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Chad couldn’t stop himself from shaking as he rode in the fist of his stepdaughter. This was what he had been afraid of from the day that he first awoke at this new size. The hungry look in Anna’s eyes had been a source of great fear in him, and the reports on the news certainly didn’t help. Between not knowing what was going through her mind and seeing different scenes and investigations on other tinies getting tortured, maimed, or outright murdered the back of his mind was nearly always buzzing with possibilities.

Anna, on the other hand, was positively delighted and excited that she finally had some time to play with her stepfather. This was what she had been dreaming of since that first day and she had been biding her time for the right opportunity. She knew how terrified he was, even if he wouldn’t show it. It was usually her who wanted to watch the news and see what fates awaited the little men. Every time she watched one of those segments, new ideas would flood her mind for things to try with Chad. This was what he, and every other man for that matter, deserved.

She could feel his little body literally quaking in her grip. For added measure, she gave him another squeeze and she thought she heard him cry out. The biggest question she had at the moment was what to do first. She’d brought home several boys from school and had her fun with them, but this was something completely new! The way he squirmed in her grip made her wonder how he would feel beneath her feet or even inside of her. The thoughts were having quite an immediate effect on her and she felt herself growing slightly aroused at the prospect of completely and utterly dominating him. His life was in her hands and that was something that was more intoxicating than anything she had ever felt before.

She decided to ride the wave of power that was flooding her senses and lay down the law with her new toy. She opened her palm and looked down at the bug that was her stepfather, “Listen up, little man, for the next several hours I own you,” she said and watched as he cowered at her tone, “To you, I am God and you only exist to serve me. That means that whatever I say goes, I tell you to do something and you do it. If you refuse or fail to please me then there will be consequences, understand?”

The look on Anna’s face as she spoke and the way that she talked was absolutely terrifying. Her stature alone already made him feel insignificant, but hearing her speak in such a hateful and dismissive tone was humiliating. He scooted back and winced as he felt something pull in his chest. He had to try to reason with her, he wasn’t some sort of slave, he was a man and he was her stepfather for crying out loud! “Anna, listen to me,” he started, “Please, I’m a human being, your stepfather! You can’t do this to me!”

She frowned and as he watched her face fall, he felt his hope begin to fall with it, “Wrong, you’re nothing more than a toy for my amusement. You used to be a man, but men aren’t the size a fucking ant.”

“Anna, what are you going to do when your mother finds out about this?” Chad yelled up in hopes of deterring her from whatever she was planning.

“She’s not going to and neither are Victoria or Bram,” she said, coldly, “You breathe a word of this and I will make you suffer in ways that you can’t even imagine. Remember a couple of days ago when that newsreel talked about that tiny who had their limbs ripped off or the one that got eaten? You say anything about our fun tonight, and I will pull your limbs off and eat them while you watch. Then, once I finish gobbling those up, I’ll dispose of you in the same way. No one will know what happened to you and no one will ever find your pathetic little body.”

The image was terrifying and it was at that moment that he knew there was truly nothing that he could say or do to get himself out of this. The only option he had was to endure whatever Anna had planned for him. He prayed that whatever it was wouldn’t be too painful for him to handle. He looked up at her once more, her auburn hair loose and flowing past her shoulder framed her malevolent features. Those cold eyes sent another shiver down his spine, but he hung his head in silent defeat as he resigned himself to his fate.

He screamed as her hand suddenly clenched around him once again and his world spun as she brought him to her face, “Do you understand, little man?!” she demanded.

“Yes, yes for the love of God I understand!” he screamed in an attempt to get her to release him from her deathgrip.

“Good,” she said as she loosened her grasp ever so slightly and started walking over to her bed, “I’m your God now and I’m not feeling very forgiving tonight.”

All the movements since he first shrank paled in comparison to what happened next. In one swift and merciless motion, Anna thrust her arm out just as she got to her bed and all but slammed him down onto the plush surface. It took everything he had to keep from throwing up, but that wasn’t enough to keep another pained cry from escaping his lips. Though the bed may have been soft, and if it were any other surface he surely would have been dead, the impact hurt all the same. He was freed from his prison and was now trapped atop her blanket; it may as well have been Anna’s own personal playground for the night.

He pushed himself off of his stomach and managed to get himself into a sitting position. He didn’t have the energy yet to stand and he noticed that each breath he took caused him a slight amount of discomfort. He had just enough time to watch as she hopped up onto the bed before he was greeted with a feeling of weightlessness and panic. His body was sent careening into the air for a second and he wasn’t sure where he was going to land. He felt a small amount of relief when he landed on the back on the bed, but he found himself lodged in one of the blanket’s many wrinkles.

He struggled to get himself situated and off of his stomach. He managed to get himself onto his back and he looked up at the towering visage of his stepdaughter. She sat with her legs crossed and that sadistic look on her face that sent shivers down his spine. This was the first time that he had been able to get a good look at her since she had abducted him. She was wearing tight boyshorts that were a bright shade of baby blue and had on a rather tight fitting pink tank top. While her bust wasn’t as impressive as her mother’s or Victoria’s, at his size they may as well have been twin peaks.

“Alright, bug boy,” she boomed, bringing his attention back to her, “The first thing you’re going to do is rub my feet. I had practice this evening and those cleats really make my poor feet hurt. They might be a little sweaty still, but you don’t mind right?”

Chad couldn’t believe what she was saying. He had no idea how he was supposed to massage her feet, being only an inch tall, but he was afraid of what would happen if he tried to refuse. He didn’t see any way out and with a nervous swallow he gave the only answer that he could, “No, Anna, I don’t mind.”

Her face broke into a wicked grin, “I knew you wouldn’t,” she said as she extended her legs until her feet were inches from his minuscule form, “I think you should thank me for letting your grubby little body even be near my feet.”

She wasn’t serious, was she? He caught a whiff of the foul odor coming from her feet and gagged. He could see beads of sweat rolling down those smelly soles, they weren’t covered, but there was enough that he knew this wouldn’t be pleasant. Not wanting to make her angry by testing her patience, he moved to start his disgustingly daunting task. He wasn’t quite sure where to even begin, but before he could begin he found himself bludgeoned by the very foot he was approaching. He was knocked back onto his back and he groaned while he tried to sit up.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?!” Anna demanded.

Chad shook off his shock and called back, “I was doing what you told me to do!”

“I told you to thank me, you worthless little shit,” she replied, “Did that virus make you dumber than usual or what? I want to hear you thank me for the privilege of even being near my feet!”

His disbelief continued to grow alongside his outrage at Anna’s behavior. He started to glare up at her, but those menacing eyes filled with contempt quickly overrode any anger and replaced it with terror. He sighed and swallowed what little pride he had left, “T-thank you Anna, for letting be near your feet and letting me rub them.”

Anna smirked down at her pathetic stepfather. Hearing him literally bend to her will and thank her for something so humiliating had her sitting on a euphoric cloud, “That’s better. Now, get to work, you pathetic little worm.”

Chad tentatively got to his feet and approached the first foot of his own personal goliath. The stench intensified as he got closer and he could feel the contents of his stomach threatening to upheave. Uncertain of where to start, or how for that matter, he lifted his hands and started kneading the flesh of Anna’s foot. The skin was coarse and slick from her time spent practising and wearing those godforsaken cleats. He pressed his hands into her sole with more force in an attempt to provide some sort of pleasure to his captor. He spent time working in one place to try to make sure he was providing ample relief before moving onto the next spot.

Just looking at the one foot was daunting and he was sure that this would take him all night. This thought spawned a new fear in him. If he were to take too long, then what new kind of peril would he find himself in? Anna was clearly of a mind to enjoy herself and his situation as much as possible, and given her attitude towards him she didn’t exactly seem to be in a patient mood. He found himself rubbing with more fervor as his mind continued to wander to just what Anna was planning and what she would do if he were to fail this task or any others.

Anna leaned her head back and savored the feeling of Chad’s puny hands rubbing her sweaty soles. In truth, it was more the feeling of power and control that she was enjoying rather than his attempts at mini-massage. She could barely feel his movements, but she could tell that she had managed to begin breaking him. She wanted to draw this out, teach him just where he belonged, and show him what he was actually worth. She mulled over what to do next with him. She got an idea on how to increase her current fun, further Chad’s misery, and maybe even actually get herself a little more comfortable.

Chad was moving onto another spot on Anna’s foot when he suddenly found himself under an immense amount of pressure. One second he was concentrating on pleasing Anna, and the next his body was being compressed under the weight of the very foot he was trying to rub. He squirmed against the bottom of it and managed to wheeze out, “A-Anna what...are you...doing?”

“You know for someone who managed to land my mom, you kind of suck at this sort of thing,” she chided, “You’re too slow and your hands are just too weak to be worth a damn, but then again I guess I shouldn’t have expected anything more from someone as pathetic as you. Don’t worry, though, I got a great idea that will make you much more effective. Come here, you little worm.”

The weight of Anna’s foot was lifted from him, and he found once more in the grasp of her hand. He didn’t know what she meant, but he had a feeling that he was about to find out. Sure enough, and much to his chagrin, his world shifted as Anna rolled him around in her hand right before he found the front half of his body pressed against the sole of her rancid foot. Mouth opened out of surprise and shock, he promptly shut it as he caught a mouthful of the sweaty flesh. His world became encompassed by those sickening sensations as Anna proceeded to drag his body up and down along the bottom of her foot. Never in his life had he wondered what a pumice stone felt like, and yet now against his will he had found out.

Anna delighted in the feeling of Chad’s body along her soles, his struggles and squirms felt almost like a light massage. Her powertrip had been furthered and as an added bonus, she was actually getting the foot rub that she so desperately needed. “You make a better foot toy than a man, that’s for sure,” she mocked, “I think we might have found you a new place in life. I expect a thank you once we finish up here; afterall, I’m kind enough to help you find a purpose in your tiny and worthless life.”

Just when Chad thought this couldn’t get any more humiliating, Anna just had to taunt him. His hell continued for an unknown amount of time as his own stepdaughter continued to rub him against her porous feet. He prayed that it would be over soon, but judging by the luck he’d been having recently, that didn’t seem likely. Her movements were callus and it was clear that she had little regard to him or his well being. He wanted to scream, but doing that would mean risking getting another mouthful of her foot sweat. This was easily the most degrading night of his entire life.

He got a slight reprieve when Anna finished with her first foot and moved on to the next. While it was only seconds, he was grateful for the rush of air that blew past his face during the transition. It was, however, short lived as he was brought face to face with another reeking surface. Anna didn’t waste any time as she began her vigorous process once more. Each stroke earned him another second of agony; the friction from her rubdown was quickly and literally wearing on him. The worst part was that no matter how hard he tried, he simply could not find any way to block out what he was going through.

Eventually, his torment came to an end after some painful and careful attention that Anna paid to her heel. He was coated in a layer of grime and filth the likes of which he had never fathomed. He panted as he was pulled away from her rank feet and waited for whatever torture she had planned next. He was left to stare at the two objects that had thoroughly dominated and disgusted him. After he had caught his breath, he couldn’t help but notice that Anna wasn’t pulling him away. His nerves began to rattle as the seconds ticked by.

“Not bad, Chad,” Anna said and laughed at her intentional rhyme, “Since you did such a good job, why don’t we see how well you do cleaning between my toes? Awe, I’ll take those little wiggles and screams as excitement. Oh, and before I forget, I want you to plant a few kisses between those toes while you’re down there. You know, as a way of thanking me for the privilege of being near me and the whole purpose thing.”

He stood corrected, this was by far the most degrading and humiliating moment of his life. He cried out in hopes of earning some semblance of mercy from Anna. Her words squashed whatever hope he had left even as he was lowered face first into the space between her toes. She had expertly coiled her fingrs around his body so that he was unable to turn himself away from the funk that inhabited the aforementioned space. She sealed his fate and with a final scream he was threaded into his next circle of hell.

Back and forth, she ran his battered body in and out of the gap between her toes. He regretted his scream as he caught a mouthful of gunk and immediately began gagging. He had thought the taste of her wretched footsweat was bad, but this was something else entirely! Instinctually, he attempted to pull his head away in hopes of preventing another incident of swallowing something else ungodly. His attempt was thwarted when he felt Anna apply pressure to the back of his head which kept him locked in place. The sound of her cruel and mocking laughter as she pressed him dim deeper into her flesh combined with the odorous sensations were almost enough to bring tears to his eyes.

“I~ don’t~ feel~ kissing~,” Anna mocked, “Maybe you want me to eat you, sick little perv like you probably would. You better get started unless that is what you want, in which case I’ll be happy to oblige.”

Her mockery was vicious, but her threat was truly terrifying. Unable to see another option and petrified at the prospect of being devoured, he swallowed the last of his pride and did as he was told. While Anna continued to use him as floss for her toes, he shut his eyes and puckered his lips to plant kiss after kiss along the repulsive flesh he was forced to endure. Cruel and sadistic laughter reached his ears as he was threaded through again and again. Finally, he found himself freed from the first of his eight rancid and tortuous prisons. There was no relief this time, no short intermission between the torment, Anna had him once again wedged between her other appendages.

Anna couldn’t believe the amount of fun she was having. Feeling Chad’s minuscule lips gently tickle between her toes was incredible! She had his will nearly broken just from a few threatening words to do it! God, this was such an amazing feeling! She was literally using her stepdad to floss her toes and there was nothing that he could do about it. Sure he could struggle against her grip, but that did little good and really only served to increase the joy she was feeling. This was what all men deserved, to be reduced to little more than an object for her amusement. The thought sent a wave of lust rocketing through her as she continued Chad’s abuse.

She felt a slight bit of additional dampness between her toes, curious considering how small Chad’s lips were. She ignored it and continued utilizing her newfound power to toy with Chad. One after another she threaded him through each of her toes, but there was a moisture that continued to build up that she couldn’t quite explain. Her attempts to ignore it were growing more difficult the longer it went on, and it was starting to, literally, dampen her mood. She was almost done with her toes when she realized what it was. Chad was crying.

She was surprised when she felt a tinge of guilt at her realization. This was what she had wanted, what he deserved, so why then were the tears of such a miserable insect affecting her? Maybe it was the thought of her mother holding onto him, before the virus, or maybe it was the image of Victoria and Bram laughing with them. Whatever the case, something about this was starting to feel a bit wrong. The feeling of guilt gave birth to a heightened level of frustration, both at herself and at Chad. Who was he to ruin her fun and why the hell did it matter to her?! She needed to do something about this and fast, but she wasn’t quite sure what.

Chad had broken down midway through his gruelling torment. He had been on his fourth round through Anna’s wretched toes when the tears finally broke free. Once they began, he gave up trying to hold them back. Thoughts of what would come next, what Anna might do if he disappointed or protested, and the terror of not knowing if he would survive to see his family had finally gotten to him along with Anna’s continued berating and demeaning words and actions. His struggles had ceased and in their stead were replaced with sobs that caused his body to convulse. Even through his wracking sobs, Anna showed him no mercy and continued using him as little more than an object. Was that all he was to her?

Once the final toe was finished, he was lifted from the feet of his stepdaughter and felt the familiar nausea from her brash movement. He wasn’t able to get a look at her face to try to see what kind of malicious thoughts might be racing through her mind. Instead, he was brought to the bed, while still clenched in her hand, and felt a brief increase in pressure. It was gone as quick as it came, and he guessed that from the thundering steps she was moving somewhere, but where he couldn’t tell. His world was once more filled with darkness as she deftly maneuvered him back into her palm. He expected another painful squeeze, but it never came. He wondered what she was doing as he tried to find a place to settle down in her fist.

Anna felt a wave of conflict stirring within her, even as she got up from the bed and headed to her bathroom. Her arousal had started to fade and in its place was confusion that gave way to hints of anger and frustration. She debated on her next move as she walked. She had planned to continue to toy with Chad for the better part of the night; she considered seeing how well he could handle being sat on or even using him to relieve some of the sexual frustration that she had built up. Now, though, she wasn’t so sure. He was a man, a man who would undoubtedly hurt her mother and his own children eventually, so why then did she feel the way that she did? Afterall, that was all that any man, regardless of age, did. It was only a matter of time before his true colors showed, right?

Chad’s eyes were blinded by a sudden flash of light when Anna opened her palm. He looked around to try to gauge where they were. They had moved from her room, that much he knew for sure. A quick cursory glance around the room revealed that she had taken him to her bathroom. He was confused for a moment before he felt his fears begin to return. He had no idea what she was planning, and quite frankly that scared him more than anything at the moment. There were a number of horrid things that she could do to him in this small room, well small to her anyways.

“Anna, please!” he pleaded, out of desperation, “Whatever you’re planning, please I’ll do better on your feet next time!”

She glared down at him as she listened to him frantically wail. It should have brought her pleasure, but instead all it did was strengthen that little flicker of guilt. She wasn’t sure what he thought she was going to do and she didn’t really care. She rolled her eyes as she spoke, “Shut up, you annoying little bug. I’m cleaning you off, now hold still.”

In his panicked state, he hadn’t realized that the water had been running. He stared up at her agitated face before looking behind him to the stream cascading out of the faucet. He hadn’t been expecting that, but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t happy to hear it. His body was coated from head to toe in sweat, gunk, and worst of all dead skin. It was a revolting thought and one that he tried to separate himself from. The fact that Anna was willing to clean him off, while surprising, was something that he was grateful for.

“Are you deaf?” she asked, “I said hold still, I don’t want to drop you and lose you. How am I supposed to play with you if you get washed down the drain?”

And with that sentiment, he was brought back to the harsh reality that he was little more than a toy for her amusement. At least she was willing to try to take care of him, relatively speaking that is. He nodded and sat himself down on her palm, “Yes, Anna,” he replied.

He suddenly found himself under an ice cold stream of water. Anna clearly didn’t care enough to check the temperature before submerging him. That fact was overshadowed by her sudden and rough handling of his body as she quickly moved into scrubbing him. Her hands rolled him around and he found it difficult to do as he was told given the slickness of them. More than once he found himself fighting to stay right-side up. Her scrubbing, while far from gentle, still seemed to have an odd effect on him. Anna seemed to be taking her time and paying careful attention to his genitals. She had switched from a rather aggressive approach to a slightly more sensual one involving her fingertips. He wanted to protest and ask her to stop, but the image of his body being masticated by her pearly whites put an abrupt end to that plan. He was forced to yet again endure while she had her fun, but this time he found himself growing slightly erect in spite of the bone chilling water.

"I knew you were a fucking pervert," she said with a smirk, "All boys are the same, doesn't matter what you do so long as you play with their cock. You're pathetic."

Chad felt shame slam into him and he hung his head. He tried to move away from her prodding digits, but it was pointless. All he could do was wait for it to end, he just hoped that she stopped before anything major happened. His silent prayer was answered for the first time that night when she pulled away and removed him from the water. He breathed a sigh of relief that quickly bubbled over into a scream at what happened next. He was slowly lifted closer to Anna's face, and to his horror, her open maw.

He panicked and tried to reason with her, "Anna, Anna, don't!"

That was all he was able to get out before she popped him into her mouth. Whatever terror he had felt previously paled in comparison to what he experienced now. Being inside of a mouth was something straight out of a bad horror movie, being inside the mouth of one’s stepdaughter was something out of a nightmare. Knowing how little regard she had for him only added to his anxiety. He found himself amongst Anna’s saliva and fighting to keep his footing on her tongue. The strange, warm, and bumpy material beneath his feet was equal parts repulsive and terrifying. He didn’t dare look behind him for fear of looking into the abyss that was so close.

He failed to take into consideration the fact that Anna still had the ability to move her tongue, or the fact that she clearly didn’t care about him. Without a warning, her tongue bounced him up and his back collided with the roof of her mouth. He clung to it for a second before falling back onto her tongue. He scrambled to get to his feet and avoid slipping down into the chasm that was her esophagus. In a desperate attempt to save himself from falling into the pit of hell he reached out and took hold of one of her teeth. He held on for only a moment before he managed to get himself settled, as best he could. He quickly released her teeth as the image of those teeth snapping his arm off crossed his mind. He cried out in terror in a desperate attempt to bring an end to this nightmare.

Anna had decided to take out her frustrations about her conflicting well of emotions in a creative way. She had originally meant her threat to Chad as a means of getting him to be compliant, but it felt like a good way to remind him of his place. Feeling him dance around her mouth on her tongue was something new and she wasn't quite sure how to feel about it. The taste of him was odd, but the feeling of power was intoxicating. She had complete control over whether he lived or died, and all she had to do was swallow. Her problems would be over. She wouldn't have to worry about her mother getting hurt again, and surely Bram and Victoria would be fine in time. There was still a nagging fear in the back of her mind, though. If she did this, she ran this risk of being the one to hurt her mother.

She felt a tug on one of her teeth followed by an extremely high pitched wail from inside of her mouth. She frowned as she realized that this was too much, even for her. Chad was still a person, he may have been a jackass, but he was a person nonetheless. With a final roll of her eyes, she brought her hand back to her mouth and spit him out. He landed, coated in her saliva, ungracefully back in her palm. He looked more repulsive than she would have ever thought possible. He continued to panic even outside of her mouth, and she watched him struggle and slip around for a moment. He was scared, he looked like an idiot, but she knew that it was because he was bordering on petrified.

Chad wasn't sure what was going on anymore. This night had been one hellacious ride after the next. He knew he was no longer trapped in Anna's mouth, but that did little to quell his fears. Her voice caused him to freeze, "Stop crying, you little shit, I'm not gonna eat you. I could, but I'm not going to. Not right now, anyways. I just wanted to show you how easy it would be. Now hold still again so I can get you cleaned up."

Chad did as he was told, outside of trembling, something that was not lost on Anna. He did notice that this time she seemed to be actually checking the water temperature. He sat in her free hand, naked, silent, afraid, and with a healthy covering of her spit watching as she used her free hand to monitor the stream. He wondered what sort of torture she was going to put him through next. He was on high alert, even as she gently moved him under the stream. She rinsed him off and scrubbed him once more, this time taking a slightly more gentle approach to it. In the back of his mind, his most recent trauma replayed over and over.

Anna felt that her little toy had earned himself a small break for the night. She had only put him through a couple of the things she had been dreaming of, but even that was almost enough to break his spirit. Part of her liked him better this way, quiet and compliant versus his usual fake and boisterous. Still, on some level she felt bad and that maybe she had pushed him too far. She still had a few hours before her mom woke up, but she would go ahead and let him rest for the night. She would have other opportunities to mess with him and plenty of time to contemplate some new ideas until then. She wondered if there was a way to maybe involve her mom or Victoria in this. Maybe if she could find a way to slip in somewhere without them knowing, maybe then they would discover just how good it felt to have him beneath them.

She finished washing him and shut the water off. She grabbed a rag and towelled him off with it. Once that was done she tried to mimic her mom’s or Victoria’s movements while she walked back to her room. She brought him up to her face when she reached her dresser, “Alright, pipsqueak, we’re done for the night,” she said while she fetched his makeshift bed, “Remember what I said, you breathe a word of this to anyone and I’ll really give you something to scream about. You’ll get a firsthand look at the back of my throat, am I clear?”

Chad swallowed nervously, “Y-yes, Anna, I won’t say anything to your mom, Victoria, or anyone. I promise.”

“Good boy, guess you do have some sense after all,” she said, “Get in your box and let’s get you back to mom.”

He wasn’t sure how he felt about being addressed like a pet, but the fact that she was letting him off for the night was good enough for him. He didn’t question her and without a second thought, he climbed into his bed. He had never been so thankful to be inside of a match box. He settled in as the lid shut and his world moved one final time. He ignored the tremors, which came to an end rather quickly. He felt a final movement as his bed was sat down on Pam’s dresser. He curled up into his bed and inhaled the scent of his wife. The day’s events had exhausted him and the night even more so. It didn’t take long for him to fall asleep.


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