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          After everything that had happened the day before, the morning of David and Heather’s special day came as a pleasant contrast. The fog Bram had been seemingly trapped in began to lift and clear slowly. The horrific sights he’d seen last night were still fresh in his mind, but now he knew that not everyone was out to take advantage of his size. Witnessing his sister, Pam, and his grandmother toy with other tinies was still a challenge to process, but from what he understood, that club had some sort of effect on people. Bram was beginning to understand that every person had the capacity for darkness and cruelty, but that didn’t mean everyone would act on it.

            Anna had been seconds away from stuffing him in the back of her pants for an extended stay, but she had stopped herself once he began to panic. She’d also broken her almost hateful facade to comfort and calm him down. It wouldn’t have been hard for her to ignore his pleas and screams in favor of her own malicious desires, but she had put his needs first. He’d seen the other women in his family do the same with his father and himself, and he’d seen plenty of other people do it before the pandemic swept across the country. His father had said it well; people were capable of terrible things, but they weren’t inherently evil. Emotion was the actual driver, and Bram had come to understand that better than most after everything that had happened.

            It wasn’t just what he’d seen and heard from last night, but rather his personal experiences and reactions that had opened his eyes. He’d spent what felt like an eternity living in a state of paranoia and fear over things that he, quite literally, couldn’t control. The women in his life were driven by the same thing, albeit in much different ways. Anna had been motivated by negativity from her past that turned to bias, but she’d slowly shifted to a more open and caring individual over the last few months. Victoria and Pam were both driven by love and care for the men in their lives, even before the shrinking virus, and it showed in so many of their day-to-day interactions. Whether it was curiosity, fear, anger, concern, or something in between, Bram had learned that emotions drove people rather than instincts. 

            Knowing that didn’t bring him complete peace from everything he’d dealt with, but it gave him the means to remove the stigma he’d been using for everyone. However horrendous, the misdeeds of one person didn’t justify being hateful and cruel to everyone. All it was doing was keeping him from enjoying his life, moving forward, and trying to make the most of his situation. It was possible that it could have cost him his chances with Peyton, but only time would tell if that were true or not. For the time being, his focus needed to remain on the wedding and the ceremony. For the first time in quite some time, Bram felt like he could enjoy himself for a change, possibly even make some memories with his family. 

            His dreams were still problematic, but that was something he suspected that his nightmares wouldn’t be fading anytime soon, especially after last night. Combined with everything he’d personally experienced with Sarah, his subconscious was still working overtime. Maybe one day, he’d be able to lay his head down without fear. For now, he could accept being awake without living in constant terror as a victory. The ability to be near his family without fear or panic was something that he hadn’t felt in quite some time. Reliving the horrors he’d lived through, or witnessing whatever his imagination could conjure up, was a small price to pay for the peace he’d managed to find.

            Bram had woken up early that morning in a cold sweat, stifling a scream that threatened to bubble up and spill over. He’d dreamt of Sarah again and her cruelty yet again. Strange as it was, he honestly felt relieved that it was Sarah when he awoke. After everything that had happened last night, he’d half expected to see someone from his family trying to devour him. Sadly, it didn’t diminish the fact that he’d spent the better part of his nightmare running and trying to avoid getting eaten alive by Sarah. He’d only woken when Sarah finally caught him and brought him to her lips. The mortifying sensation of his naked body being pressed against Sarah’s pearly white teeth was the last thing he felt before everything came crashing down. 

            Of course, Anna hadn’t been too thrilled with his obnoxious wakeup. She wasn’t overly hard on him, maybe a bit blunt, but there was a concern that was evident in her tone. She ensured he was calm and knew he was safe before chastising him for disturbing her otherwise peaceful morning. It was half-hearted. but Anna had a reputation she needed to maintain. It was David’s big day today. Their entire family was supposed to be there a few hours before the ceremony began, but they still had a little time to kill. Bram spent his morning watching TV while Anna scrolled through her phone before the pair decided it was time to get dressed. 

            Bram may not have been in the wedding party, but Pam and Victoria still got him some nice clothes to wear for the occasion. It wasn’t much, and it still felt strange to wear slacks and a dress shirt; it just wasn’t his preferred style. Still, he wasn’t going to a wedding wearing jeans and a T-shirt if he could help it. Anna wore a red sundress with a black belt in the center and looked just as uncomfortable with her attire as Bram did. The two shared a small laugh at the other’s expense before they got ready to go. It felt good to laugh again, but it felt even better knowing that his connection with Anna was as strong, if not stronger than ever. 

            The pair met the rest of the family downstairs in the lobby before they made their way to the beachfront venue David and Heather had chosen for their special spot. David and Heather had chosen a modest hall with an open floor plan and multiple windows overlooking a private alcove of sand and sparkling saltwater. The main hall was set up so guests could sit at their tables and enjoy the ceremony before diving straight into the reception. The altar had been placed in the center of the windows overlooking the beach, and it was simple to put up and take down. Once everything was finished, it would be easy to shift things over to the festivities. A DJ booth was placed off in the corner, and a royal purple carpet with gold inlays was rolled out to serve as the central aisle for Heather to walk down.

            Pam, Victoria, Anna, and Rose took turns helping to set up the main hall and getting Heather ready for her big day. Bram, Chad, Stewart, and the other guys couldn’t do nearly as much as the women, but they weren’t the only tinies to attend the wedding. They spent their time working on setting tables and chairs up for other miniature guests to sit and enjoy while also trying to help David relax and ease into what was waiting around the bend. Bram and Stewart spent the bulk of their time setting up tables, talking, and waiting for someone to take them to the next table. It was an opportunity for Bram to get to know the man that his sister had taken an interest in, one that wouldn’t happen very often. 

            “So, Victoria said you were, uhm,” Bram remarked as they tried to get a tablecloth on straight.

            “A pain, an ass, or a pervert,” Stewart finished for Bram, “I’m speculating, but my gut tells me she probably used at least two out of three of those to describe me before I shrunk, right?”

            “Heh, yeah, actually,” Bram chuckled as they straightened the cloth and unfolded the chairs.

            “Yeah, I was what you might call a bit of a douche then,” Stewart chuckled, “It feels weird to admit that, but being this frigging small can humble a guy pretty hard and fast. I’m guessing there’s a reason you’re bringing this up, though. Is this the tough brother talk?”

            “What?” Bram asked, a little surprised and confused.

            “You know the whole, ‘If you hurt my sister, I’ll hurt you’ speech,” Stewart shrugged and grinned, “The kind of thing you see in the movies, read in stories, etcetera, etcetera.”

            “No, of course not,” Bram laughed, “I think she could do a lot more harm to you than you could her, let alone me to you.”

            “Believe me, you’re not wrong,” Stewart shook his head, “Still, I’m glad you’re sparing me that old cliche. Still, it begs the question why you bring it up.”

            There was a reason that Bram had chosen to bring up this particular subject. It wasn’t because of any brotherly concern but rather more of a self-serving interest. He’d been hoping to talk with someone about his concerns regarding his chances with Peyton. He didn’t doubt that his family would be honest and try to help, but Stewart had a unique perspective that nobody else did. Unlike his father and the rest of his family, Stewart had spent a lot of time developing a distasteful reputation with his sister, yet the two of them seemed to be a happy couple now. The dilemma he’d been facing was figuring out how to bring it up. His tactic may not have been the greatest, but at least the door was open now.

            They had some time before someone came to move them to the following table. Anna and Victoria were busy talking, and the rest of the guys were either working at other tables or helping David. “I was, uhm, kind of hoping to get some insight on something,” Bram admitted, rubbing the back of his neck.

            “Funny way of bringing it up, but ask whatever you want, Bram,” Stewart said, trying to put Bram at ease.

            “So, it’s about this girl,” Bram began, hoping to cut straight to the point, “She’s someone that I liked, like a lot, but-”

            “You’re worried you might have screwed your chances with her because of how you’ve been acting lately,” Stewart finished, “Am I about on the money there, or am I missing something?”

            “No, that pretty well sums it up,” Bram nodded, “I just thought that maybe since you managed to turn things around with Victoria, you could give me some advice on this.”

            “From one asshole to another, why not?” Stewart joked, hoping to ease Bram’s nerves with a jest, “Relax, man, I’m just trying to keep things light. I get it, and I know how you feel. But if I’m gonna answer these questions, I’m going to need some answers myself. So, how about we play this shot for shot?”

            “What do you want to know?” Bram asked.

            “The truth,” Stewart replied, taking a seat and glancing at the women, “We’ve got some time before the girls notice we’re done, and I need to know what’s been going on with you.”

            Twice in two days, Bram had been asked about what had happened. He’d refrained from spilling the details to Anna yesterday, but somehow, he doubted that Stewart was going to let it slide in the same way. “I’m not—” Bram began.

            “Dude! I can’t help you if you’re not going to be honest with me,” Stewart interrupted. “Whatever you say stays between us, I swear. From what Victoria has said about you, and your dad for that matter, you weren’t always this brooding and moody teenager. The guy I saw last night and today is also a lot different from the guy who came down to the beach with us a few days ago. What happened, man?”

            Bram looked away as he weighed his options and tried to find the right words to summarize what he’d been going through. Having someone to confide in wouldn’t hurt. Talking with Anna, however vague it had been, had made a difference. Besides, he’d chosen to open this can of worms. “Alright, alright,” Bram sighed. It’s a long story, but I guess everything is kind of tied together.”

            It was more difficult than he’d anticipated to share details and relive everything he’d been through since the party. It took longer than either of them expected, too, but once Bram started talking, he couldn’t stop. It was like the levee had finally broken on everything he’d been holding in over what felt like an eternity. His excitement and fascination with Peyton and the wager that led to the waking nightmare he’d been trapped in. Twice while he was speaking, someone had come to move them. The entire time Bram talked, Stewart kept quiet and let him talk. 

            “Okay, now a lot of stuff is starting to click,” Stewart said when Bram finished and swallowed nervously, “You’ve been keeping all that bottled up, and it’s been spilling over, hasn’t it?”

            “I’ve been a jerk to my family and everyone unlucky enough to deal with me since that day,” Bram sighed, “I’ve been avoiding Peyton because a part of me knew that I’ve been…well-”

            “A dick,” Stewart finished for him, quickly adding, “I don’t mean anything bad by that, Bram. I’m just calling a spade a spade here and speaking from experience.”

            “Yeah, no offense taken,” Bram frowned, “Looking back on it now, I know how I’ve been acting and treating everyone. That’s a pretty decent way to describe it. Maybe it’s good that I haven’t talked to her, but I’m afraid I might have blown whatever chance I had with her. What if she thinks that I’m not interested in her anymore?”

            “Well, that’s a possibility, I won’t lie to you,” Stewart admitted, “There’s some good news here, though. You don’t have to worry about undoing any damage you might have done with your attitude; believe me, that’s a whole other mess you don’t want to deal with. I’m going to be honest with you here, Bram. The way I see it, there’s two options for you when it comes to this girl. You can either let your nerves and fears keep you from acting, or you can use some of that energy you showed last night and make a move.”

            “It’s not that simple,” Bram shook his head.

            “Actually, that part is,” Stewart countered, “The part that’s complicating things is what happened between you and that other girl. After everything you went through and after last night, I understand more than you think; I think that’s the real issue here.”

            “What do you mean?” Bram asked.

            “Okay, so here's my theory, and correct me if I'm wrong,” Stewart explained, "Everything that happened left a pretty big impact on you. Yeah, it affects your attitude and mood, but it's also one of those things that can change how you see people. Again, after last night, I can understand better than ever. Let me ask this: Is it possible that you're afraid Peyton could turn out like this other girl?”

            It was something that Bram hadn't considered until that moment, but hearing that possibility made sense. He didn't want to think it was possible, but the more he pondered it, the more plausible it seemed. Considering his reaction to Anna and her threats yesterday, it made a surprising amount of sense. Once again, Bram was beginning to understand the influence that fear could have on his life perspective. Peyton didn't seem like the type to do something heinous and sadistic, but Sarah hadn't seemed like that either. As much as he didn't want to admit it, it made sense in a warped way. He'd been withdrawing into himself out of fear and self-preservation, snapping at the people he cared about because of a growing distrust within him. He was suddenly more thankful than ever that he'd been avoiding Peyton in the wake of this little revelation. 

            “Maybe,” Bram finally replied, “Honestly, I hadn't thought about that until now.”

            “Like I said, I get it,” Stewart continued, “I don't mean to be presumptuous, but I almost wonder if a part of you is comparing everything to this bad experience. It’s a pretty big hang-up you’ve been carrying around with you, and you said it yourself that it’s a huge part of why you’ve been so hostile towards your family and everybody. After what you've told me, I can understand, and I bet your dad could, too. I mean, it's not exactly easy for me to look at your grandmother after what I went through last night, and I'm pretty sure your dad is holding onto some sour feelings when it comes to David and the others.”

            Stewart had a point that Bram hadn’t considered. His grandmother had done a number on him, but Stewart also brought up another point. “What’s that about my dad?” he asked.

            “You didn’t hear it last night?” Stewart asked, giving Bram a quizzical look, “That whole chat between him and David was double-edged, man. Your dad is a nice guy, probably one of the nicest I’ve met, but he was trying to push things down last night to help David.”

            “What do you mean?” Bram asked.

            “You didn’t hear it in his voice?” Stewart asked, continuing when Bram shrugged, “Alright, so last night was a series of clusters that neither your dad or me wanted to go through. Your dad went along with it because David was hellbent on it, and I went along because your dad was going. He did a pretty good job covering it up to help David through his crisis of self, but I know passive aggressiveness when I hear it. My sister is an expert in it, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t guilty of having it as a character flaw, too. It wasn’t so much what your dad said, but more of how he said it.”

            “You think he’s pissed at David?” Bram asked.

            “Considering what we went through, I’d be surprised if he wasn’t,” Stewart chuckled, “I took the brunt of what an ass can dish out last night. I’m pissed at David, so I’m pretty sure your dad has some strong feelings, to put it lightly. The thing is, he didn’t let it get in the way of trying to help his friend. There were a lot of ways he could have handled that talk, but he made it a point to try to help him. In typical Chad fashion, he didn’t let his feelings stop him from doing what was right. He’s a better man than me; I’ll tell you that much. I don’t know that I could have held my tongue the way he did, let alone shown any sympathy after all that.”

            Bram hadn’t noticed it last night, but now that Stewart had pointed it out, he began to replay everything the discussion between David and his father had been. Indeed, there had been a hint of vitriol in his dad’s voice that he hadn’t caught the first time. His mind began to put the pieces together as he picked up on what Stewart was trying to say. “You’re saying that I need to be more like my dad,” Bram surmised.

            Stewart shook his head and clarified, “I’m saying that you don’t need to let all the negativity control you. We play the hands we’re dealt, man, and sometimes that means we get the bad and the good. Your dad has this way of taking the good and using it to overshadow the bad with him, but he’s still human like the rest of us. He’s older, so I guess he has more experience with it, but I think it’s a skill that can be learned. At least, I hope that’s the case; otherwise, I might be screwed down the road. I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that you haven’t told many people about what happened, have you?”

            “I haven’t, no,” Bram admitted, “I didn’t want to worry anyone, and I was afraid of what would happen if…she found out.”

            Bram still couldn’t bring himself to utter Sarah’s name aloud. There were miles and miles between the two of them, but he was utterly petrified of the young woman. Stewart didn’t seem too upset by it, and he didn’t bother trying to push Bram more than necessary. “The way I see it, you’ve got a couple of options,” Stewart said, looking around and gesturing at the room, “You can either let yourself wallow and stress in fear, or you can find a way to move on and take a chance. Being this small is fucking terrifying half the time; pardon my French there, but it’s not all bad. Your sister asked me what it was like once, and I told her that it was like living in another world. We see things from a perspective that others can only imagine, but there is beauty and awesomeness out there alongside the terror if we’re willing to look beyond the bad. Regardless of our size, life is what we make it. The ball is in your court, Bram. What’re you going to do?”

            “You’re saying that I should just try to move on,” Bram said, crossing his arms.

            “I’m saying that you can either keep letting your worries and fears hold you back, or you can figure out how to move forward and enjoy your life,” Stewart replied, “I don’t have all the answers, but you asked me for my advice. You and I had very different things to overcome here. I was an ass to Victoria, and I had to figure out how to get past all the times I put my foot in my mouth with her. You’re dealing with a whole slew of fears, rightfully so, mind you, from an awful experience. That said, if anyone can do it, it’s you. How much is this girl and your possible happiness worth to you?”

            Bram looked down at his hands and shrugged, “I want to know where this leads. I don’t know if this is one of those meant-to-be things or not, but Peyton isn’t like any girl I’ve dated before.”

            “Then there’s your answer,” Stewart smiled, “You know what you want, which means you know what you need to do. Maybe it’ll lead somewhere, maybe it won’t, but you won’t know unless you step up to the plate and take a swing. The worst that can happen is that it doesn’t go anywhere.”

            “Actually, I think the worst thing that could happen is that she kills me,” Bram pointed out.

            “Okay, that’s an extreme case, but point taken,” Stewart rolled his eyes, “Still, it doesn’t change anything. You can do this, Bram. If a guy like me can somehow manage to make something happen with Victoria, who deserves way better than me, then a guy like you can make this work with this Peyton chick. So what's it going to be? Are you going to let life pass you by, or are you going to step out and take a chance?”

            It was a question that would stick with Bram for the rest of the day, but he couldn't answer it. Shortly after Stewart finished speaking, Victoria came by to scoop them up. It wasn’t long before they finished setting up the rest of the tables. With the setup complete, the guests began to arrive. They trickled in one by one and found their respective seats at the tables. Bram and Anna sat at the table closest to the altar with Stewart and Victoria. The four of them watched and waited as everyone got settled and the ceremony started. 

            It was a sight to behold, unlike any wedding that Bram had ever seen. The men were each standing on a wooden stool lined up one by one and waiting for the women to make their way down the aisle. The wedding march signaled the entry of the women. The bridal party wore burgundy dresses to match the guys' vests and ties. David had on a bowtie in order to stand out from the other guys. Heather’s dress was a mermaid style, at least that was what Victoria said it was, and it hugged and accentuated her curves. Her hair was feathered and fell past her shoulders. Bram watched with awe as she made her way down the aisle with a smile that lit up the room.

            The actual ceremony was short and sweet but more than a little unique. Once Heather arrived at the altar, she gently picked up David and held him in her hands while their officiant ran through his speech. It would have been easy to overlook David if someone hadn’t known it was a wedding, but it was more intimate. Their vows were short and sweet, much like the ceremony. Heather and David had sprung for a miniature microphone for David to give his vows. They pledged their lives and love to one another in simple and unique promises. It was moving and memorable in ways that Bram hadn’t expected. The cherry on top was watching them seal their pledges with a one-sided kiss. 

            After the ceremony, the reception began. The music filled the hall not long afterward, and Bram watched as Heather and David had their first dance. It was almost as one-sided as their first kiss. Not long afterward, Chad gave his best man speech. Some of his remarks rephrased bits and pieces that he’d said the night before, but Bram had to admit it was far more nuanced this time. It wasn’t that it was rehearsed, but it was clear that he’d given it some thought since the night before. It was a reminder that his father worked well under pressure and in the heat of the moment. Hearing him talk about love, what it meant, and the importance of working together to overcome differences and difficulties spoke volumes to Bram and where he was mentally and emotionally. 

            All in all, it was an experience that Bram hadn’t been expecting and one that was full of pleasant surprises. There had been a part of him that had been harboring a bundle of nervous energy. Talking with Stewart was the first of many unexpected surprises, but it was the catalyst for what turned out to be an incredible day. Hearing his father speak on the subject of love and friendship, despite now knowing that there were some potentially strong, negative feelings aimed at David, was just as uplifting. It was what he needed after everything he’d been through. Of course, the food didn’t hurt. Fresh seafood was always a plus. For the first time in a long time, Bram felt at ease as he sat around the table, ate, and listened to the conversations taking place. He felt a sense of peace and hope as he relaxed and let the rest of the day unfold.

                                                                   * * * * * * * * * * * *                                                       

            Bram looked up at the roof of the car as he relaxed and teetered between sleep and consciousness. He let the peaceful calm wash over him from the day before. Everything that had happened left him feeling optimistic for a change. They still had a long way to go before they were home, but Bram felt sure of himself for the first time in months. Strange as it was, chatting with Stewart had been the final nail to get his head on straight. One way or another, he intended to find a way to take control of his life back and find a way to live outside of fear.

            It had been a hectic and insane weekend for everyone. Chad and the rest of the family each had their own new and unique stories to carry with them. Some of them might have been a burden, some a blessing, but they all served a purpose. Whether that be bringing them closer together or helping them grow as individuals, this weekend had done more for them than any one of them realized. Many of the events, good and bad, were eye-opening for everyone involved. More changes were coming, that much was sure, but they’d continue facing them as they came. Things would never be the same, but maybe through this weekend, they could find some semblance of normal, whatever that might look like in their respective lives.




Amazing chapter on Bram bro this story keep getting better