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Chad was in a world of panic and terror as he tumbled down the backside of Jessica's shirt and into her jeans. His miniscule body slid down her smooth skin as he fell into the depths of darkness. He didn't have a clue what was happening until it was too late, and his cries for help went both unheeded and unheard. Jessica didn't have a clue to his plight, and his only hope was that Anna would reveal her treachery. However, even if she did, there was no guarantee that Jessica would be merciful.

Chad's descent came to a halt as he slid into the backside of Jessica's panties. The fabric was soft and well-worn, but that was a small comfort to him. The fact that he was once again face to face with a woman's ass was crushing to both his body and spirit. The familiar heat was stifling, but the sudden shift from Jessica put him in a much more uncomfortable position. A slight lean forward from her pushed him flush with her left cheek. There was nothing for him to grab onto, nothing that he could use to stop himself. Jessica's cheeks were well-toned and he could feel her muscles flexing against him.

However, Chad refused to give into the hopelessness that surrounded him. He pushed back against her cheeks in hopes of, at the very least, freeing his face. The softness of her skin made it difficult though somehow he found a way to succeed. It wasn't much, but he managed to turn himself so that his back was against her butt. Any victory, however small, added to his shrinking morale. Chad stretched his legs outward to try to use the barrier of her panties as a means of climbing up. It may have been a long shot, but it was the best he could come up with given his precarious circumstances.

One foot in front of the other, Chad tried his best to ascend out of the depths of Jessica's ass. After four steps, Jessica shifted once again and Chad's progress was annihilated. To add to his frustration, the temperature seemed to be rising around him. What the hell was happening out there? His fall was broken by Jessica's panties, but he was officially back to square one. Beads of sweat began forming and rolling down Jessica's backside from whatever was going on between her and Anna. Chad was left, quite literally, in the dark as he tried to figure out some way to escape.

Trapped at the base of her panties, Chad wracked his brain trying to come up with a plan. Amidst his brainstorming, his thoughts were interrupted by a crushing and debilitating weight. Jessica, the titan that she was to him, unknowingly sat her full weight on him. The pressure was unbelievable, but thankfully it didn't last long. Jessica moved up slightly to give him a reprieve; something he thanked the heavens above for. He shuddered to think of ending up a bloody stain on her porcelain skin. As untimely and gruesome a fate as any his imagination could conjure. Still, Chad was faced with the dilemma of being caught like a fly in a spider's web.

His world continued to spiral in an uncontrollable manner as a new and painful sensation happened. A pressure from beyond his prison pressed against him and smashed him back against Jessica's cheek. Was that Anna? It had to be. Why would Jessica do that to herself? Clarity broke through his confusion as he realized what was happening, and things began to line up in his mind. Anna's subtle depositing of him, the rise in temperature, the continual shifting, and Anna's hand coping a feel. Chad was caught in the midst of a fevered make out session! A fantasy for some, but an utter nightmare for him.

Another sudden and painful slap from Anna smashed him against Jessica's cheek. The sweat that had slowly began to build acted as a revolting adhesive, and Chad was stuck against her cheek. Anna's brutal smacks may have been tame to Jessica, but Chad was certain another would knock him unconscious. He groaned as he used all of his strength to push himself away from Jessica's backside. Luckily, he was able to free himself before Anna could strike a third time, but what was he supposed to do now? Two teenagers in the throes of passion meant that the risks for injury had doubled, if not tripled. He had to think of something quick unless he wanted to end up in another world of pain and humiliation.

It was becoming clear that escape wasn't an option for Chad, at least not at the moment. He needed to find somewhere safe, or as safe as possible given his predicament. There was one option that he saw, but it was far from ideal. Until now, he'd been battling against Jessica's cheeks, but there was potential safety and shelter within the canyon only a stones throw away. He hated even considering it for a number of reasons. Besides it being entirely degrading, it was incredibly invasive. What other choice did he have, though? Danger was unavoidable at this point, but it seemed the safest option for him, albeit humiliating and disgusting. With no other option, Chad began crawling towards Jessica's crack.

The journey was short but it was far from uneventful. A slight bucking motion from the titan Chad was trapped with made the crawl more treacherous than necessary. Although small to Jessica, it created tremors for Chad to try to overcome. The slightest movement from the titaness above spelled potential disaster for his endeavors. Despite getting bounced around, Chad continued to press on towards his goal. Progress was slow, but finally he was only inches from the crevasse. Then, without warning, the walls of her cheeks crashed together in front of him. Chad could only stare with wide eyes as Jessica's muscular buttocks flexed and created a wall before relaxing once more.

This was one aspect he hadn't considered. Witnessing the sudden impact of those powerful globes colliding made him second guess his decision. He was so close, though, and he couldn't think of another option. Chad thought back to his involuntary shower with Anna, and the feeling of being sandwiched between her cheeks. It hadn’t been pleasant, but he'd managed to survive without anything getting broken. As reluctant as he was to do it, Chad swallowed his reservations and climbed into Jessica's crack. It was tight, musky, and smelled terrible, but he forced himself to follow through with his plan. It was only temporary until he could figure out something better, but that didn't make it any more bearable.

Outside of Chad's world, the two girls continued their exploration of one another's bodies. Anna had nearly given herself over to the lustful and heated haze, while Jessica did her best to remain in control of herself. Anna wasn't Jessica's first, but she knew she was Anna's. She was fine with testing the waters and having fun, but she didn't want to push Anna too far too fast. Although, Anna seemed to be more than happy to indulge in her more carnal cravings. Anna's hands continued to trail up and down her backside, and she seemed to have a moderate fixation for her ass. Jessica made a note to remember that in order to explore other avenues down the line.

Jessica could feel her temperature rising as the two of them continued kissing. Their lips had been locked together, and their tongues waged a war for supremacy. Jessica finally broke the kiss, although somewhat hesitantly. Anna's eyes had been closed for the duration of their make out, but they fluttered open and stared up at her. "Having fun?" Jessica asked, a wry grin on her face as Anna nodded, "I think I forgot to lock the door, and I imagine you're not wanting us to be disturbed. Your mom is cool and all, but why don't we see where this goes before telling her anything?"

Anna swallowed as she pushed herself up onto her elbows. "That…that's a good point," she nodded, breathing harder than she realized.

"I'm coming back, don't worry," Jessica said with a giggle, "You don't have to pout, cute as it may be."

She wasn't pouting, was she? She honestly wasn't sure anymore. A plethora of emotions were swirling around inside of her head, and Anna couldn't be certain just what her face was doing. Her skin felt like it was on fire, and a carnal need had taken root within her. She wanted more of Jessica, but there was some part of her that was scared of rushing into things. So, she laid there and watched as Jessica sauntered towards the door. Jessica made sure to swing her hips wider than necessary as she walked, and Anna's eyes remained glued to her backside. She bit her lip as Jessica took her time walking to the door.

Anna watched with bated breath as Jessica gave her a small show. Her movements were exaggerated, deliberate, and blatantly seductive. Between thoughts of lust and want, Anna vaguely recalled Chad and his punishment. Somehow knowing that he was buried in those tight jeans added another layer to her excitement. Jessica was unknowingly putting her stepdad through hell while lewdly entertaining Anna. As Jessica got close to the door, she bent over to reach the lock and swung her hips more as she toyed with it. Anna licked her lips without realizing it as Jessica's butt swayed to and fro.

While Anna was enjoying herself and Jessica's show, Chad was beginning to question his life choices. His decision to seek shelter in Jessica's crack had already been questionable, but then his world began to shake. Chad suddenly found himself being thrown from one side to the other in an already cramped space. He didn't have a clue what was happening outside, but his face was slammed against the inner wall of Jessica's butt. Seconds later, he was thrown the opposite direction and his back smacked the other wall. The process repeated time and again until Chad couldn't remember which way was up.

"What the hell is this girl doing?" he grumbled to himself between getting tossed about.

When his beatings finally stopped, Chad was sure that the worst was over. He kicked himself for thinking such a thing as another unexpected shift occurred. As he'd been jostled time and again, he'd unwittingly found himself inching deeper into Jessica's crack. He wasn't so far that he couldn't climb out, but it was much further than he felt comfortable with. The second he wondered how things could get worse; the universe answered. Jessica's twin globes parted just enough, and at just the right angle, to send Chad plummeting toward the last place he wanted to be. The darkness grew thicker, as did the smell, as he rocketed down toward Jessica's hole.

The shakes and quakes continued, and for once Chad was thankful for them. The swaying motion gave him just enough leverage to stop his descent before it was too late. Chad hovered dangerously close to Jessica's pucker while clenching at what little loose skin was available. It wasn't much, but Chad held on for dear life. It was hard to imagine a more horrendous way to go than being devoured by someone's asshole. He had to change his strategy and find a way out. Clearly, he hadn't considered all of the variable and risks that came with his impromptu shelter. It was a harrowing reminder that safety was a fleeting illusion for people his size.

As Jessica's hips swayed back and forth, Chad's grip began to wane. He felt like an insect scurrying for his freedom as he frantically fought to escape. Anna had referred to him as a bug many times, but he'd never felt more like one than in this moment. He clawed his way out and away from Jessica's hole, but there was no way of knowing if he was making progress. Too afraid to glance back, Chad scrambled in a desperate attempt to put distance between himself and the potential doom. He would take his chances elsewhere if he could just manage to free himself from his current predicament.

When Jessica stood up, her movements caused her cheeks to grind together. For once, Chad welcomed the uncomfortable pressure that accompanied her walk. While it wasn't ideal, it gave him a layer of security and safety. It also gave him an opportunity to claw his way out. Chad used every ounce of strength he had to pull himself out and along Jessica's crack. It was brutal and agonizingly slow, but any progress was better than nothing. What awaited once he was free remained a mystery to him, but he would face that when the time came. All Chad could do was try to survive moment by moment for the time being.

Back in Anna's room, Jessica had finished locking the door and performing her show for Anna. She'd felt Anna's eyes glued to her backside the entire time, but she also felt an annoying itch in her jeans. She ignored it as best she could; scratching would surely spoil the mood she was trying to create. Jessica sauntered back towards the bed where Anna sat waiting and wondering what would come next. Jessica, for her part, debated just what that might be. This being Ana's first time, she didn't want to push the envelope too far too quickly. Anna may have been willing, but Jessica wasn't keen on risking their friendship in the name of lust.

Jessica let out a thoughtful hum as she neared the bed, "Now that we don't have to worry about being disturbed, we can pick up where we left off. How're you feeling?"

Anna's cheeks were flushed and her eyes were glossy as she replied, "Hot, extremely hot."

Jessica grinned as she climbed onto the bed and crawled toward Anna, "This isn't too much for you, is it? We can stop if you want."

"No!" Anna blurted out, much quicker than she meant to, "I mean, no, I want to keep going. I'll let you know if something is too much, but I don't want to stop now."

Jessica crawled closer and climbed back on top of Anna with a seductive glint in her eye and sly smile, "I'm trusting you to keep your word. Now, maybe I'm wrong, but I could have swore I felt you staring at my ass back there. Are you an ass-girl, Anna?"

Anna swallowed nervously as Jessica closed the gap and started nipping at her neck. God, it was hard to concentrate as she felt Jessica nibbling on her more sensitive areas. "It's a nice ass," she breathed and kicked herself for sounding like so many of the guys she'd used, "I mean, I don't know what else to say."

Jessica let out a slight giggle that tickled the base of Anna's neck and sent shivers down her spine, "I'll take that as a compliment, and yours isn't too bad either, you know? You can touch other places too, if you want. I'm not gonna break, Anna, or maybe you'd rather me do the exploring, yeah?"

As if to accentuate her point, Jessica slid her knee between Anna's legs to apply pressure to her groin. Something about the way Jessica spoke, the look in her eyes, and the heat racing through her body spurred a sudden reaction from Anna. Instinct took over, and Anna flipped Jessica onto her back. Their positions switched, and Jessica effectively caught off guard, Anna pinned Jessica's wrists against the bed and seized control. Jessica was surprised, but she had no complaints about the minor role reversal. She allowed Anna to hold her in place while Anna locked their lips together. Jessica was curious to see where Anna would go next, and she would let her have her fun for now.

Meanwhile, Chad had finally managed to free himself from his most recent bad decision. He didn't have to relish his accomplishment before his world shifted yet again. Without warning, Chad found himself falling down and away from Jessica's backside. He bounced on the fabric of her panties and slid from the back to the front. His heart sank as he caught a whiff of a familiar and ominous scent. The temperature rose higher, but the smell of arousal was what had him truly worried. Flashbacks to his near-death night with Pam flooded his mind as he fearfully turned his head to the side. Through the darkness, Chad could see the outline of Jessica's womanhood in the distance. This was the last place he'd wanted to be.

This was different from all the other times he'd been in danger. Anna always knew where he was, Pam would eventually search for him, and Victoria always did her best to ensure his safety. Jessica didn't have the faintest idea that he was trapped on her person, and that brought all feelings of helplessness to new heights. With everyone else, he only had to endure until they noticed he was gone. With Jessica being completely oblivious to his predicament, he was at the mercy of fate and circumstance. Chad had known for a while that he was powerless in the face of the new world, but this was like a tsunami of terror. It didn't matter if anyone noticed he was gone; nobody would think to look for him anywhere outside of the house!

Chad was suspended in the air for a short time before another sudden and powerful shift sent him careening towards Jessica's womanhood. The smell of Jessica's growing arousal from the events outside his world grew more intense, and Chad was hit with flashbacks to his night with Pam. The wetness of Jessica's pussy acted as a powerful solvent to keep him locked in place. The heat may not have burned him, but it was nonetheless unwelcome and uncomfortable. He fought to pry himself from the bonds of her womanhood, but he was met by an unknown force that thrust him into the slight opening of her folds. A quake of pleasure from the muscles sent tremors of complete and utter fear through him. Was this how he dies?

As Chad struggled with his mortality, Anna and Jessica continued to explore their passions and lust. Anna had been all too happy to turn the tables on Jessica and seize control. As nervous as she was, her body moved of its own accord. She'd always been more of a dominant person in the bedroom; something she never fully understood but accepted all the same. It felt right to be in charge, and the feelings that came with it were all together intoxicating. However, being with Jessica felt somehow different. With guys, she'd been interested in making them beg, hurt, or feel as low as she saw them. With Jessica, she couldn't quite describe what she wanted. All that Anna knew for certain was that she didn't want to hurt or abuse her friend and crush. This was uncharted territory for Anna, but she was loving every second of it.

Anna broke their kiss, kept her hands on Jessica's wrists, and moved to kiss along her neck. Sucking, nibbling, and ravishing along her exposed skin. She could feel Jessica shuddering beneath her, and the moan that escaped her lips was like music to her ears. Deciding to add yet another layer to their time, Anna forced her knee between Jessica's legs. Jessica responded by clenching her thighs around Anna's knee and breaking free from Anna's grip. With her hands able to roam once more, Jessica ran them up the back of Anna's shirt and along her back. The second they reached Anna's shoulders; Jessica raked her nails back down. Anna shivered in response, but bit down on Jessica's neck. She fought to get another tight hold on Jessica's wrists, but was caught off guard when Jessica gave her ass a hard swat.

"I didn't say I'd just lay here, did I?" Jessica asked in a breathy tone of voice, staring up at Anna with cloudy eyes, "It's only fair that I get to have a little fun too, right?"

Anna faltered for a second before she relented to her soon-to-be lover's request. "Fine," Anna replied with a pout before shifting her focus to Jessica's breasts, "But I'm taking these."

Jessica giggled as Anna's hand found its way to the clasp on her bra and unhooked it. She bit her lip as she felt Anna's hand give her right breast a gentle squeeze. "You're such a dork," she said, half laughing and half gasping.

"Guess you've got a type then," Anna countered as she continued playing with Jessica's tit.

Jessica rode the wave of sensations that were cresting over her, just enjoying the copious feelings she was receiving. Anna was clearly new to things, but her hands were soft and skilled all the same. Her body felt like it was on fire with desire, and the intensity only rose when she felt Anna's fingertips give her nipple a slight twist. A touch of pain that gave way to a wake of pleasure. Her pussy was dripping with anticipation and need, and a slight tickling sent shockwaves through her core. Maybe it was the additional pressure from Anna's knee, but whatever the cause, Jessica felt as though she was on cloud nine.

Chad was in a new form of hell amidst the exterior bliss happening beyond his nightmare. He struggled, squirmed, and fought to free himself from Jessica's womanhood, but his hopes were quickly fading. The pressure from whatever outside source was pressing against him made it an impossible task, and it took everything he had to keep from being dragged into the hungry pussy just behind him. Memories of nearly drowning inside of Pam played behind his eyes, and his terror had nearly completely overtaken him. There was no calm to be found in him, and the more panicked he became, the more trapped he became. He was like a fly trapped in a spider's web.

A tremor from Jessica's body pulled his body closer, and Chad's rose higher when his arm slipped inside of her. The pull became harder to resist, but Chad desperately tried to rip his arm free from the confines of her folds. He could feel every breath, every laugh, and every movement she made on a level that he'd never wanted. With Pam, her hand had been the instrument of his turmoil, but it had also been what kept him alive. The absence of something so seemingly insignificant held dire implications for him. There was nothing to cling to, nothing to save him, and his only hope resided in some form of mercy from Anna. However, she saw him as vermin needing to be culled, and he was sure that he was far from the forefront of her mind now. Hormones and lust were most likely all that riddled her brain, and Chad felt the weight of hopelessness crush what was left of his spirit.

In an overwhelming panic, Chad tugged and pulled at his arm. However, the more he fought, the more of his arm sunk into the fleshy depths. He let out a scream as he felt Jessica's muscles flexing and quivering around his arm. It may not have broken anything, but it was still incredibly painful and humiliating. He could feel the thick and viscous liquid of her ever-growing arousal saturating his arm, and he felt it running down and over the rest of his body. Invasive, perverse, and all together horrifying were just a few words that described how he felt in the moment. As his hope dwindled, his life began to flash before his eyes. The prospect of being devoured by Jessica's pussy was equally horrendous and humiliating. Had he really survived everything else only to die here like this?

After everything he'd endured, was this really his end? Starting his own business, getting married, and then catching this virus had all been life changing events, but he'd managed to overcome every challenge. He'd been lost, sat on, stepped on, used, abused, and much more before today. The notion of drowning in a stranger's nethers was never how he envisioned his life ending. What about Bram and Victoria? What would they do without their father, and how would Pam take his unexplained disappearance? His mother would be heartbroken, but what about Anna? As strange as it was to think about, he couldn't help but feel worried about the grief she might feel. She'd threatened him countless times, but if he died here then she would have to live with it. How would she handle the weight of that?

Chad continued trying to pry his arm free and keep himself from slipping further in as he scoffed, "Sentimental idiot, she put you in this predicament, and you're worried about how she feels? Nevermind that you're about to die, let's just keep thinking of everyone else."

That was just the way he was, though. Pam had told him that had been what drew her to him, and it was the way that Rose had raised him. Selfish acts always led to disappointment and a fall, but a selfless person would always find a reward. At least, that was what he had believed until now. The choice to try to save a lost boy was what had landed him here, that and his decision to trust Anna. Still, even in the face of death, Chad continued to hold onto his morals and ideals. He worried about his family and how they would be without him, but he held onto a hope that they would find a way to continue. If this was to be his end, then that hope was all he had left to cling to.

Exhaustion from struggling and fighting finally took its toll. Chad let out a shaky breath as he realized he was sapped of all of his strength. With his struggle at its end, Jessica's womanhood began pulling him closer. Chad closed his eyes and waited for the inevitable warmth that was coming before the cold embrace of death. "Please," he whispered, praying to a God he wasn't sure he believed in, "Just let my family be okay, that's all I want. If you're really there, then do this one thing for a dying man…"

Jessica and Anna had been wrapped in a fiery display of passion and lust while Chad struggled and suffered. Anna had nearly forgotten about the little pest amidst the heat of everything. Carnal cravings were all that she could think about, but then Jessica suddenly pulled away. "Huh?" Anna asked, swallowing as she worried that maybe she'd done something wrong, "What's wrong?"

"Nothing," Jessica replied, trying to steady her breathing as she gently pushed Anna off of her, "I just don't want to rush things too much, Anna. Believe me, I want to go further, but I'm your first, yeah?"

"I mean, my first girl, yeah," Anna said, fumbling and tripping over her words.

Jessica let out a soft laugh and rolled her eyes, "That's what I meant, genius. Look, I don't want this to be a fling that ends up like a bunch of other dudes. You're gonna think I sound cheesy here, but I want this to be special. I'm okay making-out, having a little fun, but I want our first real time together to be something we can remember. Maybe this won't go anywhere, but if we rush it then I know it won't."

Anna felt a mixture of disappointment and happiness as Jessica spoke. She wanted more from her crush, but what Jessica wanted was also touching in a big way. It was a strange and rather unpleasant combination of emotions that washed over her. She didn't mean to, but she sat up and pouted, "Okay."

"You're not mad, are you?" Jessica asked, slightly worried that she might have ruined her chances.

"No," Anna sighed before smiling, "I'm horny as hell, but I'm not mad. I get it, and I think it's kind of sweet."

Jessica scooted closer, doing her best to ignore the tickling she felt below, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you all worked up and frustrated."

"It's fine," Anna said, "I love having a lady boner."

"Gross," Jessica giggled, "You're such a dork."

"Can I ask you something?" Anna asked, ignoring Jessica's comment.

"I think you just did, but sure," Jessica replied.

"Why?" Anna asked before clarifying, "Why the sudden interest in taking things slow? Furthermore, why me?"

"You're going to think this is stupid, but I'll tell you," Jessica answered, repositioning herself so that her legs were dangling off the bed, "I'll start with the last question first. I always thought you were someone special. You don't take shit from anyone, you're one of the best players on the team, and, to borrow an old cliche, you're easy on the eyes. I didn't realize I liked girls until we were in our last year of middle school, but I never actually came out publicly with it either. When I saw you crying in the locker room, I just kind of went for it. When I had this whole awakening thing, I realized that I liked you as more than just a best friend. I was scared to ruin our friendship, though, so I never did anything until that day."

"So, you've been crushing on me for years without me knowing?" Anna asked, feeling like an idiot for not seeing it, "Damn, I thought I was pretty observant too. Guess I'm slower than I thought, or maybe you're just good at hiding things."

"A bit of column A, a bit of column B," Jessica said, "I stole glances when you weren't looking, and you never had any reason to suspect anything out of the ordinary."

"So, you saw an opportunity and went for it," Anna continued, trying to understand everything as her hormones slowly took a backseat, "What made you decide to go slow? You never answered that part."

"This is where you're gonna think I'm an idiot," Jessica sighed, "Your stepdad, Chad."

Anna gave Jessica a confused look, but she finally remembered Chad and his predicament. She pushed down her smug feelings in favor of trying to uncover what Jessica meant, "What's that dumb little shrimp got to do with your decision?"

"So, when everything happened at the gym," Jessica began, nervously tugging at her hands, "I was furious at Jeremy when I found out and he and mom got home. It was reckless, stupid, and I thought he was being a horny teenager. Turns out, Jeremy got caught by some stranger's shoestrings. The lady took him for quite the little adventure around the gym, on the treadmill, and finally to the locker rooms. He's always been a bit of a crybaby, but he's my little brother and I love him. When he was telling me everything, I believed him because he was shaking and everything in my hand. Some douchebag was harassing him in the locker room to go out and be a pervert, but Jeremy just wanted to go home. That's when Chad finally showed up."

"Hold on," Anna said, suddenly starting to feel guilty and worried, "You mean that little shit was telling the truth?! Chad, I mean, not Jeremy."

"Like I said, I believe what Jeremy told me," Jessica said with a nod, "He said that Chad showed up and got into it pretty bad with this other guy. He heard him ranting about how much he loves your mom, how nobody asked for this dude to cause all those problems, and how selfish the guy was for putting everyone in danger. Your stepdad beat the shit out of the guy from the way Jeremy tells it. I'm honestly glad he was there that day because if it wasn't for him, then we might have lost Jeremy for good. Then, I started to think about how crazy he's got to be. For one, he risked everything for a kid that wasn't his, and the entire time he was exposed to a ton of women. All that little dude thought about was saving my brother and getting back to you and your mom. I know he gets on your nerves, but he's one of the few good guys left out there. He really made an impression on Jeremy too. I don't know if he'll ever get out of his scaredy-cat state, but he looks up to him."

Now, it was Anna's turn to experience a sinking feeling in her gut. Chad had been telling the truth the entire time, and she'd refused to believe him. Worse, she'd subjected him to new levels of torture. She had to do something to save him, but what could she do? Chad was trapped somewhere in her panties, but Jessica was adamant about the two of them not going further. What could she do? The only thing she could think of made her shudder internally. It was something that she'd had guys ask her, and she hoped that it wouldn't spoil whatever was happening between her and Jessica. As much as she didn't want to do it, she owed it to Chad to try to save him.

"Wait," Anna said, swallowing what was left of her pride and self-respect, "Okay, I'm gonna ask something, but I don't want you to think I'm weird or anything!"

"I already think you're weird," Jessica countered with a slight grin, "Whatever it is, don't be nervous."

"Can I…can I, maybe, have the panties you're wearing?" Anna asked, her cheeks burning for an entirely different reason than previously.

Jessica stared at her for a moment, and Anna wanted nothing more than to crawl into a hole and die. "You…want my panties?" Jessica asked and quickly added, "I'm not saying no, but I want to make sure I heard you right."

"Someone kill me," Anna thought to herself as she sheepishly nodded.

"Uhm, okay, sure," Jessica said, seeing how anxious Anna was and adding, "It's alright, Anna, I don't mind. Just, call me before you use them for anything."

Jessica's last comment almost made Anna want to forget the whole thing, but it was all she could think of to possibly free Chad. "You're such a perv," Anna scoffed, unable to look at Jessica.

"Says the girl asking for my unmentionables," Jessica countered, and Anna knew she didn't have a leg to stand on to argue, "Gimme a minute, and I'll get them for you."

Chad had resigned himself to his fate when everything suddenly came to a halt. The intense heat and moisture continued to be an issue, but the pulsing and pumping had finally begun to slow down. Gravity shifted yet again, and Chad seized the opportunity to yank his arm free. It still took quite a bit of effort, but he managed to break away from Jessica's loins. He scurried along the panties to put what little distance he could between himself and the hungry pussy that had nearly devoured him. The cotton fabric was sticky, and it made traversal more difficult than necessary. Still, anything was better than being pressed against the cavernous depths he'd faced seconds ago.

Chad's world shook once again as Jessica stood up and walked. He wondered what was happening now, but he still felt the underlying fear of getting sucked in. One wrong move would mean disaster for his little body. As disgusting as it might have been, Chad clung to the wet fabric while Jessica walked. Shame and disgust were two things he could tolerate if it meant staying alive. It was a small price to pay in the end. Then, the unexpected happened. A slight breeze from the outside world graced his skin, and Chad could just barely make out a faint florescent light beyond his prison. What was going on?

While Chad tried to figure out what was happening, a sudden wave of vertigo crashed over him. Jessica was removing her panties, and the velocity of the movement made his stomach turn. For a brief second, Chad feared that he might fall to his death, but the wet fabric kept him locked in place. He'd never been so thankful to be in such a revolting position. There was no time to move before Jessica balled her panties up in her fist; effectively smashing him his body further into the panties. He was completely lost, utterly confused, and too drained to fight against whatever was happening. Jessica wrestled to get her pants back on while keeping a firm hold on her panties and Chad. Did she know about him? What would she do to him if she did? Renewed panic crept into his mind as dreadful images played behind his terrified eyes.

It had been difficult to redress herself with one hand, but Jessica had managed it well enough. She didn't want to set her panties down on the vanity, even though Anna probably wouldn't have cared. It was a matter of respect to her. With her undergarments in hand, she exited the bathroom to return to Anna. She found her crush still sitting on the bed looking embarrassed and ashamed. She smiled as she approached and attempted to lighten the mood, "You look like someone just kicked your puppy. Anna, I swear it's not a big deal."

"I once punched a guy in the nuts for asking me that," Anna countered, still not able to look at Jessica, "What is wrong with me?"

Jessica sat down beside her, put a hand on her jaw, and made Anna look at her, "Nothing is wrong with you. You said yourself that you're hot and bothered, and I'm kind of flattered that you want something to remember me by. I'll give them to you for a last kiss before I leave."

Anna glanced down at the red panties balled up in Jessica's hand. Hopefully, Chad was buried in the wad. A kiss was a price she was more than happy to pay. She leaned in and locked lips one final time. That electric sensation returned, but Anna tried to stave off the urge to push for more. Even if Jessica hadn't wanted to wait, she needed to secure Chad as soon as possible. Their tongues danced in an intimate way for only a moment, though neither girl wanted it to end. Anna pulled away, and rested her forehead against Jessica's. Jessica placed the wad of cotton in Anna's hand before she finally moved.

"This was fun," she said with a sigh, "Maybe next time we can go to dinner or a movie. Call me later?"

Anna smiled at her as she fiddled with the panties in her hand. She smiled when she felt a small lump in them and replied, "I'll try, but I might have to take care of my shrimp-dad. I'll at least text you, I promise."

"That's fair," Jessica said as she turned to leave, "Try not to stare too much as I walk away. See ya, Anna."

Anna rolled her eyes and blushed as she watched Jessica walk to the door and unlock it. Once she was gone, Anna quickly unfurled the cotton wad in search of Chad. She found him lying face down in the crotch. Of course, that's where he would wind up. Resisting the urge to scold him and roll her eyes, she carefully plucked him from the damp panties and brought him to her face. "Chad," she said, slightly worried when he didn't move, "Shit, are you still alive?!"

Chad's mind hadn't fully registered that he was free quite yet. He heard Anna's voice and twitched at the panic in it. He was torn between wanting to show his outright outrage at her actions and trying to comfort her. In the end, he settled on a mildly aggressive, "I'm alive, but no thanks to you!"

"Oh, thank God," Anna sighed, relaxing slightly before recoiling at his response, "Hey, I just saved your scrawny little butt!"

"From a position you put me in, Anna!" Chad argued, weakly pushing himself into a sitting position, "I nearly died in Jessica's pants, and you're the one who put me there!"

"I know, and I'm sorry," Anna said, her defensive and usually edgy tone dropping to a more vulnerable one, "Chad, I-look, I was mad and I didn't believe you. Still, I shouldn't have done that…"

Did she just apologize? Her apology disarmed Chad's rage, and replaced it with genuine confusion. "You're sorry?" he repeated, "You nearly killed me, and you're sorry? What are you playing at, Anna?"

"Nothing!" Anna exclaimed as she tried to calm herself down, "This is hard for me to admit, but… I was wrong, okay?"

Chad stared up at her for a minute before shaking his head, "Let's say I believe you. Why the sudden change of heart?"

"Jessica told me the same story you've been telling everyone," Anna replied, looking away from him as guilt and shame pressed down on her gut, "Apparently, Jeremy told her what happened and how you tried to save him. She even said that you went on about how much you love mom and stuff."

Chad was still furious about what happened, but he tried to set it aside for a moment. The father in him came out as he spoke, "You used Jessica as a pawn in your game, Anna. This is the same girl that you told me you had a crush on, and I know that the two of you were messing around! Overlooking the fact that I could have died, you used her for your own ends!"

"I know!" Anna snapped, fighting the urge to squeeze Chad, "Ugh, I get it, okay?! It was stupid, selfish, and I shouldn't have done it. How was I supposed to know you were telling the truth, though?"

Chad glared up at her for a minute before sighing and hanging his head, "Anna, I need you to start trying to trust me. I have never lied to you about anything, and I've told you more than anyone else in this house outside of your mother. I want to have a relationship with you, but that's never going to happen if you keep believing that I have an ulterior motive. I have been patient with you, I've let you have your fun, and I have never said a word about anything that you've done to me. But today… you crossed a line, Anna."

For the first time since Chad had come into her life, Anna looked deflated and defeated. "You're not gonna tell mom, are you?" she asked weakly.

"I should," Chad replied before sighing, "But I won't if you can promise me that you'll start trying to trust me. I meant what I told her earlier, Anna. Out of everyone in this house, you have been the most conscious of my whereabouts and wellbeing. What I didn't tell her was that half the time you're knowingly putting me in danger! Things were getting better, but we've taken three steps back after today. Your mother is afraid that you are abusing me, and she's terrified that you'll do something that you'll regret. I can't take much more of this, and I can't keep lying to her if you're going to keep pulling stunts like this. I want to believe that you're a good kid, but I need you to show me that you're better than this. Victoria already doesn't believe me when I tell her that I'm safe with you."

Anna looked down at him and asked, "You've really never said anything to anyone?"

"I gave you my word, Anna, and that's not something I take lightly," Chad replied.

"So, mom's still been worrying about me," Anna said with a sigh, "Does Victoria really think I'd do something to hurt you?"

"You've been nothing but short, hateful, and rude to me since I came into the picture, Anna," Chad answered, "I'm all that Victoria and Bram have had for the better part of their lives, and you've made no secret of your feelings toward me. Victoria worries about Bram and myself at this size, and she's scared that you'll take advantage of me, which you have on more than one occasion."

It was rare for Anna to show any vulnerability, but it always had an effect on Chad whenever she did. His paternal instincts took over, and, for the moment, he forgot his anger and frustrations with her.

"How do I fix this, Chad?" Anna asked, "I don't want Victoria to hate me, and I don't want mom to worry herself sick over me. What can I do?"

Chad sighed as he tried to let go of yet another traumatic experience, "You can start by showing them that they don't have anything to worry about. I get that you and I aren't going to be best buddies, but that doesn't mean we can't start to build a relationship together. Actions speak louder than words, and if you can show them that you don't mean any harm, that'll make more of a difference than you think. You're not a bad kid, Anna, you're just angry and hurt. You worry about your mom, and you're afraid that I'm going to betray her trust. You can start by trying to move forward with me. I'm willing to let what happened slide, as idiotic as that sounds, but you've got to meet me half way."

Anna's attitude didn't perk up, but she looked him in the eyes and nodded, "Alright, I can try. Want me to help you get cleaned up before dinner?"

"I think that would be a good start," Chad replied, "I am covered in your friend’s sweat and other fluids that I don't want to think about."

Anna stood up and carefully carried him into her bathroom. She pushed the stopper down after letting the water warm up, and waited for it to fill up enough for Chad to bathe. "For what it's worth, I'm glad you're not dead," she said quietly, "You can be a pain in my ass, but I didn't want you to actually die."

"How exactly were you planning on getting me out of there?" Chad asked as he walked over to the edge of her hand.

"I thought that we'd go a little further than what we did," she admitted, her cheeks turning red again, "I figured I could snatch you and stow you away after I got her out of her pants."

"It certainly seemed like you two were going to be more active," he remarked, shuddering at the memory of Jessica's pulsing womanhood attempting to swallow him whole.

"She said she wanted to take things slower," Anna explained, shutting the water off and checking the temperature with her fingers, "She said that she didn't want to rush into things and risk ruining our chances."

"She must really like you then," Chad said as Anna lowered her hand towards the water, "If she's willing to work herself up like that and stop, then she most likely wants an actual relationship. Are you okay with that?"

"You nearly died, and you're asking about my feelings?" Anna asked and scoffed, "Did you hit your head down there?"

"I may not be your biological father, but I still see you as one of my kids, Anna," Chad replied, "I just want to make sure you're okay with her decision. Believe me, I know it's not always easy to take things slow when you like someone. I was young once too, you know."

"Gross," Anna said, sticking her tongue out in disgust, "I'm okay with it, I guess. You know that boy you helped is her little brother, emphasis on little these days. Apparently, you made an impression on him, and when he told Jessica about everything, she thought it would be a good idea to take it slow."

"Small world, I guess," Chad said as he approached the water and tried to figure out the best way to get in, "That pun wasn't intended, by the way. Jeremy seemed like a good kid, and if Jessica is anything like him then I think you two will be okay. That's assuming this is what you want."

"Don't go all dad on me," Anna said with a roll of her eyes as she held her hand back out, "Here, let me help you get in."

Chad didn't argue and climbed aboard. Anna was careful while placing him in the water, and Chad noticed that she'd put just enough water in so he could stand on the rim of the basin. "So, are you going to tell your mother about her?" he asked as he relaxed in the pool.

Anna shrugged and knelt down to keep an eye on him, "I'm not sure yet, to be honest. I think I want to see where it goes before telling her. I know she won't care if I'm bi, or whatever, but I don't want her making a huge fuss out of something before it actually is something, you know?"

"That's fair," Chad replied, laying on his back and floating, "I won't say anything, and if you ever do then I'll act surprised."

"I'll hold you to that," Anna said while reaching for the soap and squirting a dab on her finger, "Go ahead and wash up. You can float around afterward. You smell like sex."

It was Chad's turn to roll his eyes, but he didn't argue with her. He took some of the gel from her fingertip, lathered himself up, and dunked himself in the water. It felt good to be clean, and the water was a welcome contrast to the terror he'd experienced only a short while ago.

What had started as a nightmarish afternoon had turned into yet another unusual bonding moment for the two of them. Chad had gone through another hellacious experience, but he'd still managed to come out relatively unscathed. The fact that this was becoming something of a regular occurrence was troubling, but at least some good had come out of it. He hoped that maybe he and Anna could begin to move forward. Things would never be perfect, but they didn't have to be. As long as the two of them could find some peace, then there was hope for them yet. Time would tell how long it would last.

As Chad relaxed in the water, he wondered what events lurked on the horizon, and he wondered if he would ever return to his normal size. For now, though, he was just glad that his nightmare was over.


Lane Pizza

Great chapter! 👍