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It had been a week since the McCallum family's adventure into dungeons and dragons. The night of role-playing brought everyone closer together as a family. It provided a much-needed reprieve from the stress and struggles of their newfound lives and predicaments. Things were still tricky, but the five of them felt more like a cohesive family than ever before. Chad and Pam had shared a fantastic night of reminiscing after their game, Victoria and Anna had grown closer, and Bram felt a sense of success at his fruitful endeavor. While things certainly weren't normal, the house recently began to feel more like home.

The week following their make-believe adventure, Anna had been messaging Jessica daily. She was still unsure whether the two were in a relationship, but her crush kept in touch with her all the same. Truthfully, Anna didn't know exactly how to handle taking things slow. She'd been intimate with several guys, but she'd never been in a committed relationship, let alone taken time to get to know someone. Luckily, she and Jessica had been close friends before they revealed their budding feelings and curiosities. That alone alleviated some of the stress that came with forging a commitment and getting to know one another.

Anna had approached Victoria for advice, not wanting to involve her mother before things got too serious. Chad would periodically check in with her, but Anna wasn't comfortable opening up to her stepdad about this. They'd gotten closer, sure, but that didn't make Anna any better at expressing herself. So, she'd chosen to confide in Victoria as a sister and friend. She'd shared her situation with her, excluding the bits that endangered Chad, and admitted her reservations to Victoria. Admittedly, Victoria hadn't offered anything groundbreaking in the way of advice, but it helped to have someone to talk with. Victoria had told her she was welcome to chat anytime, so Anna visited her at least once daily.

Victoria's insight did have one shining nugget. The beauty in its simplicity wasn't lost on Anna. Finding the time and place in public to test the waters of her and Jessica's interest in one another. At first, Anna hadn't fully grasped it, but Victoria was happy to elaborate. Texting and calling were fine and dandy, but there was no substitute for face-to-face interaction. Finding an opportunity for a date that wasn't a date was Victoria's suggestion. A chance for the two girls to have fun, test their boundaries, and gauge Jessica's interest in her. It was the best situation to see how severe her crush was about being together or if she was too afraid to go public with their budding relationship. Truthfully, Anna felt a little nervous about it, but she couldn't deny that it was probably their best option.

The perfect opportunity presented itself in the form of a party. One of Anna's teammates sent a mass text inviting them to a house party. Amy, the setter on the team, was throwing a party since her parents were gone for the holidays. Guys, girls, and tinies were all invited to come. Anna quickly sent a message to Jessica to see if she was going and if she'd be interested in going together. The reply was almost instantaneous, and they had their first unofficial date scheduled at a local party. The notion was exciting and nerve-wracking for Anna, but it was a step in the right direction.

The message had come through while she was watching Bram, though. Her miniature step-brother hadn't been trying to spy, but they'd been looking up different D&D feats to plan Anna's progression in the game when Jessica texted. In truth, Anna had hoped to keep Bram from the party, but some of the girls on her team asked if he would come. Anna feared for Bram's safety despite her hard shell at this event. It didn't help that she still suspected that her step-brother was hiding something. Maybe she was being paranoid, but their one-on-one interaction a week ago was out of character for him. It was part of the reason she'd taken to watching him lately. However, it was hard to tell if it was intentional or just dumb luck that landed him in compromising situations. Regardless, the minute Bram found out, he insisted on accompanying her. His threat to tell Pam and Chad solidified his chances, but it earned him a stern talking about dos and don'ts while at the party.

Bram was excited about getting out and seeing his classmates and friends again. He'd been making the best of his situation but hadn't left the house since he shrunk. The fact that it was an opportunity to be surrounded by giants was just a bonus. It was a chance to indulge his fascination for a chance, but Anna would prove to be an obstacle in this quest. She was easily the most watchful out of his family, and he knew getting out of her sight would be difficult. She'd been on him since their D&D session like a hawk. He could occasionally slip through her defenses, but he couldn't help but wonder if she suspected something of him. The thought of her knowing his secret was terrifying and humiliating, but she'd yet to say anything to him.

Nevertheless, he had already begun forming a plan to sneak away and have fun. While Anna hadn't confirmed anything, he had his suspicions that Jessica was more than just a close friend of hers. Bram wasn't an expert on love and relationships, but Anna had been texting and talking to her frequently. If he were correct, he'd have his moment to escape and explore sooner or later. His father had warned him that life around giants was dangerous, but Bram couldn't shake his desire to see for himself. He was intelligent and resourceful and hoped that would be enough to carry him through his adventurous endeavor. Yes, it was selfish, but he couldn't let this chance pass him by.

The evening of the party finally arrived, and Anna was getting ready to go. Victoria was the only other one who knew about it, and she wasn't fond of the idea of Bram going. However, she'd relented after Anna had spoken to her in private. Anna threw on her coat, a black jacket that covered her red sweater, and fell just past her waist and acid-washed jeans. Bram sat on her dresser and waited for her to pick him up. She held out her hand for him to climb aboard and brought him to her face, "Alright, mini-dork, let's go over the rules again before we leave. You're going to stay where I can see you, and you can socialize with your friends, but you're not going to try anything stupid. Do you understand?"

Bram rolled his eyes and replied, "Yes, Anna, I understand. I'm not a child, you know."

"Then don't act like one," Anna countered before sighing, "Look, I don't want you getting lost and hurt, okay? If you disappear and do something dumb, then I'm going to be the one to answer for it. If that happens, I promise you, you'll wish you'd have gotten stepped on when we get back home. I'm already pretty pissed that you're blackmailing me into taking you along, so don't push your luck."

"I'm not blackmailing you!" Bram exclaimed, "All I said was that I thought Pam would like to know where you're going."

"And that you'd keep your little mouth shut if I took you along," Anna pointed out, "Listen to me, there's gonna be a lot of people and a lot of chances for you to get hurt. I know I sound like a broken record, but I do not want you to get hurt. You're almost as annoying as Chad, but that doesn't mean I want to see you get maimed."

"You're worrying too much, Anna," Bram tried to assure her, "Dad got lost at the gym, and he came out of it fine."

"You weren't there, Bram," Anna sighed, "Your dad was lucky that he didn't get hurt worse, but there were plenty of guys that were seriously injured. Don't mistake luck for skill, dude. Your dad might be a pain in my ass, but even he knows that luck will only carry him so far. Let's get going, or we're gonna be late."

"Are you worried that Jessica will be mad that you're keeping her waiting?" Bram asked with a sly smile.

"Want to ride to the party in my boot?" Anna countered, unamused by Bram's joke.

Bram swallowed and stifled his excitement and fear, "Chill, I was only teasing. Seriously, what's up with you two? Are you guys a couple or something?"

"You gonna threaten to tell my mom about that too?" Anna asked pointedly.

"Anna, come on," Bram sighed, "I wouldn't do that. I'm just curious because you've been talking to her more than usual lately."

"I don't know what we are, okay?" Anna replied, "I'm still figuring this stuff out, but I don't want mom knowing about it yet. She'd be supportive, but she'd also be asking a billion questions and wanting to get to know Jessica instantly. I don't want to rush things or risk scaring her off."

"But you do like her, like more than just friends?" Bram asked, his voice more reassuring and sincere.

"Yeah, yeah, I do," Anna admitted thoughtfully.

"I hope things go well between you two then," Bram said, sitting down in her palm, "You deserve to be happy with someone. Let's get moving so we aren't keeping her waiting."

"Says the shrimp asking twenty questions," Anna scoffed with a grin, "I'm putting you in my coat pocket, okay? I don't have anything in there, so you should be safe for the ride."

"Alright, sounds good to me," Bram said, bracing himself for the shifting that was about to commence.

Anna carefully stuffed him into her pocket without another word. Bram tumbled out of her hand and landed against the smooth fabric of her coat lining. The initial drop wasn't bad, but the continual shifting and jostling from Anna's steps came. It wasn't unbearable by any means, but Bram was bounced around from side to side despite Anna's mundane and rhythmic pace. He overheard her tell Victoria she was leaving, and the next sound was the door being opened, followed shortly by the car door. The brisk winter air cut through the thickness of Anna's pocket, and Bram felt himself shiver in response. It didn't last long, but he shuddered about what it would be like to be caught in this dreadful cold.

The ride to Amy's was relatively uneventful. Bram could hear Anna's music playing through the speakers of the car. They arrived at their destination promptly, but Anna remained seated in the driver's seat. She didn't take him out of her pocket, and Bram guessed she was waiting for Jessica. He sat and waited for something to happen, and eventually, he heard the door open and felt Anna step out. She kept him in her pocket, but he listened to Jessica's voice beyond his resting place. They were moving again within minutes, and Bram began to feel anxious to see everyone again. He wasn't nervous; he was excited.

The sounds of chatter, music, and fun reached Bram's ears as Anna crossed the threshold into the party. It was only six, but it was already getting dark. Classmates and friends stopped Anna a few times, but Bram patiently waited for her to fetch him from her pocket. Eventually, he felt her fingers gently coil around him and lift him into the open. She placed him on a table in the dining room of Amy's house. Bram blinked as his eyes adjusted to the low light and surveyed his surroundings. Amy had taken the time to arrange a small area for anyone tiny and brave enough to attend. Little chairs from dollhouses, a couple of couches, a table with several tiny cups filled with drinks, and even a spare phone setup for streaming videos or music. It was a modest and thoughtful setup on Amy's part.

"Alright, mini-dork," Anna said above him, "You've got this whole area to socialize and enjoy. Try not to get yourself killed before we leave."

"Anna, don't be rude to him," Jessica chuckled as she bent down, "It's good to see you again, Bram."

Bram looked up at the redheaded titan standing beside Anna. He could certainly see why Anna fancied her. Her hair was feathered this evening, and she wore a matching black and white outfit. A black denim jacket over a black and white striped sweater and matching leggings tucked into a pair of black boots. A short black denim skirt was draped over her waist, and Bram was sure she'd chosen the outfit to impress Anna. He smiled up at her, "It's good to be out of the house for a change. Don't trouble yourself over Anna. She's just worried something might happen to me. She puts on a tough front, but she's a big softie under it all."

"Fuck you," Anna scoffed defensively.

"I think it's sweet that you care about him," Jessica said, eliciting a blush from Anna that Bram almost missed in the dim lighting, "She's got a bigger heart than she wants to admit."

"Stop," Anna whined, feeling as though she were under a microscope, "I'm only worried because he's as dumb as his dad sometimes."

An electronic tune cut through their conversation, and Jessica's eyes lit up as she recognized the song. "Oh my God, I love this song!" she exclaimed as she grabbed Anna's hand and pulled her toward the living room, "Come on, let's dance!"

Bram laughed as he watched Jessica practically drag Anna towards the makeshift dance floor. It was a sight to see, but Bram hadn't come to merely watch his step-sister tonight. He wasn't alone in his area and decided to mingle and see if any of his friends were there. The second he turned around, he heard a familiar voice call out, "Bram McCallum, holy cow! So, the rumors are true after all!"

Bram looked over to see one of his close friends and the running back on the football team walking toward him. "Chase!" Bram shouted, happy to see his friend, "Dude, you caught this thing too? Heh, I guess it's a small world, after all."

"Eh, I'd say a pretty big world these days," Chase joked as he grabbed Bram's hand and shook it, "Come on over and join us, won't you? My cousin was the one who caught the virus, and he was staying with us when he shrunk. I guess I was too close to him before my aunt came to pick him up because about three days later, I started feeling awful. The next thing I knew, I woke up the size of a bug. Took me forever to get my sister to notice me too."

"Susan found you?" Bram asked, following his friend to the common area.

"After sitting on me and getting me stuck in her damn leggings for nearly an hour, yeah," Chase sighed, "My first day at this size, and I ended on the dark side of the moon. What about you? I remember hearing your dad caught it, but you were still at school for a little while after. We weren't sure if you shrunk or if you'd been staying out to try to take care of him."

Bram looked around as they arrived at the table. He recognized several familiar faces from the football team and a few from his D&D group sitting around chatting each other up. He took a seat and grabbed a small cup with a yellowish liquid within. He took a sip of the soda and explained, "Something similar happened to me after hanging out with my dad. I felt like garbage the day before, and I woke up this size the next morning. My older sister came in to check on me, but I couldn't get her attention in time. I tried to hitch a ride and climb up to get her to notice me, but I fell and got stuck on the floor. My grandmother was the one who found me, but not before I got stuck in her shoe. Worse, when she found me, she thought I was my dad and that I had a thing for feet."

"Ugh, man!" Chase laughed as he sat down, "That is messed up, but Robbie can still top that. Wanna tell him what happened to you, Robbie?"

"Dude, don't make me tell this story again," Robbie, a dark-haired friend of theirs, sighed, "It's bad enough that it happened, but I don't want to keep reliving it."

"Come on, it's funny," Chase laughed before grinning and telling Bram, "Robbie here ended up in a similar situation as me when he shrunk. His aunt was over, and she sat on him for like an hour while watching one of those crime shows. She must have eaten something that didn't agree with her because she farted on Robbie like four times!"

"Dude!" Robbie shouted as Chase nearly doubled over, laughing, "It's not funny, man! It was humiliating and disgusting, and my aunt felt horrible when she found out what happened."

Bram stifled a laugh, not wanting to upset his friend more, "It's alright, Robbie. I mean, that situation really stinks, but these things happen."

"Great, you've got jokes too," Robbie sighed, catching Bram's pun, "Alright, everyone knows now. Can we please stop talking about it?"

"Sure, man," Chase replied, still chuckling, "So, what have you been up to, man?"

While Anna and the others enjoyed the party, Bram sat and talked with his friends. Bram told them stories about everything he'd been up to, excluding his growing fascination with the giantess surrounding them, and listened as the others shared their stories. From the sounds of their stories, nobody's life had been easy since the pandemic began. Many of the guys had found themselves in precarious predicaments, everything from nearly being stepped on and crushed to almost being eaten. One of his gaming buddies had accidentally fallen into a bowl of chips while his sister and friends were watching a movie. His depiction of being stranded amongst a sea of tortilla chips and dodging hungry hands was outright harrowing. More so was his description of rapidly approaching the maw of his sister's friend. Even with Bram's morbid obsession, the thought of being ground to paste in someone's mouth was utterly terrifying. Thankfully, she'd spotted him just before chomping down on the chip, but he swore he could still feel her warm, moist breath on his skin.

It felt good to be around people his size for a change, and it almost made him forget his fantasies. While catching up with friends and classmates, they were interrupted by one of their female classmates who happened to stop by their sitting area, "Oh my God, is that Bram?!"

Bram turned to see who it was, and he smiled up at one of the cheerleaders, Chelsea. Long blonde hair fell past her shoulders to frame her angular face and sparkling blue eyes. A graphic t-shirt with a long-sleeved shirt underneath it hugged her ample breasts, and a pair of tight jeans looked like they were painted on. Immediately, Bram was reminded of his secondary reason for coming tonight. She was more gorgeous now than he even remembered. "Hey, Chelsea!" he called up to her with a wave, "Yeah, I think you've grown a little since the last time I saw you!"

"Dude, that's just a bad joke," Chase scoffed with a grin.

Chelsea reached down without a second thought and grabbed Bram. The sense of vertigo that came with being lifted so suddenly was disorienting, but Bram ensured it as she hugged him close and squealed, "You're even cuter at this size!"

Bram was pressed against Chelsea's soft bosom in an almost bone-breaking hug. Bram's spine might have snapped if it weren't for the colossal cushions on Chelsea's chest. She squeezed him tighter than she meant to, though, and his shoulder popped as she rubbed him against her breasts. Despite the painful sensation of his bones popping, Bram could feel himself swelling with excitement. Chelsea's tits were incredible. Soft and warm, Bram couldn't imagine a better way to leave this world. Chelsea pulled him away when she realized she'd been holding him close a little too long. Bram took a deep breath of fresh air, but he could smell her perfume lingering in his nostrils.

"Sorry, little guy," Chelsea said sheepishly as she opened her hand and looked down at him, "I'm just so excited to see you!"

Bram was thankful for his diminutive size as he shifted with a slight stiffness between his legs. He hoped she wouldn't put him back down before his rise faded. "It's alright," he assured her, "It happens more often than you think. How have you been?"

"Bored," Chelsea replied, gesturing with her hands and unintentionally jostling Bram around, "Half the football team has caught this nasty virus, and all the games have been canceled! The girls' basketball and volleyball team are still playing, but it's just not the same without cuties like you and the other boys around."

Bram shook off the stupor from being rattled around while Chelsea talked. She was a nice girl, but she was the epitome of ditzy. Chelsea also had a reputation for being easy with the rest of his team. While Bram had never tested those waters, he'd heard plenty of stories from his friends. "At least you've still got events to go to," he said, trying to ignore her wild movements and how her breasts rose and fell with each breath, "I've been stuck at home since I got like this."

"I guess that's true," Chelsea said as another song came on, and she felt the pull of the music, "Oh, I love this song! Tommy, come dance with me!"

And just like that, Bram was forgotten by the air-headed blonde.

She closed her hands and sauntered out of the dining room and into the living room. Bram was surrounded by darkness for the briefest of moments as the music grew louder and more intense. Chelsea raised and ran her hands through her hair as her current flame approached, accidently losing Bram in it. Gravity would have its way though, pulling him down through the mass of hair and eventually dropping him down the back of her shirt. In a state of freefall, Bram felt his adrenaline spike with a rush of fear and anticipation. He rocketed down the back of her shirt and toward the clasp of her bra. He'd fantasized about this moment many times, but the fear of being inadvertently maimed was in the back of his mind. However, it was outweighed by the bliss of being surrounded by such a wild beauty as Chelsea.

Bram tried grabbing Chelsea's bra, but his hands missed the mark. His heart sank as he plummeted past his only opportunity to stop his descent. His only other chance at avoiding a painful end lay in the slight opening of her jeans. He'd have to risk getting lodged in the backside of her panties. A part of him almost wanted to know what it would be like, but Robbie's story of getting gassed was still fresh in his mind. Surely Chelsea wouldn't do that, at least not on purpose. But then, she'd already forgotten about him in favor of her current crush. Bram knew the reality was possibly bleak, but his hormonal mind and lust overshadowed it.

He straightened himself out and began knitting through the air. It was a dangerous ploy, but it gave him some control over his trajectory. Bram's bare skin slid along Chelsea's bare back as he cut through the air between her shirt. He was rapidly approaching his last chance at escaping death, so he started to spread his arms and legs to slow down. The process was difficult, but it worked well enough for him to reposition himself finally. He fell through the slight opening into the back of Chelsea's jeans and spotted the hem of her panties begging to be grabbed. It was his only chance, albeit one he knew was risky. Bram's hands clamped down on the edge, and he swore his arms were nearly pulled out of their socket as he held on for dear life. It worked, though, and he managed to stop himself just in time.

His crisis temporarily averted, Bram was faced with a choice: try to slide down her pant leg or climb up and into her unmentionables. To anyone thinking clearly, the choice was obvious, but Bram's mind was beginning to cloud with lustful thoughts and desires. Dare he try to invade the sanctity of Chelsea's nether regions? He could feel the urge to crawl in and explore, growing with every second that passed. He dreamed of this, and he was closer now than ever before. Before he could act on his impulse, though, Bram's grip faltered as Chelsea swayed to the beat of the music. Bram was falling again, but her jeans provided a new means of slowing him down. The material was coarse, but they were tight. It was more like sliding than hopelessly plummeting.

Beyond Bram's predicament, Chelsea was fixated on Tommy McMasters. Tommy was one of the handfuls of guys unaffected by the virus. A musician and heartthrob amongst many girls at school, Tommy was more introverted than most. He'd gone relatively unnoticed until the pandemic, but that changed once many of his classmates started to shrink. Chelsea's eyes had landed on him a week ago, and she had made it her mission to get closer to him. Amy had invited him, and Chelsea seized the opportunity to show off her dance moves and win him over. He was a bit awkward, but she found it charming and endearing. However, he didn't seem to mind when she started to grind against his crotch with her voluptuous backside. All the while, she had no idea the struggles she was putting Bram through as he worked his way down to the ground.

Back inside her jeans, Bram was getting knocked around as he slid down the back of Chelsea's legs. Her smooth skin was warm and welcoming, but her dancing made his journey more difficult. It was particularly troublesome as he neared the backs of her knees. As Chelsea bent her knees to shake her ass, Bram was stopped in his tracks and thrown against her denim. Bram was stopped and thrown upward with every slight bounce up and down before restarting his descent. Every time, it made his stomach roll and head spin. This wasn't what he'd had in mind all those nights he'd spent dreaming about beautiful giantesses. Still, there was an undeniable rush that came with this little excursion.

Eventually, Bram's little body found its way past Chelsea's bobbing knees and toward her calves. This was where he'd have to work to time his exit correctly. One wrong move meant ending up in her sneakers, and even he didn't want to experience that. Oddly enough, it wasn't that he was repulsed by her feet. It was merely the idea of getting crushed or carried home with the ditzy blonde. Tantalizing as the idea of going home with her might have been, he still had a family to return to at some point. Bram rolled in the air and positioned his feet against her calf as he neared the base of her jeans. One shot was all he had, and with as much force as he could muster, Bram kicked off and barely managed to avoid the opening of Chelsea's shoes. He tumbled onto the living room floor and landed on his stomach.

Bram shook off the shock from his landing and got to his feet. Thankfully, Amy's house had hardwood floors, so Bram could not get lost in carpet fibers. However, the living room was the center of the party, and several guys and girls were mingling, dancing, and enjoying themselves above him. Bram was now stranded amidst dozens of regular-sized people who hadn't a clue about his existence and presence. Chelsea alone was his first encounter with risk and danger. She took a step to the side while enjoying herself, and Bram immediately had to dive out of the way to avoid her foot. He rolled as he landed and looked around to see more people swaying and enjoying themselves. This was bad, and it spelled trouble for the young man. He'd managed to get out of the frying pan, but he landed himself in the fires of danger.

Bram knew he needed to find someplace safe, but he needed to figure out where to start. Worse, Anna would undoubtedly be ill with him once she learned he wasn't where she'd left him. None of that would matter if he wound up a stain on the floor, though. The only way out was through, unfortunately, and so Bram was forced to brave the dance floor for shelter. Dodging dancing feet and oblivious party-goers wasn't how he pictured spending his evening, but here he was doing just that. Bram dashed forward the second he spotted an opening, and he managed to bypass Chelsea just as she shifted once again. Tommy nearly stepped on him with his black and hefty boots, but Bram barely managed to roll out of the way.

The dim lighting of the living room made it difficult to see, but Bram pressed on in hopes of finding sanctuary. Dipping, ducking, dodging, and diving, he hurried across the floor with an unbridled adrenaline rush. There was a strange mixture of terror and excitement as Bram serpentined across the floor. He couldn't remember the last time he'd run this fast, and he was pushing his muscles to their limit with every step he took. One of his classmates' shoes fell hard beside him, but he pivoted mid-sprint to avoid their foot. He was reminded of football games from days long passed as he pressed forward. The gusts of wind from their footfalls threatened to knock him off his feet, but he held firm and managed to keep going.

Things seemed to be looking up, but then fate threw a wrench in his plans. Another member of the cheerleaders kicked her leg up while dancing, and Bram happened to be directly in the line of fire. He'd managed to avoid another crushing blow when he felt a sharp pain from being kicked. He was sent soaring through the air to parts unknown, and he couldn't stop himself from screaming as he began to fall. There was no way of knowing where he was going, but he thought he'd surely meet his end shortly. To his surprise, Bram landed on something soft and warm. He'd shut his eyes and prayed in preparation for whatever was about to happen, but he opened them to see that he'd landed on someone's thigh. Stark white leggings, thick and padded with fleece, stretched out beneath him. He thanked the stars above for good fortune and luck, but then whoever it was shifted.

Bram looked up to see if he could make out who it was, but his body began to tumble as they adjusted. It was a girl, that much he knew, but he couldn't see who it was. She'd spread her legs slightly, and Bram was rolling toward the space between them. His heart began to beat faster as he realized where he was headed. Bram bounced on the cushion of the couch she was sitting on, and he could feel the temperature rising around him.

Moreover, a distinct scent wafted through his nose. It was foreign, yet somehow he knew what it was. It was the smell of arousal, and Bram knew it instinctively. The way the scent tickled his nose and sent a feverish haze over his mind solidified it. Bram bit his lip as he felt an unseen force pull him closer to the epicenter of this girl's blistering heat.

His legs began moving of their own accord, but suddenly he was pushed forward by calloused fingertips. A distinct sound that Bram recognized came from above him, and then he heard the girl let out a low moan. The sound made him shiver, but the rough and forceful push gave him pause. Whoever this girl was, she was clearly wrapped in a passionate make-out session with someone. The hand, he guessed belonged to a young man, pushed him closer and closer to the girl's womanhood. Neither of the titans above stopped to consider his existence. Within seconds Bram was pressed against the crotch of this girl's leggings. The young man unwittingly and unknowingly began using Bram as an instrument to further this girl's pleasure.

It was an odd and indescribable feeling that overcame Bram. He was pressed firmly and roughly against this girl's womanhood, and it was as though his mind was split. He'd never considered the possibility of being used like this. He may as well have been an object in the hands of a stranger. It was dehumanizing, to put it mildly, yet somehow, there was an allure to it. It didn't make sense, but Bram had been discovering quite a bit about himself in that regard lately. He was rubbed along her crotch in a circular motion by the hand of the stranger up above. If it weren't for that, he might have been enjoying himself. Whoever this girl was, she was clearly enjoying herself. Another low and carnal moan sounded above him, and he could feel mild dampness developing between her legs.

Caught between feelings of lust and a desire to escape, Bram could do nothing but lay still and wait. He could feel the outline of this girl's camel toe. Lips so large and soft like being pressed hugged between two king sized mattresses. He also felt the knub of her clit from his position as he was passed over it, being carefully used to elicit further want from her. Bram started to sweat as the heat continued to build alongside this girl's arousal. His senses were overwhelmed and overtaken by her scent. Time became a gross illusion in the face of his predicament as he rubbed around her womanhood's hem. The only barrier keeping him from being engulfed by her pussy was growing wetter by the second. Despite being uncomfortable with his position, Bram couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to be entirely inside this giantess. It was foolish, he knew this much, but he couldn't shake the thought from his head.

"Hey, you two wanna get a room?" a new and unknown voice asked from above, "Not everyone wants to see you two finger-bang on the couch, and I wouldn't mind having a place to sit."

The question brought everything Bram was enduring to a screeching halt, and he was suddenly released from his somewhat invasive position. "P-Peyton!" the girl above exclaimed, her tone labored and annoyed, "Find somewhere else to sit!"

"Brittany, if you wanna get fucked, then go find a bedroom," the voice of Bram's savior countered, her tone both bored and flat.

"Ugh, you can be such a stick in the mud!" Brittany huffed.

"S'not my fault you don't understand common decency," Peyton said flatly, "So, you gonna move, or are you gonna fuck your boyfriend on the couch?"

"Ugh!" Brittany growled as she stood up and nearly threw Bram off the couch, "Maybe you should try getting laid. It might do your attitude some good!"

"Yeah, 'cause dick has made you so much less of a bitch," Peyton scoffed as Brittany shoved past her while hauling her boyfriend to his feet.

Bram slowly started to regain his faculties now that Brittany was gone. He pushed himself to his feet and looked up in time to see the backside of his previous host. Bram craned his neck as he looked up at the new arrival to his little world. The girl was a giant, even by typical standards. She must have been over six feet in height and looked strangely familiar. She wasn't the buxomest girl he'd seen, but her shirt might have been hiding some of her bust. A rather baggy band t-shirt rested over a pair of long sleeves and fell past her waist. She was wearing cargo pants to boot, so unlike the other girls Bram had seen, he couldn't gauge her figure. Her skin was tanned, her hair was dark with two streaks of blue in her bangs, and it came down just her neck.

Bram was awestruck and captivated by this new girl. He froze as he stared up and studied her, but she, like many before her, never saw him as she turned to sit. Peyton let herself fall backward as she sat on the couch. Luckily, she chose to sit where the previous guy had sat so Bram could avoid a closeup with her ass. However, the forceful impact of her drop sent Bram flying into the air. He cried out as he bounced several feet in the air before landing beside Peyton's thigh. He shrugged off the sudden setback and looked up at her again. Where did he know her from? Yes, they were in the same school, but he swore he'd seen her multiple times before. Staring up at her, he noticed that she appeared of oriental descent. This girl was gorgeous in many ways, and Bram couldn't help but feel drawn to her.

Peyton reached into her pocket and pulled out her phone. She began scrolling through it, clearly bored and uninterested in the party happening around her. She was almost stoic by the look on her face. Bram bit his lip as he tried to decide if he should get closer. Of course, he wanted to, but was it wise to risk it? Maybe he could get her to notice him. He'd already had quite a bit of fun, albeit watered down with a touch of fear, and he knew he needed to stay safe. Anna would be furious if something happened to him; she was probably already going to be upset that he'd left the table. Perhaps this girl could help him get back. There was only one way to find out.

His mind made up and his justifications at the ready, Bram decided to indulge himself one last time. He tentatively approached her leg and looked for a way to climb up. Unlike the leggings and jeans of many others, Peyton's cargo pants provided a multitude of options for scaling her leg. Bram took hold of the fabric and pulled himself off the couch. He found a foothold quickly enough, and the climb was much simpler than others before. Peyton sat still and silent as he ascended, making his journey much more straightforward. Still, this girl was like a mountain compared to him. He wondered if he should try to scale her shirt once he reached the top of her thigh. Although, there was a part of him that desperately wanted to sit between her legs. Then again, he'd only managed to escape a dangerous predicament moments ago. No, he couldn't let his hormones win out again. He needed to get her to notice him. If that meant getting closer to her bust, that was just a bonus.

Bram made it to the top of her thigh with relative ease, and Peyton still hadn't looked up from her phone. He took a moment to admire the view from his current spot. This girl was indeed something to behold up close. His only question now was how he would grab her attention. Even if he managed to climb onto her shoulder, there was still no guarantee she'd spot him. "I guess I'll figure it out when I get there," he said as he approached the hem of her shirt.

Much like her cargo pants, her baggy shirt left ample places for him to grab. Peyton's upper body was quite large, though, and it would be a much longer trip up this time. She still had yet to bother to look up from her phone, though, and she was holding it in her right hand. Hopefully, she wouldn't move her left arm while he climbed. That was the only trouble he could foresee running into as he began his trek upward. His focus was finding a way upward and onto Peyton's shoulders. Inch by inch, Bram slowly made his way further up Peyton's shirt. She leaned back without warning, though, and nearly knocked him back to his starting point. Bram held fast and managed to maintain his position, but he knew it was a close call.

Her chest proved to be the most difficult to pass. Her shirt had indeed hidden her breast size, and Bram immediately noticed the bulge in her shirt. He couldn't even begin to fathom the cup size, but this girl was relatively well-endowed. He tried to ignore the urge to linger in favor of pressing on, but he could already feel that familiar tug from his hormones. He hesitated for a moment too long, and that was when Peyton chose to look down. She frowned as she spotted something on her shirt and ran her hand over him to sweep it away. He may as well have been an insect to her from the way she carelessly swept him off. However, she frowned when her hand made contact with his skin. Bram was falling for a brief second before landing in her palm. His world shifted as she lifted him to her face to inspect him.

"What in the world?" she asked as she studied him, "What do we have here?"

He'd been caught and in a position that was none too flattering at that. He chuckled nervously and waved, "Uhm, hello. M-my name is Bram, and I was trying to get your attention. This probably looks worse than it is, huh?"

Peyton frowned as she carefully watched the little man in her hand, "I don't know. Why don't you tell me what it looks like, little man? Because it looks like you were trying to sneak a peek at my goods."

Bram felt himself start to sweat. She clearly wasn't amused, but he couldn't quite get a read on her. "T-that's exactly what it probably looks like," he stuttered with another nervous laugh, "I-I swear, I wasn't trying to do that, though! Y-you're really pretty and all, but I was just trying to get help."

Peyton raised an eyebrow at him and leaned back. Truthfully, she hadn't had a lot of interaction with tinies. She was an only child; her father passed away when she was still a baby. She'd heard stories from her teammates on the volleyball team, the news, and other girls around school, but she'd never personally interacted with one. "Okay, I'll bite," she said, still unsure if she believed the little man in her hand, "Why don't you tell me what you're doing on the couch? Aren't you guys supposed to be all on the table hanging out? Did you and some of your little buddies decide to sneak out?"

Bram swallowed as he tried to find the words to reply. There wasn't anything playful about her tone or demeanor, and part of him felt nervous that he'd already offended her. Another aspect of him felt more drawn than ever to the cold girl before him. "Okay, so here's what happened," he started, "I was on the table, to begin with, but then Chelsea, one of the cheerleaders, picked me up to talk. I don't know if you know Chelsea, but she's not exactly the most observant girl. She got sidetracked by another guy and kind of forgot about me. She accidentally dropped me down the back of her shirt, but I managed to get to the floor without getting hurt."

"Tch, that sounds like that air-headed bimbo," Peyton snorted, "Wait, she came up to you? That ditzy idiot usually messes with athletes and the football team."

"Yeah, I'm on the team, er, was, I guess," Bram said.

"Hold up," Peyton cut him off, "Are you, Bram McCallum?"

"Yeah!" Bram exclaimed, still unable to tell if it was a good thing or not that she knew him, "Uhm, do we know each other?"

"Not directly, no," Peyton replied, "I'm on the volleyball team with Anna. Does she know you're not where you're supposed to be?"

It clicked for Bram in an instant. That was where he'd seen Peyton before. He'd never spoken to her until today, and she always seemed so reserved and distant. "Heh, she does not," Bram chuckled, scratching his head, "She's probably gonna be pretty pissed when she learns what happened too. She didn't want to bring me tonight because she was worried I'd get hurt. It's kinda why I was looking for help, to be honest."

"You never did say how you ended up here on the couch," Peyton said, seemingly relaxing a bit but looking away from him, "Seems like a pretty steep climb for someone your size."

"Oh, right!" Bram exclaimed, remembering that he still hadn't finished explaining himself, "So, after I made it to the living room floor, things took a bad turn. Turns out, feet and people my size don't exactly mix well. Toss in the fact that nobody knew where I was, and you end up with an awful game of dodge the shoe. Admittedly, that name needs work, but you get what I mean. So, I was running and trying to avoid getting stepped on, and somebody accidentally kicked me and sent me flying! I landed on that other girl's leg, and then things got a little…uhm, heated? I didn't have time to figure out where I was, who I was on, or what was going on before I fell again. I might have accidentally been part of a threesome until you came along and interrupted them. Thanks for that, by the way, and I sincerely mean that."

Bram witnessed a small smile spread across Peyton's face for the first time. Up until now, she'd been like a stone. It vanished as quickly as it came, but Bram thought it was cute while it lasted. "I guess you're just lucky my feet were getting tired," she said with a shrug and asked, "You're not disappointed I interrupted it, are you?"

Some part of him wanted to see how far things might have gone, but then he wouldn't have gotten to meet Peyton. "Nah, this is a much better way to spend my evening," he replied honestly, "I mean, aside from the bit about you thinking I was up to something lewd. So, what brings you to the party? I-I mean, obviously, you were invited, but it doesn't seem like you're having a good time."

"What's that supposed to mean?" she asked with a frown.

Bram grimaced as he wondered if he'd offended his savior. "I-uhm, I just meant that you're kinda by yourself, is all," he said, feeling worse with every word that escaped his lips, "Ugh, this is coming across wrong. I was trying to make Smalltalk, but I guess I'm a little rusty. Let me try again. This doesn't seem like something you're super into, but I'm glad you're here. Not just because you saved me from a close encounter, but you seem really cool, and we haven't really gotten to talk."

Peyton was quiet for a minute. The little man in her hand was interesting, to put it mildly. He was a little awkward, but it was almost charming. She could see him fidgeting slightly in her hand, and she wondered what made him so intriguing. She'd had guys show interest in her before, but most of them had been shallow and immature. Bram, despite his apparent condition, was friendly and outgoing. A part of her was slightly fascinated by his size too. Honestly, she wasn't sure if he was fidgeting out of fear or if he was just nervous talking to her. There was something to be said about the amount of raw power she had over him. If she wanted, she could stow him away for herself. But then, what would she even do with him? A myriad of different ideas played in the back of her mind, but she didn't dare verbalize any of them. One thing was sure; she didn't want to hurt him. It wasn't because he was Anna's step-brother, though. He seemed genuinely kind, and that alone was something she wasn't overly familiar with.

"You're not much of a talker, are you?" she asked with another small smile, "You're alright, little guy."

"Son of a-ugh!" Anna's voice came from the dining room as the music changed over.

"Oh boy," Bram sighed, "She must have gone to check on me. Would you mind flagging her down for me and maybe helping to calm her down?"

"I don't know," Peyton replied, "I'm curious to see what she might say if she learns what happened."

Bram's face paled at the thought, "Please don't. I still have to go home with her."

"Anna, over here!" Peyton called out, raising her voice just enough to catch her teammates' attention.

Anna carefully marched over to Peyton, minding her steps as she walked. "Hey, Peyton, I can't really talk right now," Anna said, watching the floor as best she could in the darkness, "My dumbass step-brother managed to get off the table and do the one thing I specifically told him not to do."

"That's why I called you over," Peyton explained, holding Bram up for her to see, "I've got him right here, and he's safe and sound."

Anna looked down at Bram in her hand and sighed, "Why do you have him? I'm glad he's okay, but he's not bothering you, is he?"

"Nah, we've just been talking," Peyton replied, "He got himself into a little trouble by accident, thanks to Chelsea, and he wound up on the couch just before I sat down. I found him climbing up my shirt, trying to get my attention."

"Oh," Anna said, her anger and worry subsiding, "I can take him back to his little area if you want."

Peyton thought for a moment before shaking her head, "That's okay. I can hang out with him until you're ready to leave. He's nice enough, and he's been better company than most of the others here so far."

It surprised Bram, but he was glad that Peyton seemed willing and interested in him staying with her. "Alright, just keep an eye on him," Anna said, "If you're sure about it, then I'm not gonna push it. I'll be back to pick him up in a little bit then."

Peyton nodded, and Anna walked away to rejoin the party. "Thanks for that," Bram said, relaxing now that he knew Anna wasn't going to kill him.

"Don't mention it," Peyton waved him off, "So, what's it like being this small?"

"It's different," Bram admitted, sitting down in her hand, "Things are both scary and new to me. I never realized how much I took for granted until I ended up like this. Honestly, getting used to being naked all the time was the hardest part. I'm not sure how it'll feel if I ever get back to normal and have to go back to wearing clothes. It's kind of freeing in a weird way."

Peyton laughed softly and sweetly at his remark. It was another first for Bram, who thought it was a lovely and flattering sound. It was brief, but he wished he could hear it again. "You're a funny little guy," Peyton said before asking, "What about dealing with people like me? People who haven't been affected by the virus."

This gave Bram pause, and he hoped that Peyton didn't see his hesitation. He didn't want to reveal too much too soon, but he didn't want to lie to the beauty before him. "It's hard to explain," he said after a moment of silence, "Everything is so different and big, but it's like seeing people in a new light. I mentioned that I took things for granted already, but watching people like you do simple things like walking, or other mundane things, is like watching something out of a sci-fi movie. I don't mean like a horror movie either, but like watching something breathtaking and inspiring. It's incredible and mildly terrifying, but I think the good outweighs the bad. There's a level of fear that comes with the size difference, yeah, but there's also a rush that I can't quite describe. I don't know. Maybe it's an adrenaline rush or something. I probably sound like a total weirdo, don't I?"

Peyton listened and observed him as he fumbled through his explanation. "Not as much as you might think," she replied, shifting slightly to get more comfortable, "I think that makes some sense, in a strange way. It's not that you like being this small, but there's something to be said about seeing things from a different perspective, right?"

"Yeah, exactly!" Bram said, glad to have found someone that understood what he meant.

The two of them talked for the remainder of the evening. Bram did most of the talking, but he learned a good deal about Peyton. She was the middle blocker on the volleyball team, an only child, and lived with her mother. Tonight was her first real interaction with someone afflicted by the virus, and she seemed interested in his stories about adventures and mishaps since he'd shrunk. Her favorite food was Japanese, mainly because that was what she and her mother frequently cooked and ate, and the fact she was half-Japanese to boot. Peyton wasn't shy, but Bram noticed she was rather direct and blunt. It was refreshing to him, and he thoroughly enjoyed his time with her. He'd come with Anna hoping to get into mischief, but this trumped anything he'd planned. He certainly hadn't expected to make such a connection with someone like Peyton.

Eventually, the time came for him and Anna to leave. The party was winding down, and the two needed to return home. Peyton handed Bram off to Anna after Jessica had said her goodbyes. Bram caught a quick kiss shared between them. He thought about teasing Anna but decided against it to spare himself some torment. He again rode home in her jacket pocket and pondered the night's events. It had been filled with surprises, twists, and turns and had become a pleasant experience for him. He hoped that he could see Peyton again and that he'd left a good impression on her. While she was reserved, he felt a genuine connection to the titaness and her almost stoic demeanor.

Anna walked in and managed to bypass Pam without an incident, and she headed straight to Victoria's room to drop Bram off. Victoria had been on her phone when they walked in. She smiled at the two of them, "Hey, how did everything go?"

"Really good, actually," Anna replied as she walked over to place Bram on the nightstand, "Jessica and I spent the evening together, and I think we're about ready to put a label on this. Bram managed to get into some hijinks, though."

Victoria sat up and looked him over, "He's not hurt, is he?" she asked Anna.

"No, thankfully," Anna answered, "One of the cheerleaders took him off the table and forgot about him, but then one of my teammates found him. He spent the last hour and a half talking with her, so no harm, no foul."

Victoria relaxed and grinned at Bram, "Does my little brother have a new girlfriend?"

"Heh, I don't know if he's Peyton's type," Anna laughed, "I don't know, though. They seemed to get along pretty well."

"She was nice and super cool," Bram added and asked Anna, "Do you…do you think that maybe she could come over sometime?"

"Oh my God, you do have a thing for this girl!" Victoria squealed, "That is absolutely adorable!"

"I just liked hanging out with her!" Bram groaned.

"I'm sure that's all it is," Anna scoffed with an eye roll, "I'll message her tomorrow and see if she wasn't totally repulsed by you, mini-dork."

"I'm not that bad, am I?" Bram asked, feeling slightly self-conscious at her comment.

"Anna," Victoria warned.

"I'm just messing with you, dude " Anna sighed and shook her head, "Don't get all up in your feelings about it. Peyton said she thought you were nice, remember? She's not shy about telling someone she doesn't like them. Like I said, I'll message her and see. Get some rest, shrimp. I'll let you know what she says when I hear something tomorrow."

"Thanks, Anna," Bram said, "I appreciate you taking me with you tonight. It was good to get out of the house for a change, and it was fun getting to see my old friends again."

"Weird as it sounds, I'm glad you managed to blackmail me into taking you," Anna said, "Peyton seemed to be glad to have someone to talk to who wasn't a complete tool, so I guess it worked out for the better. I'll see you guys in the morning."

Anna walked out of the room, and Bram climbed into his bed. "So, Peyton, huh?" Victoria asked as she laid back in her bed.

"She's nice," Bram replied, "I just want to get to know her and maybe hang out some."

"I think it's cute," Victoria said as she covered up and turned off the lights, "Just be careful not to get hurt, physically or emotionally, little brother."

"She's just a friend," Bram said, answering honestly.

"Whatever you say, little brother," Victoria said as she rolled over, "Get some sleep, and I'll check on you in the morning."

Bram sighed as he curled up in his bed. He closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep while thinking about Peyton. The feeling of being held in her hand and how she'd smiled or laughed softly was still fresh in his mind. He couldn't stop his mind from wandering as he slowly nodded off. He wondered what Peyton would do if given a chance, what she looked like under those baggy clothes, and if she actually had any interest in him. Filled with a sense of hope and longing, Bram dreamt of his newfound crush as he finally fell asleep after an eventful evening.



Amazing chapter I really liked the Bram and Anna interaction as brother and sister. Also can’t wait to see the kind of relationship Bram and Peyton will have.