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Hello fellow shrinkees!

I hope everyone is well and continuing to enjoy the story so far!

I have little bit of news regarding the current $3 Tier: Gather By The Fire

Since starting our Patreon a year and a half ago, the production of The Honeymoon Is Over has taken form with over 184200 words across 23 Chapters and an Xmas bonus Chapter to boot! The average Chapter size is ~7400 words! This has been no small feet to create, but with your help it has been a worthwhile endeavor and success!

The initial Patreon pricing has been the same pretty much since day one. I really had no idea how to price written content, and there wasn't a lot of advice on it online, so I had to take my best guess and that is what we've had to this day. However, over the last several months, I've thought a lot on the Tier price points and in particular the lowest Tier price. I've always wanted the Tiers to be affordable but also respectful to the quality and amount of work that goes in to each Chapter, and the whole series to-date. As a result, I've decided this Tier price point is no longer accurate for what is being offered and will be increased, from $3 to $5. Still, I wanted to make sure there was something else that comes with this price increase, which is why I've decided to amalgamate the benefits of Gathering By The Fire with Campfire Q&A!

Starting December 1st, 2022, I’m excited to announce the new $5 Gathering By The Fire tier! The $3 Tier of the same name, and the Campfire Q&A will no longer be available to join as of that date, and will be completely deleted. Please note, the currency pricing for this Patreon is in Canadian dollars.

If you’re still in the $3 Gathering By The Fire tier when it’s deleted, you’ll still be my patron, but you’ll be a “no tier” patron, and won’t have the same access as you currently do. Please select a new Tier to keep the home fires burning! :)

Here’s how to select a new tier: How do I edit my membership?

As always, thank you so much for your support for this story. It truly could not be made with you!

Keep shrinking!

- Khal


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