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Here is a Semen Retention energetic audio requested by many male. This is divided into 3 sections, which is: Sperm production, Multiplication effect, and energy boosts. The intent behind this is to provide a field of semen retention that works even if you somehow fail in the journey, putting you in the same day as if you were months into it.

So what the audio will do: Stimulate FSH(Follicle Stimulating Hormone) to reach ideal levels for spermatogenesis(Sperm Production), as well as sensitive the receptors for these hormones. Then it will stimulate the spermatogenesis to take effect in a rate of 10-12x faster than normal, as well the same process for development to maturity cells, which is the phase where it starts to show good benefits of SR. This might as well slightly improve sexual function, but not by intended, just the process going for spermatogenesis. It will as well, equal and multiplicate the benefits of 1 day of semen retention as if you did for 100 to 365 days(1 year, yeah crazy but anyway). So every day of using multiply according with the usage. It also may trigger several pheromones response on the body naturally due to the process of FSH stimulation, which in turn might increase female to male attraction. And the last section, the increase of aura and energy, which will increase your personal aura power(that which everyone can sense on long streaks of SR/Nofap) and as well increase the masculine energy. It might as well increase your willpower and confidence(mild but cultivator).

So it's it. There are no hormone boosts except stimulation of FSH, and is pure of general hormonal manipulation, meaning the hormones of your body may have to work itself to make the processes mentioned. But it will work anyway.

Recommend 1-3 times a day or few listens every once in a while to keep things interesting on your journey. This is for any men on SR journey or starting it or relapsing. With regular usage of this, even if a few listen in every week, you might feel strong effects of what is to accomplish long streaks of SR even if you are just in few days on it. Be ready to put your creative power to worthy usage and transmutate into it success!

Enjoy and transcend!




Safe to loop?

Greek Oak

This looks pretty amazing.thanks Do I need to buy the boosted version from Gumroad or I will be ok with the patreon version my friend?


Depends on your needs. The Gumroad one is a little more powerful and have 1-2 extra features, while this one have the basic and natural features that may suit generally.