to deny his best friend. A night like this meant risking their lives, but he could see that there was no talking his friend out of it. "Is this what the rest of you want?" Chad asked, looking around the table.

"Hell yeah," Joey smirked, "Let's live a little, guys."

"It beats losing again and again," Henry sighed.

"It's David's night, Chad," Trevor shrugged.

"I'm with you, whatever you decide," Stewart crossed his arms, "I'm along for the ride here."

Chad shook his head as he realized he was outnumbered. Stewart was the only one hesitant, but he wouldn't outwardly oppose the rest of the group. He knew it wasn't his place in this circle to object. Even if he did, he'd be shot down in a heartbeat. Siding with Chad was his only move. Chad knew that and understood Stewart's perspective. Besides, tonight was supposed to be about David. As much as he didn't want to do it, he couldn't bring himself to shoot his friend down. Trevor was right; it boiled down to David and his wants. His duty as best man was to give his friend a night to remember. He just hoped it wouldn't be one they regretted.

"Okay, fine," Chad sighed, looking up at Victoria's purse, "If this is really what you want, then I'm not going to say no. Victoria left her purse, and she'll be back to get it before they leave. We can use this to get us there if we're doing this. It'll beat trying to maneuver around on foot."

"Now we're talking!" Joey grinned.

"Chad, are you sure about this?" Stewart asked, "I'm not gonna go against you, but is this a smart idea?"

"Don't be a coward, string-bean," Joey joked, "Who knows what we'll see out there? I, for one, am looking forward to it. Let's get this show on the road, boys!"

"I didn't say it was smart," Chad shook his head, "But if this is what everyone wants, I'm not going to stand in the way. You can stay behind if you want, Stewart. Honestly, I wouldn't blame you if you did."

"I'm not letting you go alone," Stewart sighed, "Victoria wouldn't forgive me if something happened to you. Like I said, I'm along for the ride."

"It'll be fine," David said, clapping a hand on Stewart's shoulder, "This will be a story we'll be telling for years to come. Trust me, I've got a good sense about these things."

"Yeah, that's what you said when we spent a night in jail during college," Chad smirked, "Come on, we need to get in before Victoria comes back. Everyone gets ready to move. We need to be in and out of sight by the time Victoria comes back."

"Won't she notice that we're gone?" Henry asked.

"Heh, not likely," Stewart shook his head, "If she's in a hurry, she definitely won't. She's not the most observant person, but she's got a huge heart. I'm right behind you, Chad."

The five men scaled the bag strap left on the table one by one. It was simple enough, albeit mildly strenuous, given the size difference. Still, it was fairly easy to climb up without it being in motion. The drop over the edge was the most challenging part. Throwing caution to the wind was hard. All of them had done it at some point, but it didn't make it any easier. They landed beside Victoria's wallet and other personal effects. They settled in for the ride that was about to come and tried to keep their calm as they did. It would surely be a bumpy ride once things got going.

As Stewart and Chad predicted, Victoria returned to retrieve her bag just as the five of them got settled. She left without a second thought and said a hurried farewell to the empty table without turning around. Her quickened pace jostled and knocked the boys around a bit. They managed to avoid any injuries, but the initial takeoff was rougher than they expected. It wasn't uncommon for any of them, but their time at their new size had earned them the ability to survive little things like this. It could have been worse, but Chad couldn't shake the sinking feeling in his gut. He hoped he was wrong, but a sense of dread continued tugging at the back of his mind. He'd been in similar situations before and prayed that he was simply overthinking things. It wouldn't have been the first time his past experiences hindered him.

As the boys resituated for their stowaway, Victoria climbed into the backseat of the limo Tracy had rented for Heather. She unceremoniously dropped her purse to the floorboard as she apologized, "Sorry for the delay, ladies. I knew I'd forget something."

"Hey, no sweat, hon," Heather smiled at her, "You can't drink if you don't have your ID. It's better you remember now than when we get there."

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Tracy laughed as the driver took off, "This is legal, right, Rose?"

"Of course it is," Rose assured her, "What do you take me for, Tracy? I'm not an amateur at finding places like this. I wouldn't take you all to anything that would get anyone in trouble. It'll be fun, new, and entirely exciting in every sense of the word."

"I've heard about places like this, but I've never actually been to one," Angelia said, "It should be fun for everyone."

"I'm actually looking forward to this," Pam admitted, "It's been quite a while since I've been able to cut loose. Chad has been trying lately, but there are things that I've been curious to try that I'm just not comfortable doing with him."

"On that note," Tracy began, "How exactly do things work between you two? Heather said that Chad caught the virus shortly after the pandemic started."

"What do you want to know?" Pam asked, grabbing a glass of champagne that sat in the backseat, "I can't go into too much detail given Victoria and Rose are here, but I'm assuming you're referring to the physical side of our relationship."

"Don't be worried about me, Pam," Rose smiled, "I've known my son has been active for quite some time, and he's not a child anymore. We've all got lives to live."

"Just as long as it's not too explicit, I'll be okay," Victoria nodded, somewhat curious, given her newfound relationship with Stewart.

"I'm asking for our lovely bride-to-be back here," Tracy clarified, shooting Heather a look, "She says that love is all they need, but sometimes a girl needs to have a little fun. I've seen the way you talk about Chad, and you're not the cheating type. You two have something going on, but all of us are baffled by it. Shed some light on the subject for us, Pam."

"I'm kinda curious myself," Angelia remarked, scooting in and grabbing a glass of champagne, "I've been on a few dates with little guys, but I could never see myself being in a relationship with them. They're more like toys or pets than anything. Okay, I hear how that sounds, but you know what I mean. I just don't get how you can be with one all the time."

"Okay, let me get a little liquid courage first," Pam giggled as she took a drink before continuing, "It's tough to explain and keep clean, so let me think for a second. Hmm, the short answer is that it boils down to trust. He has to trust that I'm not going to hurt or take advantage of him, and I've got to trust that he'll tell me if something is too much."

"Okay, that's sweet, but it doesn't give us any of the juicy bits," Tracy grinned, "Does he tickle your pussy, Pam?"

Pam nearly spit her drink out as she laughed and choked, "I was trying to keep it tame, Tracy. Sorry, Victoria, but yes, he does. It's not easy for him, but he's willing to try it. Have any of you ever used a bullet?"

"Wow, that's good, huh?" Angelia giggled.

"Oh my God," Victoria whispered.

"I'm sorry!" Pam giggled at Victoria's scarlet cheeks, "But that's the closest I can describe what it feels like. Every move and wiggle he makes tickles your insides, but there's a rush that comes with knowing that you've got a life in your hands. It's unlike anything I've ever felt before, but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss being able to have him hold me afterward."

"So we should start calling Chad the gunslinger," Tracy joked, "The six-gun man."

"She's not wrong, you know," Rose added, "I've been with my share of little men since this whole thing started. When you feel them moving inside of you, it's quite exhilarating. You'd think that being as small as they are, it wouldn't make much of a difference, but you'd be wrong. Yes, your fingers still have to do a little extra work, but it's better than handling business yourself."

"The last guy I was with was obsessed with my ass," Angelia said, sloshing her drink as she remembered her last date, "I thought it was odd, but he wanted to get close to my backdoor. I was skeptical about it, but I was surprised at just how good it felt."

"Oh, that's a good point as well," Rose smiled, "It's amazing how much they can do on their own back there. One of my last dates had a similar fascination, and outside of worrying he'd get lost, that was a particularly wild night."

"Okay, somebody give me a drink," Victoria sighed, accepting a glass from Heather, who stifled a giggle.

"So that's what you meant by trusting each other," Heather said, "Has he ever been hurt when you two have been intimate?"

"If he has, he's probably proud of it," Tracy laughed, "What guy isn't proud of a sexual injury?"

"Not one that I've met," Angelia replied

"He's come close once, but I was drunk and reckless," Pam admitted, ignoring Tracy's joking, "It scared him more than anything, but it was because I wasn't thinking and nearly suffocated him. It put a strain on our marriage for a long time, but he was eventually able to open up to me about it. That's why I said you have to be able to trust him to tell you if something is too much, and he has to trust you to take care of him."

"I hope that David can trust me enough," Heather said, staring down at her glass, "He's been so sweet since we met, and I want to make him happy. I just hope that I can take care of him and eventually have what you have with Chad."

"Okay, this is touching, but I believe we are out tonight for fun, right?" Rose spoke up as the limo pulled to a stop, "We're here, ladies. Let's get drunk, see some sights, and walk on the wild side for tonight. Afterward, we can go back to having these sweet little chats."

"This woman is my new hero," Tracy giggled as Rose took the lead, "Come on, I've never seen a tiny stripper before."

"I'm going to need another drink," Victoria sighed as she finished her glass.

"I'll get you one, sweetheart," Rose laughed, "Just try to pace yourself. We don't need you nursing a hangover tomorrow."

As the women collected their things and prepared for a fun night, the men sat quietly and listened as best they could. The conversation and laughter had been muffled, but they could make out bits and pieces. Chad had been sitting with his back against the wall of Victoria's bag, and David had taken a seat beside her wallet. Joey, Henry, and Trevor were on the opposite side of the purse floor, and Stewart sat quietly near David. They'd all been knocked around after Victoria dropped her bag, but the car ride had been relatively smooth.

"Chad, the bullet," David chuckled, looking at his friend.

"Laugh it up; that'll be you soon enough, pal," Chad shook his head, "Assuming you haven't already-"

"Heather and I haven't done anything since I shrunk," David interjected, looking down at his feet, "Kinda hard with all the planning, her schedule, my schedule, and keeping myself out of trouble."

"Sounds to me like you're more nervous than you're letting on," Chad smirked, "It's alright to be scared, man."

"Tch, I'm not afraid, pal," David shook his head, "If I were, we'd still be back at the hotel playing cards. Woah, it feels like we're moving again."

Their world shook as Victoria picked up her bag. Chad and David were knocked prone alongside Stewart as they were unwittingly ferried to their destination. The sound of loud music thumping could be heard outside of their leather cell. Chad got to his feet and tried to stabilize himself as Victoria carried them into wherever they were going. The atmosphere was distinctively different from the typical dinner he envisioned for the women. The sinking feeling in his stomach returned tenfold as he tried to figure out where they could be. He looked over at David and saw him trying to hide his nerves. They'd been friends long enough for Chad to see through his mask. Something was bothering his best friend, but he couldn't say for sure what it was. Now wasn't the time for them to talk either. Chad could only hope that whatever it was wasn't pushing to do something profoundly idiotic.

Their ride came to yet another abrupt and rough stop as Victoria dropped her bag on the floor. She clearly wasn't worried about having her things taken wherever they were. Of course, Chad had heard her asking for a drink, which could have been a factor in her carelessness. The music continued to blare beyond the leather walls, and Chad desperately wanted to remain hidden. However, it was clear that the others weren't sharing his sentiment. Joey, Henry, and Trevor were on their feet and walking over. By the look of them, they were trying to figure out a way out. It seemed their night was only just beginning.

"Alright, boys, any idea how we can get out of here?" Joey clapped his hands together as he approached.

"The wallet, the wrinkles, and the pockets midway up," Stewart sighed, pointing at the sides of the purse, "We can use the wallet to get close, and then we should be able to use the leather to hold onto. Once we get to the zipper up there, we can take a breather if we need it."

"Look at that," Joey smiled, "You're not much in the way of brawn, kid, but you've got a big brain in that head of yours."

"Yeah, one that's wondering if we're all idiots," Stewart muttered to himself.

"What's that, bud?" Joey asked.

"Just agreeing with you," Stewart said, "Who wants to go first?"

The small expedition to escape the confines of the purse took them longer than expected. Getting in had been simple enough, but getting out proved much more time-consuming. They slowly made their way up and closer to the top. Stewart's plan worked like a charm, and the closer they got, the louder the music became. Chad wondered where they'd been taken but knew he'd find out soon enough. When they finally reached the summit, all five of them paused and stared at the scene around them. Of all the things they'd expected to find, this had been the last on anyone's mind.

The continued beating of the music played on in the background, but now they could see why. They were in a club of some sort, one that appeared to be meant for adults. A bar was behind them, but the women sat at a table near a stage. There were several stages around the large club, but they appeared almost empty. However, large monitors were positioned around the place, showing different men dancing and gyrating. At first, Chad thought it was a recording until he watched as a dollar bill fell onto one of the guys. He couldn't believe it. This was a strip joint that employed tinies. The only thing these men had in common, besides their size, was that each wore masks to conceal their faces. It looked like they were wearing luchador masks with different animal prints on them: an odd choice, but no stranger than watching people his size strip for bills thrice their size.

They stayed at the top of Victoria's purse for a moment longer to take in the sights. The lip of the bag had folded in slightly shortly after they'd made it to the top. They heard a woman hoot and watched in shock as a hand reached down and snatched one of the dancers. They waited to see if anyone would do anything, but nobody moved to help the man. Chad tried to figure out where it was that the man had been, but he couldn't tell from their position. Just as he was about to recommend retreating to the safety of the bag, he saw Joey and the others slide down the side. David shot him a look before doing the same, but Stewart gave him a very different one. Chad cursed as he followed suit behind the others. What had they gotten themselves into?

Chad landed on the checkered linoleum floor and looked around for the rest of the group. Stewart landed beside him and asked, "Chad, are we sure this is a good idea?"

"Not in the slightest," Chad sighed, spotting the others and moving to catch up with them, "Stay close to me, and watch yourself while we're out here. This is a dangerous place for us, and I am not losing anyone tonight."

"Heh, you sound like someone out of one of those cheesy action movies," Stewart chuckled as he kept pace with Chad, "Do you really think we're in danger here?"

"This is a lion's den, and we're defenseless," Chad shook his head, "It's already risky being this size, but I saw one of those guys get grabbed. Not one person seemed to care, which tells me that this place isn't friendly to people like us. I just hope the rest of the guys are willing to see sense on this one."

"These guys work here, though, right?" Stewart asked, trying to hide his nerves, "They do this willingly, so it can't be that bad, can it?"

"I don't know, and that's what bothers me," Chad answered, "Not knowing means we're running blind here, and that means that we could be in serious trouble if we're not careful."

In the midst of the pounding music and the lively chatter from the bachelorette party, Chad and Stewart stood wary amidst the whimsy that had gripped David and the others. The neon lights cast odd shadows on the floor, highlighting their tiny figures in a world they hadn't anticipated. The laughter from their Victoria's table seemed a world away from the reality they were now facing—a strange club where miniature men danced for the amusement of towering women.

What started as a jealous plan by David to sneak into the women’s night out had turned into an unexpected venture into a bizarre scene. The adventurous spirits of David and the others were now leading them blindly, drawn by hormonal whims, oblivious to the dangers that lurked around.

Meanwhile, Chad and Stewart, the voices of reason, tread cautiously amidst the unfamiliar terrain, each step a reminder of the perilous situation they were in. As David and the rest ventured further into the dangerous allure of the club, their naive desires painting a risky path, Chad and Stewart knew they had a tough job ahead. With every beat that echoed through the club, the reality of their situation sunk in deeper— they needed to find a way back to the world they knew, away from the glaring neon lights and the enticing yet dangerous unknown. They just hoped they could get all the guys back in one piece. But the night was young, and truly, anything could happen.



And so begins another life threatening adventure for Chad I sometimes wonder if he the only sane person who sees the danger of their new life 🤷‍♂️ but great chapter as always dude can’t wait for the next one 😊


This could get interesting. Ngl, I do miss Bram’s story arc. Seemed like a few months ago you just started to flesh him out with a love interest and antagonist, then took a sudden turn for this destination wedding sequence. Will you be returning to his storyline after the wedding?