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Elsewhere in the house, Victoria was lying on her bed, trying to relax and enjoy one of her shows. One of her crime dramas was playing in the background, but the truth was she’d barely been paying attention. It was more for background noise than anything at this point. After breakfast, she’d retreated to her room while Bram and Anna went to hers. Her father and Pam had retired back to their bedroom. Cups wasn’t set to reopen until tomorrow, so she and the rest of the family had an extra day before things returned to the typical daily grind. 


Over the course of the last little while, Victoria had tried to take advantage of some solitary time. With Anna keeping an eye on Bram and her father safely resting with Pam, Victoria finally had some time to unwind without worrying and stressing about a change. On a typical day, she has to worry about the whereabouts of her family or her minuscule boyfriend. It was refreshing to have some time to herself without having to stay on high alert. The peace was a welcome change from the usual chaos in her house. However, with that peace came time to think.


She’d tried to let her guilty pleasures of CSI and Criminal Minds distract her, but that plan wasn’t working the way she’d hoped. Ordinarily, Victoria would have found herself wrapped up and lost in the storylines of the mysteries and serial killers, but today her shows couldn’t keep her focus. Her mind kept wandering back to her experience at the club and then bouncing over to her miniature boyfriend. Something inside her had been stirred that night, but it was tempered with her caring nature. And yet she found herself curious about exploring different possibilities with her little boyfriend.


Victoria had seen some dark and twisted things that night. She’d seen the reports on the news before then, but to see people indulge in such acts in person was something else entirely. It hadn’t been as sickening as she had originally thought it would be, though. While it hadn’t filled her with any sense of joy or excitement, it had been far less disturbing than it should have been. Maybe she was becoming desensitized to things with how society had been normalizing everything over the last year. Whatever the case, that night had been one full of surprises after everything was said and done.


The things she’d seen her grandmother, Pam, and their friends do had been mildly shocking, but they’d also been rather intriguing and stimulating. Rose’s brief coercion had gotten her to dip a toe in those curiosities and uncharted territory. The rush of power that she’d felt from taking that little dancer and stuffing him between her legs was thrilling, exhilarating, and borderline intoxicating. Holding such a huge degree of power over someone else was an indescribable feeling, and it was one that a part of her had reveled in.


The memories of those feelings were the biggest things distracting her from enjoying her downtime. Over the last couple of hours, Victoria found herself wondering what it might feel like to have a little fun with Stewart. She wondered about what she might be able to do with her boyfriend-turned-boytoy. The possibilities were seemingly endless, and she knew there was virtually nothing Stewart could do to stop her. Whatever excitement she felt was quickly overshadowed by feelings of guilt and shame. It was a strange back and forth as her mind played different scenarios and ideas.


It had started out innocent enough, or at least compared to some of the more recent ideas that had been dancing across her mind. She’d simply imagined Stewart in the place of the little dancer she’d sandwiched between her legs. Squeezing him lightly, using his little body to massage her nethers, and feeling him squirm were powerful sensory memories she’d never forget. The difference was that at the club she’d been wearing her jeans, but in this little fantasy she was in her panties. That had been the first little twist that her imagination had concocted.


Once she’d come down from her feelings of surprise and guilt, Victoria found herself taking things a step further in her mind. This time, she held Stewart in the palm of her hand as he shook with nervous anticipation. At least, she told herself that was why he was shaking, but a part of her didn’t care. Her body was hot and she was stripped bare in preparation for some fun with her miniman. She’d closed her eyes for this one as she gave him a tour of her curves without a word. She ran his little body over her breasts, taking care to pause and let him squirm and play with her more sensitive areas.


Next she moved him further south. She moved him slowly and deliberately down from her breasts towards her nethers. Her hand pausing and her fingers twirling him around as he passed near her naval before teasing herself with his little body. Victoria could picture the feelings and sensations of his squirms and struggles tickling her skin as she traced him along the outskirts of her groin. She was teasing herself and Stewart; taking care to drag out the sensations as much as possible. Finally, she made the move to plunge him into her womanhood.


Victoria’s breath hitched for a moment as she was brought back to reality by the sound of gunshots on the TV. She swallowed as she opened her eyes and looked down to see her hand inches away from the hem of her pajama pants. Her skin felt hot as another wave of want and lust washed over her. It was almost euphoric, but then the thought of Stewart, terrified and shaking, played in her mind. The idea that she could be the one to push him to such an extreme state of terror was enough to rattle her. She hated the thought of her being the source of anyone’s terror, let alone someone she cared about, was painful.


Victoria let out a shaky breath as she felt her curious desires fade to the back of her mind once again. She sat up and ran a hand through her hair, “What is going on with me? Get a grip, girl.”


Victoria wasn’t a virgin, and she certainly wasn’t innocent when it came to intimacy. Sex simply wasn’t something that was high on her priority list. She didn’t consider herself a prude by any means either. It was more that her focus was on school, family, and her future than fleeting physical fun. This wasn’t something that she expected to bring back from their vacation, and yet here she was struggling with perverse thoughts. Strange as it was to admit, there was nothing she wanted more than to explore these curiosities with her miniature boyfriend. The question was whether or not he’d be willing to help her indulge.


It was obvious that getting lost in her shows wasn’t going to work, so Victoria decided to scroll through her phone. She heaved a sigh as she fumbled for her phone on her nightstand. It didn’t take her long to find it and unlock it. Her fingers swiped across the screen as she searched for a distraction. Games weren’t something that typically held her interest, and the few that she had she was either stuck or burnt out on. Sadly, dating a guy the size of a small toy meant she couldn’t call or text like a regular person. So she scrolled through her newsfeed in hopes of finding something to take her mind off of everything.


Her newsfeed was the first thing that she opened. There were stories and articles about new stores opening up catering to the shrunken populace, an article about how the virus had finally begun to taper off, and other stories pertaining to some of her more recent searches. Scrolling through her feed, she realized just how often she looked up things pertaining to tinies. It shouldn’t have been all that surprising considering her father, brother, and boyfriend were all afflicted, but she didn’t typically scour news or conspiracy sites. Usually she entered her query, found what she needed, and got back to living her life.


Whilst scrolling through, her finger lingered a moment too long and opened a story. The headline was one she wouldn’t usually take any interest in, but today wasn’t a typical day. The headline read: Father of Daughter Day Goes Wrong. It sounded like a simple and harmless enough story, but it didn’t take long for Victoria to discover that it was worse than it sounded. The title didn’t exactly inspire a sense of warmth, but within a few paragraphs Victoria was feeling grounded in nasty what-ifs.


The story started off simple enough. An office in New York City was reopening in the wake of the pandemic. As the world tried to find its way back to whatever the new normal was, factories, offices, and other businesses started to open back up. It was something that she already knew, but she hadn’t given any thoughts to the possible dangers that came with it. There were obvious dangers that she suspected, but she’d never imagined something so simple, something all too common, could have such a high price. 


A father that had been dealing and adjusting to life at a new size agreed to take his daughter with him to work. His wife had dropped the two of them off and carried him in like she had done every day for the month prior. He, his family, and the rest of his office had all been adjusting well enough to life at this new size. There wasn’t much that the man could do at his size, but members of management had decided to assign each team member that was size challenged a caretaker. The two of them were to work together to get through their daily tasks, and for the most part things went fairly smoothly on an average day.


The daughter was only twelve, and she was as innocent and sweet as any child her age. It was her innocence and naivety that caused disaster to strike. The day started off like any other with things going as smooth as they could. The father was working with his coworker after showing his daughter around as best he could given his circumstances. Sometime just before lunch, the young girl was focused on speaking with her father’s coworker, and his coworker was too busy answering questions to notice him sliding off the edge of their shared desk. He fell onto the chair, at least that was what they assumed to be the case. 


Ordinarily, his coworker would have stayed in the desk chair until after lunch, but the daughter had asked to take a seat. Not seeing the harm in it, the father’s coworker was happy to oblige. The daughter hopped into the air and plopped herself down on the cushiony chair. What she didn’t know was that there was an added layer of cushion on the chair. Her father wasn’t able to move before the bottom of his titanic twelve-year-old came crashing down and nearly crushed him in one fell swoop. Miraculously, he somehow managed to survive the initial impact, but that left him squirming and writhing in utter agony.


The father took advantage of each opportunity to inch his way closer to freedom. Sadly, those were far and few between. He suffered multiple painful drops from her backside, but against all odds he managed to crawl his way to relative safety. He was beaten, battered, and close to being broken when he made it to the edge of the chair. If fate had been kind, he might have stayed put in hopes of avoiding any more potential dangers and threats. However, his afternoon of torment was only beginning. It was time for lunch, and his daughter scooted off the edge of the chair to follow his partner to the cafeteria. Both of them thought the other had him somewhere safe too.


When his daughter got down, it pushed him over the edge and sent him tumbling downward. The office floor was plush carpet, but that wasn’t where he ended up. Instead, he landed on the tennis shoes of his daughter as she bounded towards the lunchroom. He clung to the shoestrings and tried to keep from getting thrown off and getting more hurt than he already was. Time worked against him as he hitched a ride on his daughter who was simply excited to get something to eat. He was nearly tossed from her shoes with every step, but somehow he managed to hang on. At the last moment, his grip failed him and sent him flying, but he was flung towards his daughter’s shin. 


The father crashed into her shin and rolled down towards her shoe. With nothing else to hold onto or cling to, all he could do was wonder if he was going to land inside her shoe or on the ground. Unfortunately, this man couldn’t escape his daughter and found himself trapped inside of her shoe. The darkness surrounded him, but gravity and nature seemed determined to pummel and break him further. He rolled from one side of her socked foot to the other before falling beneath her sole. The crushing weight of every step his daughter took was painful, humiliating, and brought him closer to the inevitable. 


It should have been the end for him. The pain of being stepped on time and again in a seemingly unending barrage was maddening, but miraculously he clung to life. How he managed to keep from becoming a stain on his daughter’s pink and white socks would remain a mystery to him, the readers, and the author of the article. His body was pushed to the limit and his bones were on the verge of snapping as he rode out his daughter’s trip like a pebble in her shoe. His humiliation and pain only got worse as time passed. It wasn’t until after lunch that he was finally discovered and rescued. 


The father was barely clinging to life, let alone consciousness when his daughter pulled him from her shoe. She’d only done it because she thought she felt a rock rubbing against her foot. She was heartbroken, distraught, and confused when she found her father, but things happened so fast after he was discovered. An ambulance was called, the office was closed early, and his family was notified as quickly as possible. The father was rushed to the hospital for examination, and it was determined that he had multiple broken bones, several lacerations, and internal bleeding. He was in critical condition and it had all happened within an hour.


The father was in and out of consciousness for over a week before he was finally medically cleared. He remained in the hospital for another week, but it was in that week that the interviewer visited him to get his story. While the names were left out, that did nothing to take away from the seriousness of what he’d been through. At the time of publishing, the father was still in the hospital and awaiting a discharge. It was doubtful that anyone involved expected the article to go even remotely viral, yet there were countless comments at the bottom. The world might have been trying to return to normal, but it seemed that circumstance was still waiting around the corner to make nightmares a reality for anyone big or small.


Victoria finished reading and pressed the home button on her phone. She shook her head as she was reminded of how easy it was to lose someone she cared about. Her feelings of want and lust had evaporated shortly into stumbling onto the article. She’d wanted a distraction from her confusing wants, but this might have been too much. Victoria thought about the times that she’d unwittingly endangered her father and brother. They were lucky that they’d managed to avoid any serious danger. They’d come close more than once, but she could only imagine how the daughter felt once she found her father.


Victoria shook her head and sat up on her bed. She was about to put her phone down when it began to vibrate. She glanced down at the screen and smiled as she saw who was calling. “Hey, gran, what’s up?” she answered, relieved to have someone to talk to for a change.


“Oh, you know, sweetheart, just settling back in after a wonderful vacation,” Rose replied, “I thought I’d check in on my favorite granddaughter. How are you and the rest of the family?”


Victoria smiled as she leaned back on her bed and answered, “We’re alright all things considered. We got in late last night. Dad is catching up on some sleep after what sounded like a rough night with Pam, and Bram is spending some time with Anna.”


“Ah, I’m no stranger to a long and rough night,” Rose chuckled, causing Victoria to roll her eyes in response, “And what about you? What do you have planned for today? I’m guessing something with that adorable little boy you’ve been seeing.”


Honestly, Victoria hadn’t thought much about her plans for the day. She’d been so caught up in her fantasies and memories from vacation. She had the day off, yes, but it was still relatively early. Part of her wanted to spend her last day off with Stewart, but then there was that nagging sense of what-if in the back of her mind. It occurred to her that her grandmother might be the best person to talk to about these things. She’d proven to be surprisingly insightful back at the club, and she knew that her grandmother had a rather extensive and active personal life. She didn’t have any plans for the rest of the day, but maybe that was about to change.


“Actually, I haven’t talked to Stewart since we dropped him off last night,” Victoria admitted, “I thought that he could use a little time with his sister since we were gone for the weekend. I figured that maybe he could use a break.”


“Oh I doubt that little boy would complain about spending some extra time with you,” Rose chuckled, “Are you sure you’re not the one needing a break, dear?”


“No, of course not,” Victoria replied, “I just don’t want to run the risk of bombarding him with too much at once, you know?”


There was a silence that yawned for nearly a minute. Victoria began to wonder if maybe the call had dropped, but then her grandmother spoke in a tone of voice that she rarely heard, “What aren’t you telling me, Victoria?”


Even through the phone, her grandmother was far more perceptive than most would give her credit for. Her father knew how she was, but both Bram and Anna often overlooked this side of her. It was simple to overlook this side of her given how she always seemed so lighthearted and absent minded, but Victoria had seen it more times than she could count. A large part of the bond between her and Rose was born from the moments where Rose’s insight shone through. There were many nights where Victoria had found herself opening up to her grandmother in the wake of one of her simple questions. She never pried, but she knew that sometimes all it took was one person asking one more question to get someone to open up.


“Gran, it’s nothing,” Victoria sighed, resisting the urge to open up despite knowing she wouldn’t regret it.


“It doesn’t sound like nothing,” Rose said, adding after a couple of seconds, “But, I’m not going to push it. After all, I might just be an old woman reading too much into things. So, if you don’t have plans to spend the day with your little boyfriend, how about grabbing lunch with me?”


There it was again. Another of Rose’s clever tactics she used whenever she knew Victoria was keeping something to herself. Oftentimes it was a meal between just the two of them, and typically Rose would steer the conversation and eventually get the ball rolling. She knew what was in the works, but she also knew that it was something she needed. Besides, there were a lot of things that were on Victoria’s mind that she suspected her grandmother might be able to help with. There weren’t many people that she’d feel comfortable sharing these things with, but her grandmother had never steered her wrong or lied to her. Besides, she couldn’t remember the last time that she’d gone out with Rose one on one.


“That actually sounds like fun,” Victoria finally said, “Can we go somewhere that isn’t just vegan, though?”


“You kids don’t know what’s good, I swear,” Rose sighed in a facetious manner, “Of course we can. I know of a little place that opened up on the corner of Blickman and Steven’s Street that is supposed to be some sort of hidden gem. It’s nothing fancy, mind you, but they have homemade, fresh food and a decent little variety. We can sit down to eat, catch up, and you can tell me a little more about Stewart.”


“Gran, you met him while we were on vacation,” Victoria rolled her eyes, “I think you know a good bit about him.”


“I did, but I met him while the rest of the family was around,” Rose countered, “I also got to hear what you had to say while everyone else was around. I want to hear the finer details from my granddaughter, and we both know I’m not going to get those while your father is around.”


Victoria had a feeling that her grandmother knew there was something more to do with her relationship. It could have been paranoia, or it could have been the side of her that wanted to share. Whatever the case, she knew it wouldn't take much for Rose to get her to talk. It wasn’t like she didn’t want to, she just needed a little nudge. It was easier to talk in person anyways. “Alright, alright,” Victoria smiled, “What time do you want to meet up?”


“How does twelve work for you, hon?” Rose asked, “I can come pick you up, or-”


“I’ll meet you there, gran,” Victoria interrupted, “It’ll give me time to shower and check on Bram and Dad.”


“That works for me,” Rose replied, “I’ll see you there, sweetheart.:


“Alright, see you in a bit, gran,” Victoria said, getting to her feet, “Love you.”


“Love you too, hon,” Rose said just before disconnecting the call.


Victoria sighed to herself as she sat her phone down. It might not have been the most exciting plan for her day, but at least now she had something to focus on. There wasn’t a doubt in her mind that her grandmother was going to bring up Stewart. It wasn’t so much a question of if but rather when. It wasn’t something that worried her or made her anxious, quite the contrary actually. There was a part of her that was hoping Rose would bring it up. As odd as her grandmother could be, her perspective was almost always helpful.


She got up, stretched, and switched her television off. It was almost ten now. She had a couple of hours to kill and she hadn’t been lying about needing a shower. She walked over and into her closet to grab an outfit for lunch. A pair of jeans and a black and white striped sweater were what she landed on. She grabbed them and a fresh set of underwear for herself. Clothes in hand, Victoria headed out into the hallway towards the bathroom to freshen up.


With her mind feeling clear, Victoria thought to herself: It was good to be home.




Wow great chapter and great insight into Victoria mind and new awareness of her ….. new sexual nature and the return of Rosa let’s go!!!!! …. And since Rosa is the ass girl I’m expecting ass when that lunch date happens!!!!! ….. anyway I expecting there’s more to this new place that Rosa mention cause that’s exactly what happened with the club but I’m excited to see what happens next great work as always