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Here in this audio, it was designed to help infuse and fill you with the feeling of Hope and energy. It's a little different from previous fields/audios since it's much more conceptually directed than physical changes or mental. But anyway, it may provoke things to happen at its due time kinda like a miracle and unexpected way. This will work more towards inducing the energy of hope by spreading over your being and from this possible manifest it emotionally at physical level, with chances of creating a "miracle" from itself.

What the audio will do is: Infuse and fill your heart, soul and mind with overwhelming hope, and keep accumulating it as well in your aura. It should spread to your arounds to people as well through your aura that will be filled with Hope. This will possibly manifest physically in a form of miracle. Though miracles are regarded as some event that is unexpected or out of human understanding, in other words a supernatural feat through outside intervention. This might just use the hope accumulated in yourself and make it a miracle when you need it the most. This possible might give you some strong willpower in result of the whole process going in yourself induced by the audio.

So this might be used how many times you want. And to see actual physical results of this might seem hard but maybe you can notice any slight difference in your mood and pay attention to the events overall and how they unfold for you. Miracles usually happen when we are right about to give up, then something happens to change it. In this case, your truest belief(Hope), might provoke things to happen other than intervention by outside forces. 

If you are down emotionally or in despair/desperate, this might be a good tool for you to turn situations around. You can save yourself and make things happens. Just have a Will and the willpower to pursue them and events might start working for you.

Good Luck! 



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