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Hello guys!

There have been a time since I post. Don't have many reasons to give since I've been in pause from creating new fields unfortunately. So, pardon for such ausence... 

But at least have been thinking to share a different kind of field that wasn't previously my intent to share, though it may prove a serious challenge for those who want step possibly next level of reality. Let me first state the mechanics of this program.

This program will: Simply remove the actual boundary separating you(Individual) physically and metaphysically. In shorts, it will gradually weaken the line that separates your physical and metaphysical realities.

So what are the implications of it? You might want to consider before using this audio, because it have potential to open "doors" or even events that you are not used to in normal life.

By removing your metaphysical boundary, means that you'll be much more in tune with the supernatural side of reality(Energy audios are a metaphysical phenomena). This remove the limit between physical and metaphysical plane in your personal existence by weakening the wall until it is gone completely.

This may allow you to experience much more metaphysical effects, activities, and bring more the supernatural side to your present reality. It will open you to the metaphysical side like it were your normal physical side of life, as so, you may feel energy way more physical or more clearly than before, powers(abilities) may become more present, and there is possibility you may see or feel the other metaphysical places(depend if you have clair senses activated for such). 

Using it alone and frequently, you'll hardly notice anything new. It's quite subtle at first, and as the boundary becomes more weak gradually, you will notice more and more supernatural phenomena.

As a boost, it can range and spread to WHATEVER ENERGETIC audio you listen to as an incredible booster.

Let me point some "Benefits" you have to be aware of, though don't misunderstand them, they are not to put you fear but just to keep it crystal clear:

1- It is not a rule that you will unlock it, but have a great potential of you becoming aware of the metaphysical world around you, it comes in different types for everyone. Ex: If you have potential for clairvidence, be aware that you might possibly open your sight to see unseen things, like spirits for example.

2- Your mind might change and become more perceptive of metaphysical ideas, it includes your body becoming more quantum tuned and hence more conditionally enhanced. This as well will occur gradually as you mind become more used to it.

3- You have supernatural abilities, and you're guaranteed that you will experience them real time at some point. For some it might not be so pleasant, be prepared.

4- If you have fears, principally of paranormal/supernatural nature, I recommend you working on them previously, because it will be harshly thrown at you. If you are a negative person with full negativity, using this audio you are only inviting more negative forces to you. If you are positive, the same spectrum will happen to you. This audio in base is definition of neutrality and it will reveal truths hidden in you that you might not be ready to bear, and as well not understand, be prepared.

5- You might want to control more your intentions and thoughts, as this will weaken such boundary, there are possibilities that your dreams, imaginations, thoughts etc, have much more impact on yourself than natural. This may have more impact on metaphysical laws than you can expect, it includes universal laws like Law of Attraction and similars. So work on your subconscious beforehand. 

These few benefits are for those who plan to use this file seriously. You may use it separately(a session only of this audio) and consistently 3-4 times.

For those that intend to use it as boost for other audios, it can be used once or two times, previous to any energy audio and be sure of the audio you are listening afterwards. This is only a few times in a while, don't listen too frequently if you don't want experience the same points above. The results of this audio are not permanent if you're using it just a few times.

I wish you good luck!
Your experiences and questions are always welcome :)




Wow Amazing work! Could You do a field for energy protection? Because your fields are incredibly powerful IMHO.. So a Powerful Energy Protection from You would be awesome! :)