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It had been an interesting few days since Stewart had returned home. The drive back home had been as safe and uneventful as possible. Honestly, that had been a relief after everything he'd endured only a short while ago. It had been a much more difficult, taxing, and exhausting vacation than Stewart had expected when Victoria had invited him along. Although at least it had provided him with a change of scenery. Alongside that, it had given him the chance to get closer to Victoria and her family. It might not have been much, but at least it was something to be thankful for. 


Amber had put on her usual disinterested face when Victoria dropped him off, but he knew his sister well enough to know it was an act. She was relieved that he was alive and in one piece. She tried to hide her caring nature behind snide, snarky comments, and sarcasm, but Stewart, it was her way to cover her concern. It was one of the things that he'd noticed that Anna had in common with Amber. The fact that his sister and Anna shared that trait made it easier for Stewart to handle Anna. He liked to think that it might have brought him closer to Victoria’s stepsister, but that might have been wishful thinking on his part. 


There was one thing that he'd taken from his getaway that he hadn't been expecting: renewed curiosities. As much as he wished those curiosities were innocent, they weren't. They were born from an old and lustful fire inside that he'd thought had been extinguished after he'd shrunk. Stewart wasn't an idiot; he knew that there was no way to purge that side of himself. He was still a man, albeit a tiny one. However, up until his trip, those thoughts and urges had been tempered by fear of danger and self-preservation. After his trip, it seemed his mind was beginning to return to its old way of thinking.


It was almost funny the way things worked. After everything he'd been through, he'd have thought he'd be more afraid than ever. However, that wasn't quite the case. Somehow, what had happened that night at the club had reignited his hormones. It wasn't everything he'd seen there or what he'd personally experienced that started this. Honestly, he wasn't entirely sure what had caused the sudden resurgence. It could have been seeing Victoria manhandling and toying with Henry, or it could have been something as simple as seeing so many women in such a position of power. Whatever the case, his mind hadn't stopped running since that night.


It had started with small and simple things. Flashbacks of moments, faces, or conversations that he assumed were just memories replaying themselves. Then, the lines between fact and fiction began to blur as he slept. Sometimes, it was a moment of fun with his girlfriend; other times, it was an unintentional mix-up with a stranger. Maybe he was being used for sexual satisfaction, or maybe he happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. In the cases of the latter, his little body was often pushed to the limits either by being crushed beneath a foot, an ass, or a set of breasts. 


Stewart had been expecting these thoughts and feelings to fade with time. It was a hope that never came to fruition. Instead, the more time passed, the stronger these urges seemed to become. The questions of what it might feel like to experience something so personal at this size weighed on his little mind. The more time passed, the more he felt like something needed to be done. However, he couldn't seem to figure out a viable solution.


He'd noticed that Victoria had a certain eagerness to please him. It could have been nothing, but he'd noticed it before their stay together. Their time at the hotel had only reinforced these observations. Of course, it could have simply been her kind-hearted nature. Either way, Stewart had a feeling it wouldn't take too much to talk her into indulging in some more intimate activities. However, there was a slight wrinkle in this plan. The man he was trying to be versus the boy he'd been before catching the virus. The last thing he wanted was to take steps backward, jeopardizing what he'd been building with Victoria in the name of selfish perversion. So he kept on trying to ignore it and bury those feelings.


Sadly, that plan proved ineffective. He found himself becoming more distracted by the day. It didn't seem to matter how hard he tried; his mind would continue to find a way back to what-ifs and possibilities. It wasn't that he outright wanted to give in to this other side of himself, but it seemed to grow stronger day by day. His dreams became more vivid and colorful, his focus drifted day in and day out, and his mind seemed absolutely stuck. He needed to do something to combat this before he returned to work. Although, a day with Bernie might have been the perfect way to counteract those urges. 


Things came to a head one night while he was trying to relax. Amber had been sitting and relaxing on the couch with him. They'd been rewatching The Lord of the Rings trilogy together. For all their differences, the pair were fairly nerdy. Both of them enjoyed a good fantasy story, and they'd watched each movie together in theaters when they were released. It had been Amber's idea to have a movie marathon. Her goal was to spend a little time with her brother before he had to return to the daily grind. What better way for them to bond than by enjoying something they both loved? 


Amber was wearing her red and black plaid pajama bottoms and a black spaghetti strap top. She'd elected for a lazy and more comfortable attire today, given she hadn't planned anything beyond this. Her hair was tied up in a bun, and her red-framed glasses were on instead of her contacts. She'd gotten snacks, drinks, and everything they might need or want. Stewart was perched behind Amber on the back of one of the cushions. The idea was that he'd be high enough up to be safe and out of the way while also within reach of Amber should he need anything. He couldn't eat a lot at his size, but Amber still wanted to ensure he had options if he got hungry. 


“Are you good back there, Stewie?” Amber asked, sitting down with a bowl of popcorn in her hands.


“Yeah, I'm all set,” Stewart replied, giving her a thumbs up as he sat down to get comfortable, “You don't have to worry about me, sis.”


“I wish that were true,” Amber snorted, pushing her glasses up for the second time since sitting down, “If I don't, then you'll wind up getting squashed or worse. I'm not gonna let you wind up like one of those dumb stories you're always reading.”


“Is that concern I hear in your voice?” Stewart asked, placing a hand on his chest in mock surprise, “Amber, I didn't know you cared!”


“Ugh, shut up,” Amber rolled her eyes, slapping her hand down on the cushion beside him, “Don't get all mushy on me, Stewie.”


“Would you quit calling me that?” Stewart asked, trying to keep his balance, “You know I hate that nickname.”


“Awe, is wittle Stewie gonna cry?” Amber smirked, reaching back and rubbing Stewart’s head with her finger, “Lighten up, little brother, it's just a nickname. It fit you when we were kids, and I think it fits you even better now.”


He knew she didn't mean anything by it. If anything, she kept using it to get a reaction from him. “Don't be a dick,” Stewart rolled his eyes, “I'm not gonna cry. I've just never liked that nickname. I didn't like it when we were kids, and I don't like it now.”


“I think you'll live, little brother,” Amber smiled, “Okay, let's go over this one more time. You can reach my shoulder from there if you need anything to eat, drink, or a bathroom break. All you have to do is climb down and get my attention, okay?”


“I've got it, sis, don't worry,” Stewart nodded for the third time since Amber brought up the idea, “Let's get started already. We're starting later than we should, so let's quit wasting time. If you keep teasing me and stressing, then we won't be able to finish the trilogy.”


Amber frowned when he pointed out her concern. It was yet another attempt to hide that side of herself, but she didn't deny it. Instead, she rolled her eyes and grabbed the remote, “Alright, alright, excuse me for wanting to make sure you're comfortable and safe.”


Stewart smiled and shook his head as she pressed play. He appreciated what she was doing but knew that calling more attention to it might upset her. Amber wasn't callus, but she was more withdrawn than him. She'd always been more of an introvert, which had always translated into her being rougher around the edges. She was quick to get defensive when things didn't go her way or in cases like this when she was trying to hide something. There were times it made her hard to live with, but Stewart wouldn't have had his sister any other way. 


The first movie passed by with little to no incident. They'd gotten a later start than either of them would have liked, given how lengthy the films were. After the first three hours of Fellowship, Stewart was starting to feel peckish. Amber had given him a few small kernels of popcorn and a couple of sips of soda, but he'd barely touched them. The popcorn would have been sufficient if he hadn't let the remaining pieces fall between the cushions. Amber was busy setting up for the next movie when he decided to try to get her attention.


Stewart tried to follow Amber's plan, but his timing was off. He jumped to her shoulder from the back of the couch cushion as she leaned back to get comfortable. He landed on the edge of her shoulder and lost his balance before he could steady himself. Stewart released a startled squeak as he fell forward and tumbled down Amber's chest. He closed his eyes to brace himself for what might be coming. He knew he wasn't going to die from the fall, but he expected to find himself stuck either on the cushion between her legs or on her pant leg. The feeling of warmth from skin-to-skin contact, but he was surprised when it seemed to intensify.


Stewart opened his eyes to try to figure out where he'd wound up, and he felt a wave of mixed emotions wash over him. A conflicting sense of dread clashed with a wave of shameful excitement as he realized where he'd wound up. All around him, Stewart was surrounded by the bare skin of a modest-sized breast that may as well have been a planet to him. He was currently resting on the curve above the nipple, surrounded by creamy, smooth skin and the dark backdrop of Amber's top. The sounds of the Two Towers playing outside the walls of fabric were the only anchor he had to reality. 


In just a few short seconds, Stewart had managed to land himself in a dreadfully precarious situation. He needed to get Amber's attention and get out of there before he got hurt. However, there was a part of him that was hesitant. A faint whisper in the back of his mind called out to him, urging him to stay put and ride this out. Moreover, that small voice begged him to climb down rather than up. Like a devil on his shoulder, some part of him wanted to push the boundaries. It left him feeling sick, dirty, and twisted. Stewart tried to shake those thoughts out of his head, but he remained frozen.


This was his sister. He knew that, and he knew that those thoughts were wrong. However, he couldn't make himself move one way or the other. Everything that had been permeating and invading his dreams was suddenly right before him. Fate had a sick sense of humor.


Opportunity had presented itself, but it came in the form of his sister. How could he act on any of those urges with Amber, of all people? The sensible and decent side of himself was advocating for him to scramble away to get his sister’s attention. Despite that, the battle between sense and lust seemed to wage on and keep him stuck in place.


Fate once more decided to intervene after a few tense moments passed. Amber was readjusting, and that simple action made him roll forward and down. His body slid along the smooth, supple skin of her tit. The curvature of her breast came to an abrupt end. Stewart was suddenly face to face with the impressive peak, Amber's nipple. Stewart swallowed as he felt his body betray all sense. Despite himself, he could feel his groin swelling. It was wrong on many levels, but his mind and body were at odds with one another. His body and hormones seemed to be edging out a victory, too.


The fact that this was his sister's breast he was rubbing and resting on was slowly fading to the back of his mind. Curiosity and desire were winning out against sense and rationale. Stewart’s hands began roaming and rubbing along the skin of the magnificent mound beneath him. It was just skin, just a breast, nothing more and nothing less. By God, did it feel incredible, too! The subtle give from his weight against it, the softness of the skin, and the perfect curve laid out before him made for an incredible combination. It was exhilarating, and all thoughts of freedom and self-preservation fell by the wayside in the wake of self-indulgence.


He slid his small cotton mini-shorts down enough to expose his cock, with one hand on her breast flesh, while his other teased himself erect.


Stewart kept fondling and admiring the marvel under and around him. He was taken back to the night Victoria had taken him out for their first date. The memories of being dropped in her bra while she drove home came flooding back. He'd fought hard that night to keep himself from crossing any lines, but now he couldn't bring himself to care. He'd come this far and didn't see the point in holding anything back anymore. Everything he'd wanted to do that night was right before him, and he intended to take full advantage of it. Decency be damned, he was going to let himself live a little for a change.


A heavy fog of want and desire spread across his mind as he let his one hand go from his woody to join his other in roaming a small patch of this mountain of flesh beneath him. It was exquisite! Stewart had caught his mind wandering before, but it rarely went this far. He swallowed a lump in his throat as he leaned down a bit to press his lips to the skin. In response to his kiss, a hand found its way to the outside of her shirt. It didn't press down or caress him, but Amber’s fingertips scraped and rubbed him up and down. She seemed to mistake him for an itch. She hadn't noticed him, but her action had dragged him closer to the edge of her tit, right in front of her nipple. Stewart wrapped his hands around this protruding bit of flesh to stop himself from falling further down onto her stomach.


This was the final step that brought Stewart closer to the brink. Realizing what this was, he began hugging and squeezing Amber's nipple which had him on the verge of exploding. His mind had entirely separated from the fact that this was his sister he was groping and rubbing against. His cheeks were flushed, his pulse was racing, and he had almost lost himself to his lust. Amber's nipple was now firm, warm, and pushing him over the edge. Her nipple caressed and tickled the shaft of his erection as he tried to climb back up. His efforts were lackluster at best. All his struggles seemed to do was drive him further into a frenzy. He’d have been lying if he said it didn’t feel incredible.


Stewart was fighting a losing battle against pleasure and rationale. The more he struggled and scrambled to get back up, the more he edged himself closer to a mess. He felt liable to erupt at any second. Amber’s breathing wasn’t anywhere near as labored as his, but it was jostling him just enough to cause his erection to rub against her nipple and find a large pore that fit his needs. It wasn’t long before he couldn’t hold back any longer. Stewart felt his member swell one final time before it exploded in a sticky mess. It didn’t register to him that he’d just gotten off while humping his sister’s tit until after he’d finished. His body went slack after he came, his arms losing all strength, and Stewart suddenly found himself rolling off of Amber’s breast as he let go.


Stewart hit her stomach and let himself roll down and lay there. He closed his eyes as the reality of his situation set in. In the wake of his sticky mess, and as he caught his breath, feelings of shame and disgust began to well up inside. His short burst of pleasure and fun was overridden by the realization of what he’d just done and who he’d just done it on. He’d let himself go for a change, but… he’d done it on his sister. Stewart hadn’t cared about any of that in the heat of the moment. They were family, and he’d just gotten himself off with her nipple. There was no denying that fact, and it left him feeling dirtier than he ever thought possible. 


If he were somehow inadvertently crushed by his sister, he wouldn’t bother to fight back against it, though the rising guilt felt crushing enough. She didn’t know; hell, she didn’t know he was even in her shirt. Yet, somehow, that made it a heavier burden to carry. The fact that she was oblivious to what he’d done was even more embarrassing. Those waves of pleasure had turned to waves of shame that crashed over him and threatened to drag him down. All of it was because he’d let himself become borderline obsessed with his perversions and curiosities. Using his sister to indulge in his own morbid wants would have been bad enough, but what he did….


He lay there trying to bury and forget his shame. He wanted to crawl into a hole and hide, to curl up in a ball. The sounds of the movie continuing to play in the background hit him again, but he couldn’t have cared less. He wasn’t sure how much time passed before his world shook and shifted. He was sent careening down again, off the plain of her smooth stomach and out the bottom of her spaghetti strapped shirt. He caught a glimpse at the red and black plaid bottoms before his body smashed into the floor with Amber squatting above him. Stewart didn’t make a move at first. The fall wasn’t without some level of pain causing him to moan in discomfort. It wasn’t until he heard Amber’s panicked voice that he forced himself to push that aside and into action. His humiliation and shame weren’t worth scaring his sister.


“Stewie?!” Amber asked, looking around the couch, “Stewie, where are you?!”


Amber had been engrossed in the second film in the trilogy until a few minutes ago. She turned her head to check on her brother during a lull in one of the scenes. She’d thought of giving him something to eat or seeing if he needed a bathroom break  but was surprised to find that he wasn’t where she left him. Amber was on her feet in an instant, and she quickly pulled the cushions off the back of the couch. He wasn’t there. Amber felt a pit start to form in her stomach. He’d just gotten back from a trip, and she’d managed to lose him in a couple of days.


Amber bit her lip and squatted down to check the cushions for her brother. Stewart was on his feet despite himself. He took a breath to collect himself before he tried to get her attention, “Amber, down here!”


He jumped, waved, and tried to get her to notice him. Given how small he was, it was a long shot, but typically, she could spot him if she was looking. It was whenever she thought he was safe that she overlooked him. Like many times before, Amber’s eyes landed on him, and she let out a sigh of relief. She grabbed the remote and paused the movie. “Stewie, what are you doing down there? Are you okay?”


She scooped him up with careful precision and raised him to her face. He hoped that she couldn’t see the blush on his cheeks or the shame in his eyes. That was one advantage of being so small. “I’m okay,” he assured her, “I-I fell while trying to get your attention a little while ago.”


It wasn’t a lie, but he left out some key details. It had started innocently enough, but there was no way he was going to tell her everything. “How long were you down there?” Amber asked.


“N-not too long,” Stewart once again stretched the truth, “I don’t remember what part of the movie we were at, but I-I don’t think I’ve been down there too long.”


Amber studied him for a moment, and for a second, Stewart thought he might get found out. Thankfully, Amber closed her eyes and sighed, “You have got to be the single most clumsy and unlucky little turd, you know that? You’re sure you’re okay?”


Stewart felt slightly relieved when he realized that Amber believed him. She wasn’t going to press him for more answers. It was a small victory in the wake of what he’d done, but it was better than nothing. “I’m sure,” he nodded, trying his best to keep the tremor out of his voice, “Do you, uhm, think that maybe you could take me to the bathroom?”


“Oh, yeah, sure,” Amber stood up.


Stewart was relieved that Amber took him at his word. He may have told half-truths, but their mother always told them that half-truths were whole lies. There was no way he could talk about what he'd done, though, not with Amber or anybody. It was a dirty and shameful secret that he'd have to carry to his grave. There was no amount of water that could wash the shame from his spirit. Although, that wouldn't stop him from trying. All he could do was try to move on from what he’d done. He wouldn’t be able to forget, but he could figure out a way forward. Unfortunately, that meant carrying a secret shame with him for the foreseeable future. 


“What is wrong with me?” he muttered to himself as Amber opened the bathroom door.


“Did you say something?” she asked.


“N-no,” he lied as she turned on the faucet and let the water warm up.


Amber set him down and checked the water. Stewart watched as Amber ran her hand under the water. He tried not to think about what he’d done only a short while ago. Looking up at her now, he was reminded of just how fragile he and his psyche were. He had to figure out some way to beat these urges back into submission before they got the better of him again. As nice as it was to think it was a one-time thing, he knew how weak he was. If he didn’t find a solution soon, he’d be carrying more secrets, and that was something that he didn’t need.

Stewart tried to shake off the feeling of dread as he watched the water flow from the faucet in to the sink. Amber's humming filled the small bathroom, a familiar tune that used to calm him when they were younger. But now, it only served to remind him of how complicated things had become.

Amber turned to him, a soft smile on her face. "There you go, little bro. Warm enough?"

Stewart nodded, trying to return her smile. "Yeah, you always make it perfect. Thanks, Amber."

"Anytime," she replied, giving him a gentle pat on the head before stepping out to give him some privacy.

As the door closed, Stewart stared at his minute reflection in the mirror. The tiny figure looking back at him seemed foreign. He couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt, like a musical note, off key, that just hung in the air. His sister was doing her best to make his life as normal as possible, and here he was, grappling with thoughts and feelings that he could barely understand, let alone control.

He slipped his way into the sink, letting the warm water wash over him. The sensation was soothing, and for a moment, he closed his eyes, trying to clear his mind. But images of the evening kept intruding—Amber's obliviousness, the soft curve of her skin, and his own uncontrollable reactions.

"What is wrong with me?" he muttered again, the question echoing in the small space.

After his makeshift bath, Stewart climbed the string rope hanging down into the sink back up to the counter top, and dried himself with a piece of tissue Amber had left for him. A few moments later, the door opened, and Amber's hand reached down to lift him up. She set him gently on her palm and walked out of the bathroom. "Feel better?"

"A bit," he admitted, though he doubted she could hear the uncertainty in his voice.

As Amber carried him out of the bathroom, she glanced down at him with a thoughtful expression. "So, when do you see Victoria again? Tired of her yet?"

Stewart hesitated, feeling a mix of emotions. Victoria had been a constant source of support and care, her presence a comforting balm in his chaotic world. He admired her patience and kindness, her willingness to understand and accept him despite his unique circumstances. Yet, the thought of sharing the darker corners of his mind with her filled him with dread. Could she ever truly understand the turmoil he felt? Would she still look at him the same way if she knew the extent of his struggles?

Victoria was everything he wanted and needed, a beacon of hope in his otherwise tumultuous life. But opening up to her meant exposing the most vulnerable parts of himself, risking her judgment or, worse, her pity. Still, the mention of her name brought a warmth to his chest, a reminder that he wasn't alone in this journey. Perhaps, with time, he could muster the courage to confide in her, to let her in completely.

As they reached the threshold of the living room, Stewart finally answered, his voice soft but determined. "Soon, I hope."

Amber smiled, sensing the weight of his words. "Good. She seems like she really cares about you."

Stewart nodded, a small but genuine smile tugging at his lips. "Yeah, she does."




rob roy

Loved this chapter. Don't really know that much about Amber. Hoping Stewart does a little more exploring of her.