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Hello guys!

Going direct to the point, this audio will help you have more lucid dreams gradually, so you can start being more conscious in your dreams or even reach point of total control of your dreams.

It will help your brain construct a network for awareness in dreams. It will only work on inducing more lucid or conscious dreams, not to master it or induce a complete lucid state. It will work through you gradually, so I recommend a minimum of effort of your part with this audio, like using methods and techniques to be aware in dreams and such.

For those who don't know yet, Lucid Dreaming is when you start being conscious into your dreams. It is however, divided by different levels of awareness.

First stages are those that you are conscious of yourself and can control your body thoughts etc while in dream state, wether you know or not that you're dreaming.

Second stage is usually where you start getting awareness that you are actually into a dream and may gain a little control of the context of dream or dream itself.

And more advanced, you may be totally aware of the dream state and even gain totall control of your oneiric state, being able to alter aspects or even the entire dream itself to your likings while being fully conscious in it. Though this is where only lucid dreaming masters can do, and is mostly misconcepted as being the true meaning of Lucid Dream and thus rendering beginners in this practice, believing they are not lucid dreamers by not being able to fully control their dream state.

As long you are a bit conscious you are dreaming and can control yourself into your dreams, you are already a lucid dreamer but in basic stages.

Mechanics of the audio: It will remove the boundary between Consciousness/Dream, and expand more your conscious state over dreams and imaginations, while also creating and constructing the necessary brain networking for a conscious dream state more frequently. It also helps with dream recall(but it is not much focused at this part).

You may use it 3 times before sleeping daily.




Could this audio be looped over night?


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