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Beside the many damage your brain have taken before, by diverse factors or harmful lifestyle or physical damage, your brain is still able to regenerate itself again. Though it might be a slow process depending on the cause and take months or even years to fully regenerate. Even that there can be certain therapy and surgery or another medicine method for helping the brain's health, such methods many times can be too much for your financial affordability. As the brain is a very important organ and the main powerhouse of your body, neglecting it might lead to numerous other problems. Then I decided to give a little help on this area.

This one program will manage to heal and regenerate all parts of your brain, in a more accelerated rate. Literally all the brain will be induced to regenerate to its complete function and health again. It will combine the brain's capacity for regeneration naturally but accelerated, plus the pure healing properties on the energy of the audio itself. It can even help recover from damage by addictions, since the grey and dark matter of the brain will be regenerated. Another side benefits of this is that it will as well heal and regenerate the neurons and nerves in the brain. And the energies will work with the brain to rewire it to a bettter enhanced functioning and capacity beyond the normal state it has previously.  All intended to make your brain new again and working even better!

Mechanics of the program: Induce and cause stem cells to regenerate the brain and as well induce some of them to differentiate into new brain cells. The energies will also interact semi-physically alone to heal it and restore the damaged neurons and nerves. And the last part is energy that will works with the brain directly to rewire it into a new enhanced pattern of function and capacity.

Listen 1-3 times a day and drink water as your brain will need it as the recovery take place. 

Enjoy your new brain!




I'm asking because I heard your field is different. I'm listening to your energy field 22 energy fields a day. How many different energy fields can your field hear per day? Up to how many a day


I ask because your field is special. Because your field is different from other creators.


Hello Cat Listening to 22 fields seems too much for your body to process properly, and some might not really deliver result because of the energy saturation. I would say that 2-9 fields is enough, depending on the nature of field. Fields like protein, hormones, etc of ephemeral nature, are okay to listen sometimes, not a necessary to listen constantly because it can cause over effects. Though those that obviously take a time, like healing, enhancement, development etc of "permanency" nature should be listened carefully and with more emphasis than ephemeral ones. Though as well should have some pause, for your energy to process it, like 1-2 days of pause.


And generally just 1-2 times a day is enough for most fields, since they are built without limits of safety or protection, it will depend on you manually to adjust how you want to use the file by recommendation or overusing. Since having to many fields play per day may cause energetic saturation, you will definitely notice delays or even don't notice effects from some. It's possibly you still get results, though in most cases your own energetic system close itself by regulation of how many stimuli it can take for a period of time. Boosted or files stronger than normal ones, should be used in less frequency per day than normal ones. Sometimes 1 to 3 listen will worth and have more effects than listening 4 or more.