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Chad’s back was resting against the cold metal of the coins that surrounded him. He had managed to force his way out from beneath the pennies that had been pinning him down. He wasn’t sure how long he had been in the drawer, but he knew that it had been long enough for his eyes to adjust. He sighed as he struggled to find a comfortable position against the copper.

He sighed for the fourth time as he listened for any sounds from the outside world. He wondered when Victoria would notice his disappearance and if she would think to check the register. It seemed doubtful. Of all the places that he could have ended up, this was certainly an odder one and one that most people wouldn’t think to check. He would most likely have to wait until their first customer came in to be discovered. This thought caused him to tense up as he wondered if he would be handed off to some unknown person. What if he was accidentally handed to someone like Anna? The thought of that was enough to spike his anxiety levels.

What if he were given to one of the women that had been torturing other shrinking victims? He recalled hearing about one woman who had started a collection similar to that of bugs. She had apparently taken the bodies of her victims and drove tacks through their limbs to pin them to a board. From the reports, every man who she had captured had bled out in a slow and painful way. How many others out there were like her and still on the loose? What if he ended up a plaything for some sadist or worse, what if he ended up a snack for a woman? Oh lord, what if someone decided to add him to their coffee?! The thought of being burned alive before sliding down the back of someone’s throat was worse than anything he could have imagined.

He tried to calm himself down as best he could. His breathing was quickly turning to hyperventilation and he worked hard to try to regulate it. His mind raced with possibilities of his life falling into the hands of a stranger who might view him as little more than a toy. He would have rather been in the hands of Anna. At least then he would be in his home and have a higher chance of being discovered. He slammed his eyes shut and willed himself to calm down and to breathe evenly. Slowly, he started to calm down and push the terrifying thoughts out of his mind.

Eventually, he heard the register being used above him. The beeps and dings were nearly deafening to his little ears and after a moment his vision was flooded with blinding light. His world shifted as the drawer flung open and he found himself getting tossed around the copper coins that surrounded him. To his dismay, he once again found himself buried beneath the weight of some of them. He fought to get himself free and he could hear the slight panic that was in his daughter’s voice as she dug around in the drawer to produce their customer’s change.

Her fingers raked through the pennies as she gingerly scooped out four of them and narrowly avoided scooping him up into the mix, “That’s three dollars and sixty-four cents back. Thank you for your business and come back to see us!”

She was trying to put on a brave front, but Chad knew his daughter well enough to recognize the anxiety that was behind her tone. He tried to call out to her in hopes of getting himself discovered as well as alleviating her panic. His world was once more encased in darkness as the drawer was thrown shut and Victoria went back to work. “Well, fuck,” he said to himself as he resumed his fight with the surroundings to get back to a noticeable and semi-comfortable position.

Victoria finished ringing up the first customer of the day and watched them leave the shop. Once they were out the door, her demeanor shifted from friendly to worried once again. Her father had been missing for half an hour now and with every passing second she grew more and more concerned. Her first thought had been to check the counter, then the floor, then finally she checked her socks and shoes in case he had managed to end up in that precarious place again. She needed his expertise, but more than that she needed to know that he was okay. She was responsible for his safety and she couldn’t live with herself if something were to happen to him!

The ding of one of the machines going off behind her pulled her away from her search. She groaned as she went to check it and make sure that everything was still fine. She walked over to the machine to investigate and noticed that one of the grinders was jammed. She cursed under her breath as she switched it off and started fiddling with it. Concentrating was difficult for her right now. Usually her dad handled this sort of thing, but she had been shown how to fix it on a number of occasions. It was a simple fix, in truth, but she couldn’t focus enough to get the clog undone. Her mind raced with the possibilities of where her father could be and what sorts of perils that he might be enduring. Her mind went back to the other day where she had inadvertently sat on him. Instinctively she rushed to the bathroom to check her backside in the mirror, just to be sure. Thankfully, he wasn’t there, but that meant that he was still lost somewhere in the shop! Hearing the bell chime from above, she put on her friendly face, and exited the bathroom to greet her next customer.

Chad had resorted to lightly banging his head against the tray he was trapped within. His panic had dulled and begun to be replaced by frustration. Were he a bit bigger, he may have resorted to counting the pennies out of boredom and to try to do something productive. As it currently stood, attempting to do so would have been more exertion than he was prepared for, not to mention he ran the risk of getting pinned beneath one of the copper pieces. He heaved a sigh as he wondered how Victoria was holding up out there. He already knew how nervous she was about running the shop, but he also knew that she had to be worrying herself sick over his whereabouts. She seemed to worry more than anyone else in his little family about his current state.

Pam was certainly a close second and his lovely wife was more accommodating than he felt he deserved, but Victoria seemed to be teetering on the edge of a constant panic attack when it came to him. Her reaction to him being sat on had been enough to almost bring the young woman to tears and enough to break his heart. He did what he always did, even in preparation for his extended stay in the dark: he forced the feelings of fear and worry down in an attempt to stay strong for his family.

He wasn’t sure how much more time had passed, but eventually he once again heard the beeps and dings of the register above him. He braced himself against a penny that was sitting at an angle with his feet and his hands against the wall of the tray. He said a silent prayer to keep his balance and position this time as he prepared for the drawer to once again shoot open. The seconds ticked by before his vision was once again flooded with bright light. The quake that came from the rocketing movement almost knocked him off balance again, but against all odds he managed to keep his position steady. This was his chance to finally get out of this copper filled tomb.

Victoria smiled as another one of her father’s regulars handed her a twenty and she started counting out the change, “Alright, out of twenty that gives you...thirteen twenty-two back. Have a great day!”

Chad once again barely avoided the probing digits of his daughter's massive hand and yelled at the top of his lungs, “Victoria! I’m down here!”

She was just about to close the register when she heard the familiar and faint sound of her father’s minuscule voice calling out to her. She froze and looked around before casting her gaze down into the open drawer. There, amidst the forty some-odd pennies was her father waving his arms frantically trying to get noticed. She waited for the woman who had ordered a couple of to-go cups to exit the store before quickly scooping her father up along with several pieces of loose change.

“Dad!”, she exclaimed as she sifted through the pennies before bringing him to her face in a tight embrace, “Oh my God, I was so worried about you! How did you get in there?!”

Chad wheezed as Victoria squeezed him tighter than she probably meant to. She wasn’t joking when she said she had been worried, that much he could tell by the ironclad grip that she had him enveloped in. “Vic-tor-ia,” he managed to get out as he slowly became light headed, “You’re...crushing...me.”

“Shit,” she swore aloud and instantly loosened her grip on him, “I’m sorry, dad, please don’t be mad at me. I’ve been freaking out thinking that something had happened to you for the last hour and a half.”

So that was how long he had been trapped. Time was a funny thing; he had been unsure if it had been minutes or hours since he had landed in the darkness. He shook his head and did his best to reassure her once his breathing was regulated once again, “Don’t worry about it, sweetie, I’m just glad you found me.”

Victoria smiled down at her little father and brought him in for another hug. The warmth of her cheeks was a pleasant and welcomed change from the cold confines of the tray he had spent the better part his morning. He became slightly embarrassed as he realized the close contact to his own daughter was having a physical reaction on his diminutive body. He squirmed in her hand as he realized that he was getting a slight erection that heightened his shame. This was his daughter for crying out loud!

Victoria noticed his squirms and pulled him away from her cheek, “Dad, are you alright?”

He hoped that she wouldn’t be able to see the blush that stained his cheeks, “Y-yeah, honey, I’m perfectly fine. What do you say we check to make sure everything is running smoothly? Have you had any problems out of any of the equipment?”
His attempt to divert attention from his humiliating predicament worked well enough and he had never been more relieved in his life. His world spun as Victoria spun around to walk him over to the problematic grinder. It was a small maneuver on her part, but one that was no less disorienting for him. He wondered if he would ever get used to the wave of dizziness and nausea that came with these little movements. His stomach, thankfully, had finally stopped rolling from the little action.

Victoria had lowered him closer to her bosom as she walked over to the machine. The close proximity wasn’t helping his growing predicament, but at least he wasn’t pressed against the supple mounds or sandwiched between them. He reminded himself of the dangers that just such an encounter could provide for him at his size and that helped to quell the rise that was growing between his legs.

“This one has been jamming all morning,” she said as she opened the lid, “I’ve checked for clogs, but I’m honestly not one hundred percent sure what I’m looking for. Any ideas?”

Chad looked the machine over from his vantage point. It was one of the first grinders that he had purchased when he first started Cups years ago. It acted up more than any of his other equipment, but he held onto it for sentimental reasons more than anything else. It was not uncommon for this particular grinder to jam due to a hose in the back getting gunked up with various bean paste. It typically worked fine, but he could already see the issue from his position. Victoria had been using it more than the other grinders, most likely because it was closer to the register than the others. It was a simple mistake, but one that he knew how to handle.

“Alright,” he began, “First, and this is not a big deal, I wouldn’t recommend using this one more than you have to. This little guy is older than the shop itself and it tends to get a clog in the back when it’s overused. Set me down and see if you can reach around back to undo the hose on the far right.”

“On it, brace yourself for a landing,” she said as she gently lowered her hand to the counter.

He hopped off of her palm and onto the massive white counter. Focusing on work helped to alleviate his little personal problem. He watched as Victoria’s colossal hand snaked its way from him to the back of the massive machine. He whistled as he looked at it from this perspective; it looked like a four-story building in comparison to him. He craned his neck as he continued to look up, maybe it was a bit bigger than that, but he couldn’t be sure.

He decided to walk around to the back of the machine to watch his daughter work and supervise her troubleshooting. She followed his instructions about removing the hose from the back of the machine that fed into the base. A proverbial plume of ground coffee spilled out onto the counter and Chad instantly regretted his decision to journey to the back of the machine. A thick cloud rolled over to him and he coughed as his body was engulfed in a thick coating of ground coffee. He smacked his lips and grinned as he realized it was a French vanilla roast blend, there were worse things he could have been bombarded with.

“Alright, dad, what now?” Victoria asked and looked over to see her father now looking completely filthy, “Dad! What happened, are you alright?”

“Yes, Victoria, I’m fine,” he said with a small laugh, “This was my mistake not yours, you were doing what I told you to. I completely forgot that this typically happens and what it might mean for someone of my height. We can rinse me off after we finish this little repair. Now, these hoses are waterproof and are fine to be washed out. All you need to do is take the hose over to the sink and give it a quick rinse while I wait here.”

He watched as she gave him a small smile and took the equipment piece over to the sink. He looked down at himself and couldn't help but laugh at the mess that coated him. These situations weren't the worst and it was nice to be able to laugh at an issue for a change. Too many times he'd found himself in perilous scenarios and predicaments that nearly cost him his life. A literal dusting of coffee grounds was ideal by comparison. It certainly beat literally running under foot from his family or suffocating in some more intimate places.

Victoria finished washing the hose out and made her way back to the defunct grinder. She would need to clean the area around the machine then tend to her father. First, though, she needed to reattach the piece and ensure that it was in working order. It was a simple fix and one that she didn't need instructions to complete. Once it was done, she decided to carefully clean the counter before testing the machine. She made sure to keep a watchful eye on her father so as not to misplace him again …or worse. He had been taking most everything in stride, but she didn't imagine he would be thrilled at the prospect of getting swept off the counter by her. She shuddered at the thought of what a drop from this height might do to his minuscule body.

“Alright, dad, hope on,” she said as she lowered her hand down to the counter, “Let’s get you cleaned up.”

Chad smiled as he climbed onto his daughter’s hand and nestled himself in her palm. He gave her a thumbs up once he was sure he was secure. He took a deep breath and held it as Victoria slowly and deliberately raised her hand and brought him to rest by her chest. He managed to block out the disorienting feeling by closing his eyes and focusing on his breathing along with the warmth from Victoria’s hand. She gently cupped her fingers in an attempt to keep him stable and comfortable while she carefully walked over to the sink. Chad watched his surroundings fly by from his incredible vantage point. Though Victoria was taking her time getting to the sink, he still felt like he was moving at an incredible velocity.

They reached the large sink and Victoria switched the water on. She adjusted the temperature and tested it with her free hand before working to keep the pressure at a level that wouldn’t force her father out of her hand and possibly down the drain. Once she was satisfied, she looked down at him to prepare him for his impromptu bath, “I’m going to move you under the stream, dad, and I’ll try to keep you from falling. If you feel like it’s too much or you need a break then just give my hand a few smacks, okay?”

“Don’t worry, sweetie, I’ll be fine and I trust you,” Chad replied.

She slowly moved him to the steadily flowing stream of water. He was prepared for more of a shower experience, but that wasn’t exactly what he received. The first contact with the water almost knocked him off of his feet, but he managed to keep himself standing despite the surprising pressure he felt. His knees buckled, however, when he suddenly found his body being lightly caressed and scrubbed by his daughter. The feeling was pleasant, in fact it was too pleasant for his liking. He understood what she was doing, but his body once again began to betray him with each tender brush from her fingertips. She lathered him up with some soap and he couldn’t stop the sudden rise that was happening between his legs. He began lightly squirming in her grasp in an attempt to avoid her discovering his ever growing erection.

Victoria worked methodically and quickly. She needed to get her father cleaned up before any more customers showed up. It was getting close to the usual time of day when they received a rush of customers and she wanted to make sure she had his help. She noticed him squirming in her hand as she was finishing up his bathing. She wondered if she was possibly hurting him, “Dad, are you alright?” she asked as she removed him from the sink and shut off the water.

Chad heard Victoria’s question and fought to find a position that wouldn’t demonstrate his predicament, “Y-yeah, honey, just trying to keep from slipping out of your hand,” he lied through his teeth.

She wasn’t completely sold on his explanation, but she didn’t have time to question it further as the bell chimed. She looked over her shoulder and watched as four people filed into the store and made their way to the counter. She quickly shifted her father from his resting position to deposit him back into her shirt pocket. Unfortunately for the two of them, she missed her trajectory and Chad found himself plummeting into the last place that he wanted to be at the moment. His body went from feeling chilled and damp to being surrounded by Victoria’s impressive breasts and the radiant warmth that came from them. This was the last thing that he needed given that he was already waging a war with his lower half.

He let out a cry as he fell into the canyon that sounded like a minor squeak as he tumbled down. His face smacked against the soft flesh of his daughter’s right breast which knocked his back against her left before he came to a stop at the bottom of her bra. The plush surroundings, even with the minute darkness around him, were not doing him any favors. Victoria’s steps jostled him around and he was reminded of his time spent trapped in Pam’s bosom. Victoria’s walk was earning him an added bit of friction, literally, as his body was rubbed against the soft and supple flesh of his daughter. He desperately hoped that Victoria would discover his position before too long lest he end up pinned or in a horrifyingly embarrassing situation.

Victoria put on her best customer service face as she moved over to the counter to greet their newest patrons. She felt much more comfortable and relaxed now that her father was safe and sound with her again. “Hey there, how are we doing today?” she greeted the couple that walked up first.

Chad listened to the sounds from the world outside of his prison and sighed as he realized that he was going to be stuck here for some time. Every step and simple movement that Victoria made earned him another bump and rub against her breasts. He wasn’t sure how long he was going to be stuck here, but at least Victoria was handling the storefront. In truth, that seemed like a small comfort when compared to his humiliating placement. He reminded himself again and again that this was his daughter in a vain attempt to dispel his growing arousal.

The customers continued to pile into the store one after another after the first wave. Victoria rushed around the store in as careful a manner as she could muster. She tried to be mindful of her father’s resting place in the pocket of her blouse. Between the orders that continued to come in and the money changing hands, however, she found herself slightly distracted by the continued hustle and bustle of the business. There was something off that she continued to feel in her bra, though, and more than once she found herself wishing for a moment to investigate. Maybe it was a coffee bean that had somehow flown into her bra. Whatever the case may have been, it was incredibly annoying.

Chad had finally managed to overcome his proverbial pants problem. He wasn’t sure how long he had been trapped between the cavernous mounds of his daughter’s bust, but the heat was starting to get to him. Steam from several cups of coffee and the machines had wafted up and into his prison making the temperature unbearable. He was sweating bullets by this point and he felt himself growing more and more frustrated. His patience was wearing thin as from being sealed in a change based cage, getting a semi-arousing bath from his own daughter, and now suffering the same fate he had already been subjected to by his wife. The one saving grace that he had was that by some miracle he had somehow managed to prevent himself from getting pinned beneath one of those fleshy orbs.

Victoria watched as the last set of customers either finished their coffee and left or gathered their to-go cups and exited the storefront. She smiled to herself and let the feeling of accomplishment wash over her at having dealt with the influx of customers on her own. Now that they were finally gone, she was free to investigate the cause of her growing annoyance. Whatever was in there had been rattling around more and grading against her breast. If it was a bean then it was much more coarse than the usual. She figured it would be better to get it out then check on her father and with a quick look around the store she rushed into the back.

Chad’s world was suddenly a blur as Victoria started moving much more quickly. His body was flung back and forth and bounced around his surroundings. He would have felt nauseous if he had a second to think before his vision was filled with the boob flesh of his daughter. He was hurled from one mound to the other several times before he finally slid back down to his previous resting position. He groaned as his head spun and wondered what was so important that Victoria would carelessly run off like she had. His thoughts were interrupted by a slender set of fingers coiling around him and fishing out of his prison. The grip was tighter than he suspected and the pressure was an unwelcome change from his soft and heated prison. His world spun and it took everything he had not to throw up as he was swiftly removed from Victoria’s chest.

Victoria’s fingers wrapped around the offending object and she quickly yanked it from her bra. The relief was instant and she already felt more comfortable. That feeling didn’t last long, however, as she opened her hand to see her father sweating and panting in her palm. “Oh my God, dad!” she exclaimed, “That was you?!”

Chad struggled to catch his breath and keep his breakfast down. Victoria’s panicked voice may as well have been thunder booming in his ears. He winced and pushed himself into a sitting position. He felt his ribs to make sure that nothing was broken from the abrupt pressure that Victoria had inadvertently applied to him. Once he was sure that he was fine, outside of some slight bruising, he looked up to the titanic face of his daughter and nodded, “Yeah, you dropped me into your bra instead of the pocket, sweetie,” he replied between breaths.

Victoria cupped her hand and gently ran her finger tips along her father’s back in an attempt to both soothe and apologize for what he’d been through, “You’ve been in there since the rush?” she asked and winced when she watched him nod, “Oh God, dad, I am so sorry! I should have been more careful, I should have checked to make sure that you were safe before going to work!”

As awful as his experience had been over the last hour, Chad simply couldn’t bring himself to be angry with his daughter. It was an honest mistake and from the look on her face one that she clearly regretted. He waved her off and did his best to reassure her that he was alright, “Honey, I’m fine. Accidents happen and at my size are pretty common. I didn’t get hurt, just a little closer to you than I think either of would have liked. Don’t beat yourself up over it.”

Victoria still had a fearful look in her eyes when Chad finished speaking. He was almost afraid that she was going to start crying, but then she let out a light chuckle, “I can’t believe you were in my bra next to my tits,” she said before her face shifted back to concern, “I still need to be more careful when you’re with me. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Chad laughed and nodded, “Yes, Victoria, I promise I’m alright. What do you say we get back to work?”

The smile on her face was enough to erase the discomfort and embarrassment from his previous problem. “Alright, dad, if you’re sure,” she said and carefully brought him back to her chest before pulling her pocket open, “Let’s make sure that you’re safe and sound first, yeah?”

She kept her hand level with her shirt pocket and waited for Chad to dismount into it. He carefully slid himself forward and crawled into the safety of Victoria’s blouse pocket. He tumbled down to the bottom of the soft fabric, but it felt nice to know that he wouldn’t be spending any more time in another humiliating position. He looked up to the vibrant eyes of his daughter and gave her another thumbs up, “All set on my end, honey,” he called up to her.

She let the fabric go and smiled down at her father, “Alright, just give me a shout if you need anything,” she said and moved out of the back.

The rest of the day went off without a hitch. Chad managed to keep himself in a secure spot with his daughter. He watched as Victoria handled the customers with a lot of grace and poise. She was a natural and he found himself hoping that she might consider coming to work at Cups full time one day. She would occasionally ask him about one of his new recipes or for some assistance with one of the more troublesome machines.

Time ticked by and as the and Victoria slowly started to feel more comfortable with everything. Knowing that her father was in a safe and secure location helped to put her mind at ease. She would periodically check on him to make sure that he was still where she had left him or to see how he was doing. Minutes turned to hours and things continued on without incident. Victoria was actually beginning to feel as though taking care of Cups throughout her father’s predicament wouldn’t be so bad.

Her mood took a dip, however, when her father reminded her of the latest shipment of beans that were scheduled to come in today. Receiving the delivery wasn’t anything major or new to her, signing a couple forms and designating a place to store whatever was coming in. No, what made this part of the job the least enjoyable because of one man: Stuart. The man, more like a boy in all honesty, was a year or two younger than her and simply didn’t understand the meaning of the word no. Time and again he had made repeated advances on her and had continually gotten bolder. It wasn’t until Chad had stepped in and threatened to report him, among other things, that he had finally backed off. Now that her father was minuscule and out of sight, she was certain that Stuart would return to his old tactics.

For Chad, this was the final hiccup of the day. As soon as Stuart had seen Victoria waiting to greet him in the back, his obnoxious attitude reared its ugly head. His demeanor and overt flirting with Victoria was grating on his nerves. He could tell that whatever frustration he was feeling was minute compared to Victoria’s. Her tone was edgy and bordered on hostile with every curt and annoyed response she gave to the shorter delivery boy. His world took another shift when Victoria spun around and he heard a loud slap fill the air. He was able to keep his place in her pocket, but he still felt dizzy.

He couldn’t see the exchange from his position, but he could hear everything, “Keep your hands to yourself, you sick perv!” Victoria yelled.

“Hey, don’t be like that,” Stuart said, trying to sound smooth, “I’m just admiring your figure.”

“Ugh, you are such a pig!” Victoria chided, “Didn’t my dad already threaten to report you for trying shit like this?”

“Tch, yeah but he’s not here is he?” Stuart replied, “Why don’t we start over? I can come by when you close up today.”

“Not even if you were the last man on the face of the Earth,” Victoria spat, “So help me, if you so much as look at me with those pervy eyes I will personally call your boss and have you fired. Just drop the boxes in the back and get out of here!”

“Fine, fine whatever you say, babe,” Stuart said and shuffled off to finish his delivery.

Chad listened to the boy’s steps fade off into the distance and he could feel Victoria’s breathing quicken from her agitation. She stood still for several minutes and watched Stuart finish his job before storming out of the back and back to the front. It was close to time to close up shop and the store was empty. She huffed and crossed her arms. Chad felt his little riding spot get slightly tighter from the sudden motion, but he easily adjusted himself to avoid being crushed from the weight.

He took hold of the fabric and pulled himself up to the edge of the pocket, “Hey, kiddo, you okay?” he called out.

Victoria looked down at the little form of her father hanging on the edge of her pocket and smiled, “Yeah, just that little pervert trying to get handsy with me. I knew he was going to try something and I didn’t want to tell him about what happened to you. I’ll be alright, dad, just a little flustered is all.”

Chad shook his head, “I was afraid that might happen. As soon as I get back to normal I am going to have a chat with his boss and make sure to get him transferred to a different route.”

Victoria smiled at her father. Even the size of a flea, he was still his usual protective self. She shook her head, “No, don’t bother, dad, I’ll set him straight and if he keeps trying to put his hands on me then I’ll make that call.”

Chad laughed, “Alright, sweetie, I trust your judgment on it. God help him if he keeps it up, if he thinks I’m bad then he clearly hasn’t seen you angry.”

Victoria rolled her eyes, “I think he got a pretty good taste back there,” she said and uncrossed her arms, “Let’s finish out the day here and get you home. I’m sure you’re pretty worn out after everything.”

The remainder of the day went by smoothly and both Chad and Victoria felt closer than ever by the end of it. Victoria handled the closing paperwork and drawer counts with ease, and this time she kept a close eye on her father while she worked. She left him on the counter while she cleaned the floors and did a few final checks on the machines. It was close to six when they finally left the establishment and Chad was ready to get home. It had been an eventful day, although not as awful as it could have been.

The drive home was pleasant and silent other than the sound of the radio playing in the car. Chad let himself relax in his spot and found himself bobbing his head to the beat of quite a few songs. They pulled into their driveway and made their way back inside to eat dinner with the rest of the family. Bram still hadn’t come out of his room and Chad was a little concerned about him. He was too tired, however, to give it much thought. He barely noticed Anna’s wandering eyes roaming over his diminutive form.

After dinner, he watched a movie with Pam and the rest of his family. Victoria insisted on him sitting on her shoulder while they spent time together as a family. He had been a little nervous about it at first, but she had been extremely careful with him and only moved after letting him know. Two hours later, he was ready to get to his bed and get some much needed sleep. Pam carried him off to their room and planted a rather large and wet kiss on his body before tucking him into his makeshift bed. He was asleep in a matter of minutes after getting himself settled.

He had been having a rather pleasant dream involving his family and taking them to Comic-Con when his world suddenly began to shake. He shot up in an instant to prepare himself for whatever was happening. Had his bed fallen from the nightstand? Was everyone alright? He pushed the panic aside in an attempt to keep a firm grip on reality and assess the situation that he was in. He was moving, someone had his bed and was carrying him somewhere, but who?

The lid on his bed was pushed back and his heart sank as he stared up into the cold eyes of his stepdaughter, Anna. Her eyes held a glint of excitement in them as she grinned down at him. Her fingers quickly entered his chambers and snatched him up in a painful grip as he was lifted to her face. She gave his body a squeeze in response to his struggles which halted them instantly. “Hello, bug boy,” she mocked, “I hope you had fun today and got plenty of sleep because I have got a lot of fun things for us to try.”

He managed to wheeze out, “Anna, whatever you’re thinking I want you to reconsider it. What is your mom going to think when she discovers me missing?”

She scoffed at him, “It’s midnight, she’s going to be asleep until seven which gives us plenty of time together. You’ll be back in her room safe and sound by the time she wakes up. Now, I suggest you watch your tone with me. I’m bigger than you and for the next several hours I own you, understood?”

Chad swallowed as he listened to Anna talk. He was at her mercy until the morning came and he felt a sense of dread hit him like a tidal wave. He prayed that she would have some kind of mercy on him, but in his heart he knew that was unlikely. He would have to be smart if he was going to survive this night. He just hoped that Anna wouldn’t get too carried away. It was obvious that she had been waiting for this opportunity. She gave his body another firm squeeze and closed her fist around him. She walked with purpose and his world spun as he found himself surrounded by darkness. Fear was all he could feel in this moment and he hoped that Pam would wake up early and notice him missing.


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