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Hello shrunken campfire dweller! It is I, your humble Storyteller, Khal.

As promised, I have gone forth to the McCallum residences to pose to them your questions. The journey there and back was most arduous, as you can imagine at my minute size!

Once there, I was kindly updated on the outside world and the household family affairs. I have much to report back in the following chapters. However, right now, it’s all about your questions. So, let’s dive right in, shall we!

Question #1

"Hi, I was wondering if Rose was looking for a boyfriend and if she was would it matter to her if they were a shrinky?"

"You know, I wouldn't necessarily say I'm looking for any commitment at this time. Since my husband passed, I've been focusing more on myself and living my best life, as the kids say. Mind you, I'm not against getting into a relationship, and I certainly wouldn't have a problem with a little size difference. As a matter of fact, I recently met a gentleman who caught this virus, George. I brought him home with me last night, but, uhm, I'm actually not sure where he went…oh boy. Uhm, could you excuse me for a moment?"

Rose walks off towards her living room, yelling for George.

Question #2

"Does Chad have any interest in taking advantage *winkwink* of his shrunken state like Bram?"

"Okay, first off, what's this about Bram? Second, are you out of your mind? I have been stepped on, sat on, and have seen the female anatomy from angles that I never thought possible. On paper it sounds like it could be pretty amazing, but the reality is a whole lot more terrifying. For every breathtaking moment, there's over a dozen moments of terror. Besides, like I've said a thousand times, Pam is the only woman I've got any interest in. However, I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it when she puts on a little show for me."

Question #3

"Does Victoria have sexual thoughts about shrunken dudes?"

"I've never really considered that, if I'm being honest. With everything that's happened, I haven't had time to consider dating. After seeing what's happened to dad and Bram, I guess I'd be a little worried about hurting a guy. I mean, there is this one guy that I've been talking with… He and I started talking a couple of weeks ago. I actually met him at work, but I never really thought much about him until he shrunk. I don't know, maybe being shrunk humbled him or something, but he's way less annoying now. I'm hoping that he's being genuine."

Victoria's cheeks turn bright red before she continues, "Although, I did have a pretty…interesting dream the other night involving him and I. We were in my room, Bram wasn't around, and…oh boy, maybe I shouldn't be telling this…I mean, what if he reads this?! I'm sorry, I gotta go."

Question #4

"Would Anna swallow a shrunken man?"

"That's a gross question…I'll level with you here, but don't tell this to my bug-brained stepdad. I like messing with tinies and all, but I wouldn't go so far as to actually eat one. The thought of one wiggling around as he goes down my throat makes me gag, and I can't even stand when my mouth is bleeding from accidently biting my tongue or cheek. Ugh! I really don't think I could chew someone up. I'd gladly use one of those little dudes as a toy, but there's no way I could knowingly eat one. Don't get me wrong, I love the way it feels when I've got one squirming under my foot, beneath my ass, or even stuck in my pants, but eating one sounds gross. No offense, I guess, but that's not for me. Do not tell Chad that I said I wouldn't do it, though! That little runt doesn't need to start thinking I won't throttle his ass."

Question #5

"Who is Pam's favorite superhero? And does she have any interest in girls?"

"Oh, well that depends on if we're talking Marvel or DC. If we're talking Marvel, then one of my favorites would have to be She-Hulk. I always thought it was so cool that she could balance all that power and still be a lawyer! Black Widow is another big favorite, though, she is just such a badass. The fact that she doesn't have any actual powers outside of the intense training is amazing! I guess that maybe she's got something to do with why I take fitness as seriously as I do. It might sound silly, but women like her make me think that maybe I can be super too. That's Marvel, but my favorite DC hero would have to be Wonder Woman. I like the Bat family and all, but there's just something about a powerful, confident, and super powered Amazonian that can rival Superman that's too good!"

"So, as far as the other part of your question goes. When I was a freshman in college, I tended to get around and experiment a bit. I remember this one girl, Quinn, she was my first actual experience with another woman. She was kind, gentle, and super patient. We never officially dated, but that was because back then I wasn't looking for any kind of commitment. I think girls are pretty and all, but these days Chad is really the only person for me. Although, the girls have told me that I can get pretty wild when I drink too much…but I don't think I've deliberately tried anything with another woman in years. At least not that I can remember anyways."

Question #6

"What percentage of the male population has been affected with the virus in the US/World?"

Chad: "Whoo boy, I don't even like to watch the news anymore. The last I saw, the numbers were still climbing here in the states, but the percentage was at roughly fifty-six. The media has been focusing on more here, but I'd wager that the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Islands and Central America has a higher percentage. It’s believed that region is where this whole virus originated, at least that's what the news is claiming. More cases per capita or somethin’. I only tune in when Pam, Victoria, or Anna is watching it. I swear, Anna just puts it on to try to scare me. The level of abuse and disappearances of people that are infected is almost unbelievable! I just hope they can find a cure for this sooner rather than later…"


I thanked Chad and the whole family for their time and wished them all the best before departing back here to the campfire. In some ways, I feel I’ve returned with more questions on my mind than when I first headed out. No doubt, many of you have more questions as well. Please, don’t be hesitant… come to me with your questions, and when next I make the journey, I will again share them with the family. There is still also so much we don’t know about what has affected us. Why we have shrunk.

In the meantime, come… gather by the fire once more. Make yourselves comfortable, for I have another story to tell you coming right up.

Stay small!



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