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Today the current content is focused once more on enhancement/health of the body in general, and in this audio it will be more focused on molecular activities, which are also crucial for health functions.

Mechnanics of the audio: As the name of the audio itself, this audio will do nothing more than induce efficiency and tune in process of protein synthesis(Transcription & Translation), while preventing the maximum errors. Also inducing Anabolism/Biosynthesis and then activating Nuclear Receptors(receptors of vitamins and thyroid hormones), protein and minerals receptors all over the body. 

This will not multiply or densify any receptors but just activate them for reception. And as much it may try to prevent any error of natural proteins translations and transcriptions, it is not guaranteed to be perfect or absolute prevention, and errors of transcription may still occurs if you have any gene problem or condition. 

So as you may know, Protein synthesis is crucial for living organism to function. The benefits that comes from this is astounding if everything is working correctly, so efficiency is induced to maximize this process and the process of Anabolism. It is, protein synthesis in every part of body, it include muscles, bones and other things. So if you want to focus on gaining muscles, it is suggested to use it after workout, right after a good meal. It will maximize the process and possibly you won't need even to many hormones to or food to put on muscle. If you want to grow height, use it at night or morning after exercises or formulas + meals for proccesing better growth.
Anabolism is a metabolic process that performs construction of molecules for tissues, other words, growth.
Biosyntesis is process that subtrate and create the macromolecules(proteins, hormones etc) in the organism through enzymes.

Overall, it has numerous benefits on  health and may as well enhance the expression of genes and DNA overall.

General Benefits that this audio will provide indirectly:
-Better genetic expression
-DNA & genes processment effciency.
-Better Regenerative factor(Natural body regeneration)
-Accelerated Growth of Tissues(Includes bones, muscles etc)
-Better Processment and absorption of proteins.
-Better Absorption of Minerals
-Better Absorption of Vitamins ((Including Vitamin D receptor which is rarely functioning at its max in majority of people)
-Better regenerative and healing process of the body in overall focus(organs, systems, skin)
-Other benefits of protein synthesis, Anabolism and Byosinthesis.

You may use it 1-3 times a day, principally after a meal. You may notice tissue growth more noticeably. take water to help.
Not necessary to listen daily, though a few days on the week may be enough depending on each individual. 



Greek Oak

Amazing bro Yes the activation is the key and not the sensitivity or density Even anabolic steroids focusing on activation You have great knowledge

Greek Oak

Also I would love to see androgen receptors activation next hehe